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Wine, Beer May Trigger Asthma

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Drinking wine may not be a good idea for those with asthma. Experts say some brands may trigger the disease.

Adult asthmatics may not tolerate preservatives in wine and beer while children may be allergic to cow’s milk, eggs, wheat, and peanuts.

This doesn’t mean you should starve though. Bear in mind that only 2 percent of adults and 8 percent of children are truly allergic to a given food or additive. Of all the asthma triggers, food is the least important. To be on the safe side, observe what happens when you take a particular food. If that food triggers an attack, by all means avoid it.

Keeping fit can put you at risk for asthma. This can happen in about 85 percent of asthmatics. Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) is usually triggered by physical activity and may begin a few minutes after you start exercising. Symptoms resolve within 20 to 30 minutes.

Exercise, however, shouldn’t be avoided since it has many benefits. Aside from keeping you fit, it helps your lungs. To avoid EIA, choose an exercise that’s right for you. If you can’t tolerate running, try swimming.

Warm up before exercising. Begin with short workouts and gradually increase them. Don’t exercise in cold weather. If you must, wear a scarf around your nose and mouth. And don’t forget to take a bronchodilator before exercising to prevent an attack.

Asthmatic airways are also sensitive to viral infections like the common cold. Asthma can likewise be aggravated by bronchitis (the inflammation of the bronchial tubes), sinusitis, rhinitis (the inflammation of the nasal passages), tonsillitis, and nasal polyps (fluid-filled sacs in the nose).

Be alert for warning signs like a runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches and pains. See a doctor if you have any of these problems. He or she may prescribe medicines to prevent asthma from developing. You may also need to increase your asthma medications, especially inhaled steroids, to prevent an attack.

Since asthma triggers are found everywhere, where can an asthmatic go? It does seem that triggers are all around us but remember that asthmatics have different triggers. What triggers an attack in one person may not harm another.

So the rule of thumb is to know your triggers and do your best to avoid them. Once you know what’s causing your problem and prepare for it, you can do anything without ever worrying about asthma. Above all, don’t forget to take your medicines. They’ve been prescribed to prevent attacks and will help you live a normal life.

Can asthma be cured? The answer lies in the sixth part of our series. Don’t miss it!

Since obesity is bad for asthmatics, keep your weight down to a healthy level. You can do this with the help of Zyroxin, a safe and natural supplement that will maximize your weight loss through its unique fat-burning ingredients. For details, visit http://www.zyroxin.com.

About the Author:

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.healthnfitnesszone.com.

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How Orthodox Medicine Contrasts With Alternative Medicine

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Orthodox Medicine is provider-dominated with a narrow range of choice; by contrast, Alternative Medicine is a marketplace offering a vast and growing range of choices. But the difference between Alternative and Orthodox Medicine is clear enough;Orthodox Medicine is based upon the scientific study of disease processes (or is working towards this goal), while Alternative medical systems have non-scientific approaches based on spiritual, mystical, or otherwise intuitive insights. But much Orthodox Medicine is not evidence based either.

Orthodox Medicine

Orthodox Medicine seeks to fix or repair, and not to support. Orthodox medical practitioners do an invaluable job within their area of expertise, as do holistic practitioners. Orthodox Medicine is well organized, unbelievably well funded, and has total control over the news media due to the massive amounts of advertising dollars spent by the pharmaceutical industry AKA "Big Pharma".

Orthodox Medicine is provider-dominated with a narrow range of choices; by contrast, Alternative Medicine is a marketplace offering a vast and growing range of choices. Orthodox Medicine resembles a highly restricted but nutritionally-balanced diet; Alternative therapies are like an endless pick-and-mix banquet from which the consumer selects what they fancy, taste it, then decide whether to eat more or try something else. Orthodox Medicine has evolved from its founding principles into a model that is today, based on disease care. Orthodox Medicine treats the body (person) in isolated parts and believes it has the power and knowledge to fix an innate (natural) system by interfering in its normal homeostasis (whole body balance) using powerful man-made chemicals. Orthodox Medicine has never been a model about health.

Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine, on the other hand, is very poorly organized, equally poorly funded, disjointed, and severely persecuted by Orthodox Medicine. Alternative practitioners may learn homeopathy, herbalism, kinesiology, electrodiagnosis, chiropractics, osteopathy, aromatherapy, reflexology, body works, iridology, cymatics, gem therapy, electro-magnettherapy, colour therapy, nutritional therapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, stress release,counselling etc. Alternative Medicine fits very well with some of the dominant attributes of modern society because it is characterized by continual generation of choice and depends upon the mass media for dissemination of information.


