Seven Myths About Good Eating Habits
By: Sheila Ffloyd
In many ways, our bodies are like precision machines. They have thousands of intricate parts that work together as a team to make an amazing whole. But like any machine, our bodies need regular fuel and maintenance.
Your body needs to be fueled with the right nutrients in order to run at its maximum capacity. Following good eating habits is important to your overall health, but you also need to be able to sift through the layers of poor information.
There are seven big myths about good eating habits, and here we address them:
1. "Working out on an empty stomach is best." Myth. Your stomach is rumbling for a reason: it wants a bit more fuel before you go to the gym. Ignoring the message will force your main engine to run on empty. So have a small snack, such as a piece of fruit, before undertaking physical exercise.
2. "Energy drinks and bars make good meal replacements." Ooops, another myth. In a pinch, or when you are traveling, they might help, but meal replacement bars or drinks are nowhere near equivalent to proper food. You need antioxidants, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and so much more, so grab some fruit and vegetables for the boost you need.
3. "Breakfast can be skipped." Nope. Mom was definitely right on this one, and breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. Give your body the morning charge up it needs to deal with your crazy schedule. Skipping breakfast means you start the day with low fuel, and will feel sluggish and mentally slow all day long.
4. "Low-carb diets offer all the nutrients you need." While low-carb diets can be beneficial for weight loss, they are not great for all-around good health. Your body needs carbohydrates to store energy and develop muscle tissue.
5. "Just eat what you want, whenever you want." Sorry, life is not that easy! Just because you exercise regularly, and make some good choices around food, does not give you license to eat whatever you want. The key is balancing all the choices. Eating all cheese and wheat products one week, and all fruit and veggies the next is not going to lead to a healthy body.
6. "Cut as many calories as you can." While losing weight does involve cutting calories, you should never run on too short a fuel supply. Trim your calories wisely, and aim for a healthy weight loss of one or two pounds per week. If you start to drop weight too quickly, add a little more food to bring your daily calorie count up.
7. "Forget soda pop and alcohol." This one's true! Good drinking is a big part of good overall eating. Why add to the profits of companies selling sugar water with artificial flavor and color added? Tap water is healthy, and juice and milk are also great choices. Drink small amounts all day and evening long, as much as you can comfortably ingest. (But note that the "rule" of 8 glasses a day is not really based on scientific research, but is another myth that has been repeated millions of times.) Avoid dehydration by sipping frequently.
Good eating habits begin with a solid understanding of proper diet. When you change what you eat, you'll be taking an important step toward improving your overall wellness. Fuel up and keep your motor running for optimum performance today, and down the road.
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