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Common Allergy Symptoms

by Richard Garden

Do you suspect that you may be suffering from allergies? If you do, you may be looking for a confirmation. After all, some individuals believe that they do not need to seek medical attention if they are able to diagnosis themselves. This is true in some cases, as long as your allergy symptoms are not severe.

As for how you can go about determining whether or not you are suffering from allergies, you will want to be on the lookout for common allergy symptoms. This is one of the easiest ways to determine if you should schedule a visit with a doctor or if you should start making lifestyle changes. If you are interested in learning what some of the common symptoms of allergies are, you have a number of different options. It is easy to research the most common symptoms of allergies online. You can find a number of trusted medical websites with a standard internet search. You can also find printed medical books available in your local library or for sale in many book stores. The easiest way, however, is to continue reading on

According to WebMD, a trusted medical website, most allergy sufferers only experience mild to moderate allergy symptoms when having an allergic reaction. As for mild allergic reactions, common symptoms include chest congestion, itchy eyes, watery eyes, and a rash. As for moderate allergic reactions, symptoms tend to include itchy eyes, watery eyes, a rash, chest congestion, an itchy feeling over most of the body, as well as difficultly breathing. Although most mild to moderate allergy symptoms can be treated at home, without a visit to a doctor's office or the hospital, you should seek medical attention if you ever find it difficult to breathe, as you don't want to your symptoms to escalate.

Although severe allergic reactions are not as common as mild to moderate symptoms, they are the most dangerous. That is why if you suffer from allergies and find that your symptoms are getting worse, a home diagnosis is okay, as long as you still seek medical treatment. This is important if you suspect that you have a food allergy, as they are often much more severe, as far as allergic reactions are concerned. As for severe allergic reactions, they can include swelling, difficulty breaking, vomiting, diarrhea, painful cramps, dizziness, and a loss of consciousness. If medical attention is not sought immediately following a severe allergic action, death may result.

As previously stated, it is more than possible for you to examine your symptoms to see if they are the result of allergies. With in mind, you may still want to schedule a visit with an individual in the medical field. This is because you may receive a stronger prescription medication, which may be able to provide you with the best relief. Even if you aren't given a prescription, your doctor will still likely give you tips and recommendations. For example, he or she may recommend an over-the-counter allergy relief medication or they may even suggest natural ways that you can seek relief. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to visit your doctor, as no harm can come from doing so.

As reminder, if you suspect that suffer from a food allergy or if you have a severe allergic reaction, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Mild to moderate symptoms can be treated at home, but try avoiding trigger factors.

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Why You Have Fibroids, and How To Shrink Them On Your Own

By: Stuart Spangenberg

The incidence of uterine fibroids could be as high 80% of all women in the U.S. While the majority of women usually have no symptoms, 1 in 4 will have symptoms severe enough to require treatment. Fibroids can cause problems in pregnancy, create chronic pain, make intercourse intolerable, cause excessive bleeding and in extreme cases dramatically enlarge the abdomen.

While surgery can attack the fibroids in different ways, each procedure has its drawbacks. However, the main problem is that surgery does not address the common reason a woman has fibroid tumors to begin with.

The growth of fibrotic tissue is driven by one of two things: trauma (such as an injury that formed scar tissue) and excessive ESTROGEN. Many post-menopausal women will ask, "How can this be? I don't produce estrogen as I used to." This is a good question. The answer is that there has to be a balance between PROGESTERONE and estrogen. Without adequate levels of progesterone, whatever amount of estrogen present dominates the receptor sites of cells and drives the growth of fibrotic tissue. Our modern environment, diet and pharmaceuticals have created a crisis of hormone imbalance in both men and women, girls and boys that can be traced to excessive levels of estrogen.

Therefore, the treatment for uterine fibroid tumors must address the problem of estrogen dominance. If this underlying cause is ignored, fibroids will simply return, even after being surgically removed.

Returning the body to a more balanced hormone profile is not very difficult. Women must avoid all hormone drugs such as oral or implanted contraception, Women must avoid hormone replacement therapy that involves estrogen in any amount. Bio-identical hormone replacement may be acceptable depending upon where a woman is in the process of treating fibroids.

Estrogen is everywhere! Balancing the progesterone-estrogen balance means avoiding foods high in estrogen (yes, even phyto-estrogen). The top offenders are flax and soy. Food and oil products from these two are the biggest food sources of estrogen.

Forget all you have heard about the miracles of soy and flax. Both foods have good things to offer, however the bad thing - estrogen - outweighs any positive benefit derived from having them in your diet. Most of what we have learned about flax and soy has been part of a campaign by the big agribusinesses seeking markets for their top product.

Avoid exposure to chemicals that mimic estrogen (xenoestrogens) such as pesticides, herbicides, and fumes from solvents.