Since the goal of Orthodox Medicine is simply to remove symptoms of disease rather than attain a condition of optimum health, the elimination of symptoms becomes an end in itself rather than a means of identifying and correcting the underlying cause of disease. The direction in which Orthodox Medicine is progressing is abundantly clear. Firstly,if Orthodox Medicine is to begin to accept responsibility for treatment of lifestyle diseases then it must cease its interventionist approach and utilise the traditional caring and supportive approach of holistic medicine.

While Orthodox Medicine is clearly superior to holistic medicine for the treatment of serious trauma and acute or life threatening diseases, holistic medicine, with its fundamentally supportive nature and its ability to embrace the importance of nutrition, is much more effective when it comes to promoting healing and preventing further illness in the future. It is in this area particularly where accurate diagnosis and a high level of co-operation between Alternative Medicine and Orthodox medicine is highly desirable.

Submitted by Richard H. Ealom Author of this article and the creator of "Free Articles On Diseases: How To Prevent and Cure Them" website. 93 Disease specific websites with extensive information on Alternative and Orthodox methods and products to increase your understanding of treatment and curing diseases.Please visit http://rainydrops.com/alternative-orthodox.php

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Mrsa Staph Infection

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Mrsa or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a bacterium that can and has caused serious infections. It is resistant to numerous antibiotics of the beta-lactam family, including methicillin and penicillin. It belongs to the large group of bacteria known as Staphylococci, often referred to as staph. About 25%-30% of all people have staph within the nose, but it normally does not cause an infection. In contrast, only about 1% of the population have mrsa.

Infections with are most common in hospitals and other institutional health-care settings, such as nursing homes, where they tend to strike older people, those who are very ill, and people with a weakened immune system. In health-care settings, it is a frequent cause of surgical wound infections, urinary tract infections, bloodstream infections (sepsis), and pneumonia.

These outbreaks, however, are appearing increasingly in the community. Infections can occur in people who have not been hospitalized or had a medical procedure performed in the past year, and who do not have immune deficiency. These infections are termed community-associated infections (CA-MRSA). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 12% of the infections are now community-associated, but this percentage can vary by community and patient population.

Community-associated infections usually affect the skin, causing pimples and boils in otherwise healthy people. Infected areas may be red, swollen, painful, and have pus or other drainage. Mrsa is typically transmitted from people with active infections. This and other staph infections are primarily transmitted by the hands, which may become contaminated by contact with colonized or infected people or items or surfaces contaminated with body fluids containing Mrsa. Skin-to-skin contact, cuts or abrasions of the skin, contaminated items and surfaces, crowded living conditions, and poor hygiene have all been associated with the transmission of this infection in the community.

If you believe you have a staph infection, visit your health-care provider. Most staph and mrsa infections can be treated with antibiotics, but skin lesions may also be treated by drainage of the lesion under sterile conditions. Infections that have been treated can recur and require further treatment. Good hygiene is the most effective way to prevent infections and to prevent the recurrence of treated lesions. Hands should be kept clean by frequent washings or use of hand-sanitizer lotions. Openings in the skin such as cuts should be kept clean and covered until healed. Contact with other peoples' skin wounds should be avoided, and personal care items such as towels and razors should not be shared with others.

Natural forms of prevention and cures are available in this Ebook MRSA: The Superbug http://www.lulu.com/content/1399882

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_R._Celestine

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Fascinating and Important Cancer Facts

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Every year, the American cancer society releases facts and figures on cancer cases around the world. The figures explore subjects such as rates by region, leading causes of cancer, survival rate for each type and comparison between death rates for developing nations versus developed nations. The information gives us a fascinating look at the details of this deadly disease. In this article, I will explore some of the most interesting facts from the 2007 findings. We will focus mostly on statistics in developed nations, since rates of cancer are unfortunately statistically much higher in developing countries.

Cancer cases and mortality rate for 2007 and beyond
The findings estimate that for 2007 there was a total of 12 million new cancer cases worldwide. Out of these 12 million cases, 7.6 million resulted with the patients losing their lives. This figure amounts to an astonishing 20 000 deaths per day. This figure is expected to more than double by 2050. In 2050, there will be 27 million new cases per year and a total of 17.5 million deaths for the year. The article attributes this increase mostly to the world's aging population.

Cancer Trends
In underdeveloped countries, stomach and cervix cancers are some of the most frequent type of cancers. This is mostly due to chronic infections in these regions. These types of cancers are less common in developed countries where chronic infectious are not an issue. In developed countries, the use of tobacco, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity leads to other type's cancers such as lung & bronchus, breast, and colorectal cancers.

Preventing Cancer
The findings point to the fact that anyone, anywhere and at any time can develop cancer. But it is also estimates that 50% of cancers are avoidable. Some types of cancers can be prevented by eliminating tobacco or alcohol use. Healthy diets and staying in shape is also a great way of reducing the chance of getting cancer. Cancers like colorectal and cervix can be avoided by early detection and removal of pre-cancerous lesions.

Leading cancers for 2007
Worldwide the 3 most common cancers for women were Breast cancer with 1,301,867 new cases, Cervix & Colon cancer with 555,094 cases and Lung & Bronchus with 536,662 cases. For men, the most common cancers were Lung & Bronchus with 1,108,731 new cases, prostate with 782,647 cases and stomach cancer with 691,432 new cases. The article mentions that the risk of being diagnosed increases with age. In developed countries, 78% of new cancer diagnoses occur with individuals who are 55 years old or older.

The most important finding that we can obtain from these statistics, is the fact that worldwide 50% of all cancers are avoidable. With a combination of education and social policies that encourage healthy lifestyles, we could substantially reduce the amount of cases of this horrible disease.

To learn more, visit cancer research.

Paul Javonich maintains a cancer resource site specializing in cancer research. To learn more, visit www.ResearchCancerCenter.com A website that specializes in cancer research.

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Infertile women with PCOS consider various fertility treatments

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PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a major cause of infertility. A symptom of the condition, often referred to as polycystic ovaries, can be nine or fewer menstrual cycles per year. This is the result of the ovaries failing to produce hormones that keep the menstrual cycle regular. When women with PCOS have infrequent or no ovulation, they may be unable to become pregnant. Many women suffering from PCOS seek fertility treatment (more information about infertility can be found at http://www.pcos.insulitelabs.com/PCOS-and-Infertility.php).

Most heterosexual women with PCOS try Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART) before proceeding to in vitro fertilization (IFV). ART does not have the risks or the costs of IVF. Since the main reason women with PCOS have trouble conceiving is erratic menstrual cycles, ovulation induction is the most common ART method used.

Ovulation induction often involves taking Clomid, one of the most popular fertility drugs prescribed, to encourage ovulation by stimulating ovary follicles. Women with PCOS may be all too familiar with Clomid side-effects: mood swings, hot flashes and headaches and may choose an alternative fertility drug after several unsuccessful cycles, or move on to IVF.

Artificial insemination (AI), another form of Assisted Reproductive Therapy, involves the injection of sperm, either from a known donor (this person may be the woman's unmarried partner, a friend or even family member of the non-biological partner) or from a donor bank, directly into the cervix or uterus. AI is not typically used in heterosexual couples where PCOS is the only obstacle to conception. AI is a common treatment when the male has a low sperm count or the female suffers from endometriosis.

Because PCOS seems to be more prevalent among lesbians (http://www.pcos.insulitelabs.com/PCOS-and-Lesbians.php), female couples opting for a combination of ART and artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization over adoption may be more likely to face the challenges of conceiving with PCOS. And with the recent "Gayby Boom," the trend of lesbians and gays becoming parents, the number of lesbians undergoing ART and IVF is on the rise.

"Each year we're seeing an annual increase of about 50 percent in the number of same-sex couples coming to us for IVF to have their children and build their families," said Dr. Samuel Pang, Medical Director of the Reproductive Science Center of New England.

In vitro fertilization is a complex, expensive procedure used as a last resort when all other methods of assisted conception have failed. One cycle of IVF may cost as much as $12,000. Risks include: Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb), multiple pregnancy, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and the possibility of increased risk for ovarian cancer. IFV success rates vary from clinic to clinic. The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), representing over 85% of ART clinics in the United States, provides national statistics of member clinics (go to http://www.sart.org/find_frm.html for more information on national statistics of member clinics).