Supplement progesterone by using only pure, natural progesterone cream without additives. Be aware that many creams contain soy! Taking an herbal formula called Myomin has been shown to metabolize unhealthy estrogens and inhibit aromatase, a key enzyme involved in the synthesis of estrogen. For women and men, this action prevents the conversion of testosterone into unhealthy estrogens (estradiol and estrone), and leads to the unhindered production of more good estrogen (estriol) from progesterone, DHEA, and other hormones.

The best approach to shrinking uterine fibroids involves adding a professional systemic enzyme supplement that will lyse away (dissolve) the fibrin in the fibroid tumor.

And to learn more visit www.ShrinkFibroidsFast.com and receive a free 54 min. audio recording.

Stuart Spangenberg, LCSW, P.A. is a licensed psychotherapist, wellness coach and host of the weekly radio show, "Solutions to Aging" on www.HTHRadio.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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The changes needed to cure Cancer, all Cancers

By: Alan Wighton

Cancer requires a great deal of common sense and that is something that very few people are applying when they are first diagnosed with the problem. There is a cure for all cancers but most doctors don’t know about them and the cancer industry doesn’t want you to know about them. People are unaware that the human body possesses a superb system of natural defences against all diseases including cancer and it’s this system you have to use. A healthy body can overcome cancer, just as it can ward off cancer and anybody who disagrees with this statement doesn’t fully understand what a healthy body is.

The cure for cancer is exactly the same as its prevention, a lifestyle that enhances your immune system. Our immune system defends the body against bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders including cancer cells. The immune system is a complicated and poorly understood defence mechanism, but what we do know is that it can destroy cancer cells unless the body has been weakened by poor nutrition, emotional strain or other blocking factors. If the body is well nourished it can and will attack cancer cells.

There is no such thing as a drug to enhance the immune system; there are only natural ways to do that. That’s why they can’t find a successful cure for cancer. Cancer is a deficiency disease because your immune system has been weakened and has allowed cancer cells to take hold, and the only way to become permanently cancer free is to boost it.

The natural way to boost the immune system is a strict diet of the food that has been designed for human consumption, and they are freshly grown fruit and vegetables. The correct food is medicine to the human body, what we put into our body is the foundation of our health. Of course our food we now eat has changed vastly and that is why there is so much cancer nowadays.

Exercise is another very important factor in boosting the immune system. Our immune system is similar to our circulatory system but doesn’t have a pump like the heart. It has to rely on muscular activity to circulate the fluid within the immune system and allow it to function efficiently. We don’t get exercise today thanks to the automobile, the television set and other labour saving devices.

One needs to also look at the toxic chemicals we are in contact with everyday. These chemicals which all come from the petro-chemical industry are found everywhere in the homes we live in, particularly bad ones are personal care products which we apply directly to our skin, where they are absorbed into our body. Once again it’s the toxic chemicals that are suppressing the immune system. We didn’t have these chemicals a hundred years ago and we didn’t have cancer then either.

Lastly there is emotional stress which can have a devastating effect on the immune system and is well known to contribute to the cause of cancer. Emotional stress is not letting go of a problem that is wearing us down so one must seek the help of a councillor in overcoming this type of stress.

True cures for cancer cannot be solved by cutting out body parts or burning the body with radiation and it most certainly cannot be solved by poisoning the body with a chemical as in chemotherapy. A true cure for cancer will only be achieved when a patient stimulates their own body’s defence system.

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years specialising in cancer. For information on the changes needed to cure cancer which is a common sense approach, something that very few people are applying; please visit Alternative Cancer Treatment.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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by Denis G. Biron



What's this menace affecting your hands? Are your hands feeling achy? Do your hands get numb sometimes that you fail to move freely? Has holding a pen or trying to write become a difficult task? Tired of the tingling sensation on your hands? Do you want to 'feel' with your hands again? Are you just fed up with all the pain you're experiencing? Is typing on your keyboard becoming difficult because your hands feel lifeless? Have you heard the term carpal tunnel before? Do you have any idea what is carpal tunnel is all about? Well this article will really give you some insights about carpal tunnel. But you can't. The clock is ticking. Those nerves in your hand needs to be softened and relaxed again to get rid of the pains.


At night, you may awaken with stiff and curl up fingers. If this condition persist, this might lead to a medical condition called as Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) or median neuropathy at the wrist. The palms of your hands and fingers frequently experience burning, itching, numbness and tingling sensation. While a tendon is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone and is capable to withstanding tension.

The carpal tunnel condition has a serious impact on on a person's work and livelihood. The reason symptoms are worse at night may be related to the flexed-wrist sleeping position and/or fluid accumulating around the wrist and hand while lying flat. They also decreased grip strength and may make it difficult to form a fist, grasp small objects, or perform other manual tasks. The carpal tunnel facts.


Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a medical situation of a person whose wrist is compressed in the middle nerves by the pulse. Underlying causes such as diabetes or arthritis should be treated first. If there is inflammation, applying cool packs can help reduce swelling. Those therapy sessions with the docs can be good times too, however, to be free of those weekly visits to the clinic is a way of proving that you are living your life the way you want to live it. To be locked into a routine for your entire life is not fun. Be able to sleep well and soundly without being agitated when your hands and wrists hurts in the middle of your sleep. Take action concerning your carpal tunnel symptoms and learn how to eliminate it your pain for good. Learn the easiest ways of fighting carpal tunnel symptoms now and you will no longer wake during the night with excruciating pain and suffering every hour on the hour. The nerves in the wrists are tightly and uncomfortably pressed together which causes the painful sensations. A wide range of motion stretching that exercises the wrist are advisable. Medication must be taken with a full stomach to avoid abdominal symptom.


> You have hand and wrist pain and want to learn simple stretches and exercises to instantly relieve the tension, burning and tingling. > You want to learn to strengthen the muscles and tendons in your arms and hands easily without using any special exercise equipment or gadgets.


Reduce salt intake if you tend to retain fluid. The carpal tunnel system will tell you the exact causes of carpal tunnel, why you have these pains in your hands and how to avoid doing things you usually do that can make the symptoms worse. You will feel re-born and feel like the carpal tunnel pain was never there at all. Refrain from activities that cause pain in your fingers, hands and wrist. Carpal tunnel pains can occur in your sleep or when you are awake and doing nothing. With painful wrists, medication is usually the first aid in mind. Squeezing a stress ball will also help a lot and not only your wrists but your hands and fingers too. By wearing wrist splint, you are able to keep wrist in a neutral position and decrease stress on your fingers, hands and wrist. Your hands can also feel sweaty and cold at the same time if you have carpal tunnel.


We guarantee that this system will end your carpal nightmares completely. So don't abuse your self, remember our human body has limitation in terms of its function and purpose. Too much strain on the hands and wrists are the usual causes of the carpal tunnel illness.

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Carpal Tunnel Treatment Carpal Tunnel Relief, Why Pay More? Satisfaction Guaranteed Carpal Tunnel

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Breast tumor markers – are they useful?

By: Mai Brooks

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American women. In 2009, approximately 194,280 patients are estimated to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, and 62,280 with carcinoma in situ. An estimated 40,610 will die of this disease. For a woman of average risk, the lifetime incidence of breast cancer is one in eight.

Serum tumor markers for breast cancer used in the clinic include CA 15-3, CEA (carcinoembyonic antigen), and CA 27-29. All have low sensitivity and specificity, and thus not helpful in detecting early breast cancer. CA 15-3 levels are increased in approximately 5-30% of patients with stage 1 disease, 15-50% with stage 2, 60-70% with stage 3, and 65-90% with stage 4. CA 15-3 measurements are also elevated in 15-20% of women with benign breast conditions, 50-60% with liver disease, 20-70% pulmonary malignancies, 15-60% of gastrointestinal/colonic malignancies, and 40-60% of ovarian cancer cases. CEA is more prevalent in colorectal cancer, whereas CA 27-29 is more specific for breast cancer. These three tumor markers have, however, been validated for monitoring treatment in patients with advanced disease, particularly if the cancer cannot be evaluated with conventional imaging. The American Society of Clinical Oncology recommends the use of CEA, CA 15-3 and CA 27-29 only in metastatic settings, whereas the European Group on Tumor Markers recommends their use in disease surveillance in general.

With the current technology, circulating tumor cells have been found in very few cases of early stage breast cancer. Circulating tumor cells detected in both localized and metastatic breast cancer patients have been associated with worse outcome. Circulating tumor cells may also predict response to therapy.

There is much ongoing research to investigate new biomarkers for early detection of breast cancer. Blood-based markers include cells, DNA, RNA, peptides, sugars, and autoantibodies. Breast-based markers such as nipple/ductal fluid and breast fine needle aspiration (FNA) also include cells, DNA, RNA, proteins, sugars, and autoantibodies.

In the future, it is likely that a combination approach to measure simultaneously multiple markers would be most successful in detecting early breast cancer. Ideally, such a biomarker panel should be able to detect breast cancer in asymptomatic patients, and improve the accuracy of screening mammograms. A reliable biomarker signature may also signify new breast cancer, even in the setting of normal mammogram and physical examination, and would indicate further more intensive diagnostic workup and/or preventive treatment.

Dr. Mai Brooks is a surgical oncologist/general surgeon, with expertise in early detection and prevention of cancer. More at http://www.drbrooksmd.com, http://thecancerexperience.wordpress.com and http://progressreportoncancer.wordpress.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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Can Men Get HPV

by Jennifer Anderson

Do men can get HPV? Yes, men get HPV in the same way that women, ie through close contact, usually during sexual intercourse. However, HPV does not usually cause serious health problems on men, especially those with healthy immune systems.

How often does HPV Occur in men? HPV is very common in both men and women. It is difficult to provide concrete data for men, since there are not extensive studies with men and there is no approved HPV test for them. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than half of men will contract HPV at some point in their lives.

Is there an HPV test for men? There is currently no officially approved test for HPV in men. This is because it was not developed until now an effective and reliable test to take a sample of skin cells of the male genitalia which allows detection of HPV.

What causes HPV symptoms? HPV usually causes no symptoms in men. Even if the virus causes changes in skin cells, they are often so small that they go unnoticed (and are not dangerous). When the HPV virus causes significant changes, the most common consequence are genital wart symptoms, which usually appear around the anus or penis, scrotum (testicles) or thighs. These warts can have different forms, from scaly patches and small growths to bulky and sharp. Genital warts are not serious and can be treated, but may reappear if the body's immune system has not completely eliminated HPV. Rarely, some kinds of "high risk" HPV can cause certain cancers, including cancer of the penis or anus (the latter usually affects gay men, bisexual or infected by HIV).

Should you quit having sex with your partner if she finds out? There is no need to stop having sex with your partner if she has performed the test of the virus and find out you have HPV. The virus is commonly exchanged between sexual partners, and when you discover the HPV, it is very likely already been transmitted between two people. In other words, do not have to worry about whether the same type of HPV is transmitted again and again. However, if you have sex with a different partner, you can get any type of HPV that are "active" in their body and vice versa.

Remember: HPV is not a sign that you or your partner are infidels. HPV can remain "silent" for many years before its discovery on a test. Your partner may have had HPV for a long time and can not know when or who it has infected.

About the Author

Jennifer Anderson works with Helping people with Sexually Transmitted Diseases. If you Have any questions feel free to visit Your STD Help for more Information

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Patented Protection Against H1N1 Virus

By: Lisa Ray

Patented Protection Against H1N1 Virus

Does the H1N1 Virus or Swine Flu have you worried? It has been dormant and will resurface in the fall. That season is rapidly coming. We need a shield against this serious health concern. Silver Shield can help to reduce the risk of contracting these viruses and many other diseases and illnesses as well.

Your best defense needs to be on the skin and in the body. That defense is here. Silver Shield Liquid and Silver Shield Gel uses new patented technology and is available to the public. The patent number is 7135195. This is the only product patented for use against viruses! You may confirm this with the US Patent Office.

It is safe and EPA approved as non toxic to humans. Page 19 of US Patent 7135195 states that it can be used effectively as n alternative to antibiotics. It can kill bacteria in 1.4 to 45 minutes without harming probiotics (good bacteria in the gut) the way that antibiotics do.

Silver Shield gel can be applied topically 1 to 4 times daily as you would a regular hand sanitizer. It can also be applied to all orifices including inside the nostrils and around the mouth. Silver Shield gel will kill viruses and bacteria for up to 4 hours even when dry.

Silver Shield Liquid may be taken internally, both orally and inhaled through a nebulizer. One teaspoon in the morning and one teaspoon at night offers protection from many contagious illnesses and diseases. It is safe for children six months of age and older. It is also safe for adults of all ages. (Dosage will vary according to age).

These are a few government approvals by the EPA for Silver Shield: Approved at 10pp as a surface disinfectant for industrial, commercial and residential usage. Approved for purchase by the US Government Veterans Hospital Association Approved at 32 ppm as a hospital disinfectant against Gram Negative/Positive/Nosocomial. (See patent # 7135195 for more detailed information).

It is important to act now. For more information please visit http://www.mynsp2.com/lisaray. You may find the patent information in the US Patent Office on line.

I am an Herbal Specialist working currently taking classes get further certification in the field of natural health care. I currently work for a Naturopath Doctor. I am also an Independedt Distributor of Nature's Sunshine Product.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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Learning About Breast Reduction Surgery and Health Insurance

ฺัBy:Adam M

Plastic surgery can be quite costly and financing the surgery may produce a problem. However, there are some procedures that are eligible for coverage by your insurance policy. Breast reduction surgery happens to be one of those procedures. Therefore, if you want breast reduction performed, under which factors will your insurance provider cover it and how do you get their promise?

The initial phase should be getting in touch with your health care provider or insurance company and inquiring what is required to be accepted. Do not send in a request until you have all necessary documentation they ask for. It may seem like a mounds of legwork and a hassle, but if you want to eliminate the fees, it is well worth the attempt.