Before undergoing ART, women with PCOS may consider non-pharmaceutical methods to achieve conception. One of the underlying causes of PCOS is insulin resistance (go to http://www.pcos.insulitelabs.com/Root-Cause-of-Insulin-Resistance.php for more information about insulin resistance), and when this condition is reversed natural conception may be achieved. Non-pharmaceutical methods include: a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, with lots of green vegetables and fruits, specific exercises to increase insulin sensitivity, nutraceuticals (vitamins, minerals and herbs that are disease specific) to balance blood sugar or a complete system that incorporates all of these elements.

You Tube Video of a Woman suffering from PCOS tells her story of conceiving naturally, after ART failures, using a systematic approach to reverse insulin resistance and PCOS symptoms. Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgvStXC4-0o if you'd like to watch her testimonial.

References U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (http://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Publications/art/2004ART508.pdf) 2004 Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates

American Reproductive Medical Society Fertility and Sterility (http://www.fertstert.org/current) November 2007 | Vol. 88, No. 5 (http://www.fertstert.org/current)

About the Author

Dr. Andrea Lee is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing at Arizona Advanced Medicine http://www.azadvancedmed.com/ in Scottsdale, where she treats a number of women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) among other conditions. As a member of Insulite Laboratories’ Medical & Advisory team, Dr. Lee provides guidance and coaching to individuals who contact the Insulite Support Network, including those using the various Insulite Systems.

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Regular Check-Up for Prevention of Cancer

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1. Women should have a breast examination by a doctor every three years after the age of 20, and every year after the age of 40, and self-examination every month. Also, a woman after the age of 40 should undergo mammography every 1-2 years. It is an ideal tool for detecting breast cancer while a tumour is very small, less than 1.00 cm, before it can be felt. More frequent mammography is required in women who have a family history of breast cancer. It may be noted that with this procedure breast cancer can be detected almost three years earlier than it would otherwise be detected on physical I clinical examination. It involves a very low I limited as well as safe exposure to radiation. Mass realization in this respect is urgently required.

2. Self-examination of the testes should be done by men every month after the age of 40.

3. A Papanicolaou's smear (commonly called Pap smear) is recommended, every year, after the age of 40, for the exclusion of the cancer of the cervix in females. This test plays an effective role in detecting precancerous and cancerous cervical lesions. It is valuable in a cervical cancer screening programme. An ultrasound, preferably transvaginal sonography, should also be carried out to rule out the malignancy of the uterus, especially of the cervix.

4. Both in men and women, digital-rectal examination (DRE) and proctoscopy examination, should be done every year after the age of 40, to exclude the possibility of cancer of the rectum and the anal canal. DRE examination will also be useful for diagnosing the cancer of the prostate (especially those with a family history of prostate cancer). If possible, even though it is a bit cumbersome, a colonoscopy I sigmoidoscopy examination should be carried out every 3-5 years, to exclude cancer of the colon and of the rectum. A simple test of stool for blood or RBC, and if need be occult blood, is also required, at least yearly.

5. Examination of the urine for blood/RBC, or occult blood should be done every year in both sexes after the age of 40, for an early detection of cancer of the urinary tract. In females, urine tests should not be done during menstruation period as the blood may then contaminate the urine. More precisely, ultrasonography of the urinary tract is required.

6. Ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen may be done every year, especially after the age of 40, to exclude malignancy of the various organs of the abdomen, including prostate. It is a safe test and has no radiation hazards, unlike X-ray ICT scan.

7. Chest X-rays may be carried out yearly after middle age, especially of those who are prone to the cancer of the lings like chronic smokers, to exclude asymptomatic lesion of this disease.

It is important to discuss here some of the related topics, and provide some relevant information about the female breast and the use of female hormones with special reference to malignancy. However, it is no less important to study some of the details about the male breast, including carcinoma of the male breast, which, if it develops, spreads much more rapidly than cancer of the female breast.

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The Crucial Reason Behind Using Bleach to Kill Mold

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If you have found mold in your home, then you need to get to work on question that how to kill mold? You think of getting rid of it as soon as possible. Mold is not only unattractive to look at but as well can be extremely dangerous to the health of you and your family. There are a few things that you are going to need to know if you want to know how to kill mold.

Remedies of how kill mold include, cleaning the area infested with mold with a mixture of water and bleach. Mix one cup of bleach with about a gallon of water and immerse or leave the bleach mixture for approximately 20 minutes and then thoroughly scrub the place down. It is also best to dry the area up by wiping it dry and blow drying it completely. This works well for smaller areas but if the extent of the damage is rather large, please leave it to the professionals.