Ask yourself why you want this procedure. If you are getting the procedure simply for cosmetic reasons and not medical then it will more than likely come out of your pocket. On the other hand, if you have oversized breasts which are causing plenty of problems such as back and neck pain, headaches and gaining weight because of being inactive, then you are closer to having your insurance provider take care of it.

You may need to have a doctor document your health issues and associate them directly to the extra large size and weight of your breasts. Macromastia is the medical term for this condition which includes back and neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches and nerve damage.

If all goes well with your insurance provider, then the next step is picking a breast specialist. Your choice should be a reputable board certified plastic surgeon who is licensed to practice in your state. Your insurance company may be able to provide a list of approved surgeons. Otherwise, confirm their credentials and be certain there are no unresolved complaints or law suits filed against him.

It is even more of an advantage if he or she specializes in breast reduction procedures. Any doctor can call themselves a cosmetic surgeon and administer procedures and their only training may be weekend seminars. A certified plastic surgeon has been through structured training and testing to get where they are now. You and your insurance company are going to strongly prefer this type of experience if the coverage is approved.

Breast reduction can significantly improve your life and overall health. Insurance generally covers this condition but you have to satisfy specific conditions before an approval is made. Upon approval, you will be living a more active and enriching life.

Adam Matheson is a health and fitness writer and recommends for men who want to regain confidence in social gatherings and have gynecomastia to learn more about Male Breast Reduction or to find a doctor to Reduce Breast Size in NY

Source: http://www.articlealley.com

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Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of internal organs

By: M P Kanmani


Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of internal organs through an abnormal opening in the wall of the cavity. A combination of increased pressure inside the body with weakness in the wall is responsible for this condition. In this condition internal organs or parts of organs are protruded out forming a swelling which will increase the size with coughing and lifting weight, and while passing stool and urine. In lying down position the swelling goes inside except in strangulated and irreducible hernia.


1,Weakness in the body wall:--

a) Congenital weakness.

b) Acquired weakness due to injuries, wasting of muscles, supportive lesions in the wall and presence of weak natural openings, obesity, lack of exercise, repeated pregnancy.

c) Surgical operation with improper suturing or sepsis of operated site.

2) Increased pressure inside the body. a) Chronic constipation.

b) Recurrent cough.

c) Weight lifting.

d) Stricture of urethra.

Common sites for hernia:-

Hernia can occurs anywhere in the body. However there are some common sites for hernia. Due to the presence of hard bony covering chest wall is normally not affected. Hernia in the lower back is also rare due to spine and back muscles and tough ligaments and sheets. The common site for hernia is abdominal wall .Compared to other parts the abdominal wall is weak due to the presence of some natural orifices. There are some areas wherein the abdominal muscles are weaker and thin and all these factors make a chance for hernia ion. The common sites for hernia are following.

a) Inguinal hernia:

Here the abdominal contents protrude through the inguinal canal (passage in the lower abdominal wall just above the inguinal ligament. It is seen on either side).

This type is common in males. Initially the swelling comes only while straining and goes back while lying down. Later the large portion of intestine may come out which may not go back easily. b) Femoral hernia:

This type of hernia is more in females. Here the abdominal contents pass through the femoral canal which is seen just below the junction between the thigh and lower abdominal wall (Inside the femoral triangle).The contents pass downwards and come out through asthenias opening in the thigh and forms a swelling under the skin.

c) Umbilical hernia:

This is common in children. The umbilicus is the weaker part of the abdomen. The contents of the abdomen may protrude as a bulb like swelling while crying and defecating.

d) Incision hernia:

These hernias are seen in operated sites. Due to improper suturing or sepsis the operated site becomes weak resulting in hernia. e) Epigastria hernia:

Here the humanization occurs in the epigastria. It is a rare type.

f) Lumbar hernia:

Here the hernia appears in the lumbar area on either side of the lumbar spine (in the lumbar triangle).This is also a rare type.

g) Obdurate hernia:

This is a rare type of hernia. Here the contents pass through obdurate foramen in the pelvic bone.

Complications of hernia:-

1. Strangulation:

If the hernia orifice is narrow the abdominal contents may not go back easily, and later the blood flow to the herniated tissues may be blocked due to constriction. This can cause death of protruded intestine.

2) Intestinal obstruction:

This occurs when the whole portion of the intestine is protruded in to the hernia sac. The narrow hernia orifice will block the passage of bowels.

3) Infection and peritonitis:

If there is strangulation with death of a portion of intestine there will be spread of infection to the abdomen resulting in peritonitis.

Treatment of hernia:-

Initial treatment:

In the initial stages of hernia the following steps may be useful

1) Use of hernia belt:

Special types of hernia belts are available for each type of hernia. This will prevent the protrusion and will reduce pain.

2) Constipation, recurrent cough, urinary obstruction act should be treated.

3) Fat reduction will increase the strength of abdominal wall.

4) Abdominal exercises to increase the muscle tone.

5) Take plenty of leafy vegetables, fruits and fibrous diet for easy bowel movements.

6) Try other systems like Homoeopathy, Herbal medicine and act

If no relief by the above steps consult a general surgeon for surgical management.

Surgical treatment

The following operations are done depending up on the type and nature of hernia.

1) Hertniotomy In this operation the contents of hernia sac are pushed in to the abdomen and neck of the sac is lighted with transfixion ligature and the sac is cut off.

2) Herniorrhaphy: Here along with herniotomy the posterior wall is repaired.

3) Hernioplasty: This operation is done if herniotomy is not possible due to wide neck of the sac. Here the repair is done with the help of non absorbable materials like tantalum gauze, polypropylene mesh or stainless steel mesh.

To find more about health visits http://healthoutfit.com hernia treatment with details and information

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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How to Remove the Gross Stinky Throat Chunks You Find in Your Throat..Tonsil Stones

by Emmitt Streat

The term tonsil stones may not ring a bell, but those small, pungent balls lodged within the tonsil holes are far more common than everyone thinks.

people are not very vocal about their experience with tonsil stones because, let's come clean, having those ugly and stinky stones stuck within your tonsils is not exactly the best subject of conversation. Admitting you have these stones do not really show remarkable strength of personality, unlike when you admit to have aids or something else. Exclaiming you have these stones inside your mouth only make folk think about one thing : you are gross. [**] 99% of the time, those you hide your odd situation from also have the stones themselves. But just like you, they are simply too ashamed to say they do.

Tonsil stones are largely safe particles. But those innocently-lodged stones can do a lot of damage to your social life and to your self-esteem. These stones are made of food bits, bacteria, dead cells from the mouth linings, post nasal drip or just mucus, or nose gunk - briefly those harmless stones are basically made of junk. Small wonder they smell like it. The stones smell like rotten eggs and fecal matter and they're stuck inside your mouth. Result? Naturally you get halitosis. And what does bad breath do? It kills both your self-image and social life. How do you introduce yourself closely to folks when your breath reeks of the stones' odor? Fortunate you can now find solutions for this problem on the Net where you can see a large amount of sites dedicated to getting shot of these stones, because you do not have to live with the humiliation of having those stinky stones.

Some folks experience the appearance of strange, stone-like bits within the folds and holes of their tonsils. These folks know that these bizarre tiny stones define the really essence of the word putrescent and are simply sickening so they cower in the depths of secrecy and keep the existence of these stones their soiled small secret. No joke intended. These people may or may not trouble to analyze on these unusual tonsil bits. Except for all of you who are clueless, the small, pungent lumps are what you call tonsil stones.

The tonsils are the small, fleshy piles found on either sides of the throat. They are a part of the immune response and they guard the lungs and digestive system from damaging, foreign material that may get into the body through the nose or mouth. The tonsils have pockets and dimples, which can change in depth and size from people to folks, where many bits and elements can get stuck. Folks who have history of tonsillitis could have deeper and more many tonsil holes. These tonsil crevices are where tonsil stones can be discovered.

Tonsil stones are made up largely of food fragments. Small bits of the food we eat get stuck within tonsil pockets. This, mixed with keratin, a powerful sort of protein that is also found in hair and nails, nasal mucus and bacteria make up the revolting concoction. These stones can be removed by hand - by scraping them out of the holes, or you can opt to have your tonsils removed utterly. But self-help guides to getting rid of these stones can be found, especially on the Net.

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Click here to get the information you need to effectively get rid of gross tonsil stones. If you are ready to read more about how we can help you with tonsil stones, visit our tonsil stones website. Join the thousands we have already helped.. Visit us now.

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The Applications of Alcohol Breathalyzer

Author: Stephen Jhonson

Alcohol abuse is prevalent among people of all ages and classes at homes, schools, and workplaces. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 129 million people or more than half of Americans aged 12 years or older are current drinkers of alcohol in 2008. This grave situation stresses on the need for alcohol testing that can be done instantly and easily to check the abuse.

Alcohol breathalyzer is a popular alcohol abuse detection tool among people from different occupations. A breathalyzer detects the blood alcohol content (BAC) in the breath sample. The compact size and simple usage features of an alcohol Breathalyzer at an affordable price attracted many people at homes, schools, offices, and law enforcements to use it.

Youngsters are vulnerable to alcohol abuse and they generally try to hide drinking habits from their family members. Alcohol Breathalyzers are one of the best devices, which help to check alcohol abusers at home. These devices are compact in size, easy to carry, and less expensive.