The Well Accepted Answer to the Question of Does Bleach Kill Mold:

The most common answer to the question, "does bleach kill mold?" is a big no. A mixture of 1 cup strong bleach and a gallon of water with some detergent mixed in can get rid of molds, although, some house mold may still be present in the wood where they are attached. In cases like these where the molds have virtually seeped into the wood, you must change the wood of the ceiling or wall to avoid repeat infestation of the molds. Some house mold is resistant to disinfectant and may just be temporarily stopped from growing by the application of the disinfectant.

It is also best to expose the area infested by mold or any kind of mold to the sun or a bright light so as to dry them out. The area should also be ventilated so that the molds will not strike again. The safest way to treat molds is to assume that they are deadly to you. It is best to wear protective gear, like gloves and a breathing mask when cleaning.

A Complete Solution:

You also want to test the outward airflow from each heating and cooling duct register in your home, looking for elevated levels of airborne spores. This is because if there is a serious toxic mold infestation anywhere in the building, airborne mold spores from such mold locations will usually enter and contaminate the heating and cooling equipment present as well as the rest of the building.

Another important step when it comes to learning how to kill mold is to find and locate all of the toxic mold infestations, and you can only do this by completing a thorough, all-around mold inspection and through mold testing.

Safety is a priority when doing your own mold removal. Do not touch the mold or inhale in their vicinity since spores may enter your nasal passages or land on your oral cavity. Wear protective gear when doing your house mold removal.

You can also find more info on mold inspector and toxic mold growing. ToxicBlackMoldHelp.org is a comprehensive resource to help individuals to test and inspect, identify health symptoms and removal of toxic black mold.

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Bruxism Causes and Cures

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By: Kathy Joyce

Bruxism is a sleep disorder that causes sufferers to grind their teeth while asleep. It affects over 20 million people and if left untreated can wear down your teeth and cause headaches, and ear ache. Bruxism can also lead to jaw pain and if you have any existing dental health problems it could make them much worse. Over the long term bruxism can eventually wear away the enamel on your teeth causing sensitivity to hot and cold foods. Eating ice cream or drinking hot tea could become very painful.

What causes bruxism? It seems that many people who suffer from sleep apnea also suffer from bruxism. Sleep apnea is when someone stops breathing for a very short time during sleep and is associated with loud snoring. Bruxism can be caused by stress, making your jaw muscles stiff and tense. You could try relaxation exercises to ease your tension and try and resolve the issues that are making you stressed. Regular daily exercise can help to ease stress as it releases endorphins which are natural painkillers that also produce feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Smoking and drinking to much alcohol or caffeine can also aggravate the condition as they are all stimulants. Try cutting back on coffee especially a few hours before you go to bed. You could try drinking decaffeinated coffee instead.

Bruxism can be a side effect of prescription drugs such as anti depressants. Dental malocclusion is when the teeth are not properly aligned and don't fit together. This condition may result in bruxism with a subconscious reaction to the abnormality by grinding the teeth into correct alignment. Regular check ups at your dentist should reveal any underlying dental problems and prompt treatment will save a lot of problems in the future. If your dentist suspects that you suffer from bruxism he will probably recommend a mouth guard for you to wear at night preventing you from grinding your teeth in your sleep.

Stop grinding your teeth at night and save on expensive dental bills. Discover the causes and cures of bruxism and other sleep disorders at www.sleep-disorders.org.uk

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Simple Effective Diet For Slim Abs

By Benjamin Wise

Have you been following a rigorous diet for slim abs and not losing weight? More than likely it is possible that you are not following a proper diet. There may be some common mistakes that stand as obstacles to your goal of losing weight.

A lot of diet experts point out that even when you're "on a diet," it is possible that you may be eating a lot more calories than you believe. Sometimes, there will be a disconnect between what we believe is the right step to lose weight, and what we actually end up doing in the process of dieting.

In the process you tend to miss out on realizing just how quickly calories add up around your hips, waist and stomach. Do you know that eating while cooking, having the morning kick off with a great cup of coffee and eating the leftovers after dinner all go a long way to add to those love handles and excess fat around your stomach? These are the habits that you may overlook.

Always remember to have three meals a day. Start your day with a healthy breakfast so that you can eat less during noon and lesser during evening. Remember, a low-fat muffin for breakfast may actually add 400 calories so consider carefully what you eat for breakfast.

An ideal and healthy breakfast requires protein as well as fiber. Have an egg, a piece of whole-wheat toast, and a fruit for breakfast. It would be just 250 calories but you wont be hungry till after lunchtime. Here you are a couple of diet plans to give you an idea and help you on your way to loosing weight.

Diet Plan One

Breakfast Have just a bowl of oatmeal, using skimmed non fat milk.

Mid-morning A small bowl of active cultures yogurt.

Lunch A tuna sandwich, served with olives, salad, and capers.

Mid-afternoon A small bowl of flavored active cultures yogurt garnished with some toasted pistachios or almonds

Dinner Grilled fillet steak, grilled burgers with a table spoon tangy tomato salsa then a little baked potato with a table spoon of sour cream.

Dessert Garnish Grapes using a little sour cream and brown sugar, grilled.

Two hours before bed A glass of warm milk, two fruit slices.

Diet Plan Two

Breakfast A bowl of oats with nonfat milk.

Mid-morning A small serving of active cultures yogurt.

Lunch A tomato omelets (comprising 2 yolks, 3 whites) with a plain-dressed salad.

Mid-afternoon A glass of nonfat milk with half a teaspoon of honey.

Dinner Grilled chicken breast, baked potatoes with a dash of sour cream or carrot puree.

Dessert Fruit salad with 3 rings of roasted pineapple. No cream.

Two hours before bed Have an apple, a apple and three or four almonds. You can also have a small cup of milk with honey.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Benjamin_Wise

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Causes & Effects of Lead Poisoning


Lead is a highly toxic metal found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. Because of its relative abundance, low cost, and physical properties, lead and lead based compounds are frequently used in a wide variety of products including paint, ceramics, pipes, solders, gasoline, batteries, and cosmetics.

Both adults and children can suffer from the effects of lead poisoning, but childhood lead poisoning is much more frequent. Lead poisoning leads to a medical condition, also known as saturnism or plumbism (which is a toxic condition produced by the absorption of excessive lead into the system) or painter's colic, caused by increased blood lead levels. Lead may cause irreversible neurological damage as well as renal disease, cardiovascular effects, and reproductive toxicity.

Lead contamination can happen through deteriorating paint, household dust, bare soil, air, drinking water, food, ceramics, home remedies, hair dyes and other cosmetics. While lead paint that is in intact condition does not pose an immediate concern, lead paint that is allowed to deteriorate creating a lead-based paint hazard. It can contaminate household dust as well as bare soil around the house. In either situation, any person or animal that comes into contact with lead-contaminated dust or soil is easily poisoned. All it takes is the lead dust equivalent of a single grain of salt for a child to register an elevated blood lead level.

The lead produced by vehicle emissions continue to pose a serious threat even today as lead use goes unchecked in many countries across the globe. Much of the lead emitted by vehicles is directly inhaled by humans and a significant part remains in the soil where it keeps on accumulating over the years, especially near busy roads & highways. Not just humans, plants and animals are also equally contaminated with lead and may enter our food chain. Even our pets can come into contact with lead-contaminated soil and cause human exposure to lead.

The symptoms of chronic lead poisoning include neurological problems, such as reduced cognitive abilities, or nausea, abdominal pain, irritability, insomnia, metal taste in oral cavity, excess lethargy or hyperactivity, headache and, in extreme cases, seizure and coma.

Lead is known to affect peripheral and central nervous system. The most common sign of peripheral neuropathy due to chronic lead poisoning is painless wristdrop i.e. weakness of the extensor muscles of hand which usually develops after many weeks of exposure to lead. A direct link between early lead exposure & learning disability has been confirmed by multiple studies & child advocacy groups.

In humans, lead toxicity sometimes causes the formation of a bluish line along the gums, which is known as the "Burton's line", although it is quite uncommon in teenagers. Blood film examination may reveal "basophilic stippling" of red blood cells, as well as the changes normally associated with iron deficiency anemia i.e. microcytosis & hypochromia.

Lead has no known biological role in the body. The toxicity comes from its ability to mimic other biologically important metals, the most notable of which are calcium, iron and zinc. Lead is able to bind to and interact with the same proteins and molecules which can bind with metals and this interaction may cause those molecules to function differently. As a result, some set of reactions fail to attain completion e.g. disability of an enzyme function which is necessary for certain biological process.

About the Author:

This Article is written by Tarun Gupta, the author of TestCountry Health Information Resources, a longer version of this article is located at Lead Poisoning, and resources from other home health and wellness testing sources are used such as Health Hazards Detection Kits.

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