Alcohol abuse is rapidly growing among the high school grads. According to NSDUH, the rate of current alcohol abuse was 14.6 percent in 2008 among the youths aged 12 to 17 years. Student alcohol abusers have poor academic performances and behavioral problems. To cope up with the harmful effects of alcohol abuse during childhood and adolescence, many schools are using alcohol breathalyzers usually at school functions and events.
Alcohol abuse cost millions of dollars to the American businesses annually in the form of low productivity, absenteeism, and accidents. Alcohol abusers have higher chances of injuring themselves or others at work. Many companies use alcohol breathalyzers to check the blood alcohol level in employees to ensure workplace is safe and productive.

Law enforcement:
Many people risk their lives driving under the influence of alcohol. According to NSDUH, around 12.4 percent of persons aged 12 years or older drove under the influence of alcohol at least once in the past year, 2008. Law enforcement officials use one of the latest technology alcohol breathalyzers to quickly and easily detect blood alcohol content of large number of people.

Alcohol breathalyzers are the most preferred devices to check the blood alcohol content, as they provide accurate and quick results. Unlike other methods where blood or urine samples are collected, which take a lot of time and effort, alcohol breathalyzers are more efficient providing on site results from a breath sample.

Rapiddrugdetection.com is an online store offering drug tests and drug screening products in several formats including blood, urine and oral drug test kit. Some of the popular products are marijuana drug test kit, breathalyzer, employee drug testing kits, and alcohol tester.

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Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1158755_17.html
About the Author
Occupation: Analyst
Stephen Jhonson is a free lance content writer. Has good experience in writing articles and press releases.

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The Essential Facts on How to Shrink Fibroids Using Systemic Enzyme Formulas


By: Stuart Spangenberg,

Are you curious about the claims being made about dissolving uterine fibroids with an enzyme supplement? Having an understanding of how enzymes work and how to use them is critical to finding success with this easy, natural approach.

Systemic Enzyme Therapy is one of the least known natural treatment approaches to fibrotic disease. Since it is estimated that the majority of women in the U.S. have fibroid tumors, I hope to raise awareness of Systemic Enzyme Therapy so that women who have to seek treatment are empowered with more choices.

While many are familiar with taking digestive enzymes at mealtime to improve digestion, systemic enzymes have a different focus. As the name implies, these enzyme formulas are designed to work throughout the body's system. They are taken in divided doses between meals so that the protein eating enzymes (proteolytic enzymes) are not expended with the task of digesting food and can enter the bloodstream where they travel to every area of the body, seeking and dissolving old proteins, parasites, bacteria, viruses and dead cells. They reduce systemic inflammation, dissolve arterial plaque, cleanse the blood and improve circulation.

Systemic enzyme formulas can be highly fibrinolytic, meaning that they dissolve fibrin. Fibrin is the material of fibroids and all scar tissue. Specific enzymes such as serrapeptase are responsible for the digestion and shrinking of fibroid tumors. Most women realize a reduction in the size of their fibroids by the first eight weeks. Two to six months is the common report for the duration of Systemic Enzyme Therapy.

Most alternative, natural approaches to treating fibroids focus on radical diet and lifestyle changes. They also incorporate multiple herbal and nutritional supplements to slowly bring the body's hormones back into balance thus stopping the growth of fibroids. However, it is astonishing how most of these programs omit Systemic Enzyme Therapy. While these approaches can cut off the excessive estrogen that feeds the growth of the tumor, the tumor will shrink and wilt like a flower but still remain in the uterus. Fibrinolytic enzymes are the only thing on the planet than can dissolve the fibrin that composes fibroids and scar tissue.

While most women with very large fibroids (the size of a grapefruit) will likely choose to undergo surgery, women with uterine fibroids that are smaller in size can take advantage of the speed that Systemic Enzymes offer in shrinking fibroids. Generally, the larger the fibroid, the longer the duration of Systemic Enzyme Therapy.

The success of Systemic Enzyme Therapy for uterine fibroid tumors depends upon:

1. Selecting a systemic enzyme formula that is potent, survivable in the GI tract and high in the fibrinolytic enzyme, serrapeptase as opposed to nattokinase. The latter enzyme has been found to pose a high risk of thining the blood too much. There are huge differences in systemic enzyme products on the market. Most are practically worthless. There are a few professional strength products that really work.

2. Consistent, aggressive dosing three times per day. Enzyme formulas that are all plant-based do not stay in the bloodstream very long. Strict dosing schedules must be adhered to in order to maintain a therapeutic level of enzymes in the blood. Commonly, women who try and fail at Systemic Enzyme Therapy for fibroids take only the minimum dose. Most products do not explain the importance of finding an activation dose. This is done by steadily increasing dose after the first week of use. As an example, some women may remain on three capsules three times per day as directed on the label when their therapeutic activation may not occur until they have increased the dose to nine capsules three times per day! Activation is realized when bowel activity is increases dramatically, heat is felt at the sites of old injuries or scars, or other less definable but noticeable changes occur in the body's function. In other words, you begin to tell something is happening. There is no adverse effect from taking large amounts of enzymes; they are non-toxic, native to our body and impossible to overdose.

3. Locating systemic enzyme formulas that have the animal enzyme, pancreatin (pharmaceutical grade bovine pancreatin) in its formula can be difficult but well worth it. The addition of pancreatin multiplies the potency of the formula as a whole. The result is that as few as three caplets are required daily, and rigid dosing schedules are not as critical since such formulas allow enzyme levels in the blood to remain for over 18 hours after dosing.

4. Drinking larger amounts of pure water to assist in eliminating the large amounts of waste that enzymes remove from the body.

To learn more about using systemic enzymes to dissolve your fibroids and locating a professional strength formula with or without pancreatin, see the resource box below.

Stuart Spangenberg, LCSW, P.A. is a licensed psychotherapist, wellness coach and host of the weekly radio show "Solutions To Aging" on www.HTHRadio.com. Visit www.ShrinkFibroidsFast.com and receive a free 55 minute audio recording about the natural treatment for fibroids.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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Information About Bruxism And TMJ


By: Joseph Mbizgot

Bruxism occurs in approximately 5% to 20% of adults, and is even more. Bruxism is a subconscious behavior so many people do not realize that.

Definition of Bruxism One of the main problems related to bruxism outlined above is Tempromandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) in which the cartilage around the joints of the upper and lower jaws becomes irritated.

Bruxism is the medical term for the grinding of teeth or the clenching. Here are some causes of bruxism. Identifying the genesis and attaining the reasonable medication at the opening stages is of the essence for the rejection of undue injury to the teeth formation. Many and various the bruxers are inexperienced of this inclination in them and disappoint to take up a medication until they arrive at the later phase of the illness.

Stress causes the jaw to tense up which can lead to teeth grinding. Stress, smoking, alcohol and drugs may have a stimulating effect on this to name but a few causes. Bruxism can have a variety of psychological and physical causes.Om teeth together, especially the back teeth.. Largely people instinctively grind or clench their teeth promptly and then, so the important in the diagnosis of bruxism is not the practice or absence of the inclination, but its reinforcement, severity, social embarrassment, or tangible symptoms.

Symptoms of Bruxism Symptoms are Teeth grinding, which may be loud enough to annoy sleeping. If you have any of the beyond mentioned signs and symptoms and do not have a sleep complication, such as snoring or sleep apnea, I would imply you examine wearing a bite guard at night to hold your teeth and many correlated dental expenses. The more stress, the more bruxing and the harder the bruxing. In this case,the remedial arrangement be supposed to be undertaken as soon as viable, to control entrenchment of the bruxing dependency.

People with severe bruxism can break dental fillings or damage their. Ride to bruxism is central for ensuring healthy teeth. The muscles do atrophy; however, so after a few rounds of treatment it is usually possible to either decrease the dose or increase the interval between treatments. The goals of treatment are to reduce pain, prevent permanent damage to the teeth, and reduce clenching as much as possible. Once you know more about your unique case of bruxism you can better choose a treatment option. The information dispensed herein must not be used all through several therapeutic emergency or in lieu of the diagnosis or medication of any therapeutic condition. A bruxer himself, Charles Harrison's own experiences required him to go up with an original, yet trouble-free method for mastering the illness. Acceptance of his guidelines is projected to relax the jaws, reduce headaches, recover sleep, and break down morning tiredness and extra symptoms of the illness. He asserts that his answers fill "The decisive bruxism cure".

You can uncover information in relation to teeth grinding, its causes, how to detect if you have the badly behaved and techniques that give power to teeth grinders to get along their condition. In any case you can be trained how to unaffectedly treat your bruxism ever and again. Bruxism can be handled and treated simply.

For more information about the topic Bruxism, and Natural methods to treat bruxism read our Bruxism Cure Reviews here. Http://Health-Beauty-Fitness-Resources.Com/BruxismCureReviews/

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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Autism And Vaccines - Is There A Connection?

By: Janice Duryea

One of the more prominent figures in the debate regarding the cause of autism is Jenny McCarthy. However, she is not a doctor or a medical expert; rather, McCarthy is an actress, appearing in movies such as Scream 3 and shows such as In the Motherhood.

What made her a prominent figure in this issue is the fact that she is one of the few who bravely faced millions of people through her interviews in television shows and various interviews to say that autism is caused by vaccines, specifically MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccines. Her son, she said, started having autism symptoms when he was around 15 months ago, right after he received numerous MMR vaccines. She has released numerous books on the topic, such as the most recent Healing and Preventing Autism with Dr. Jerry Kartzinel. Many people were expectedly skeptical with her claims. After all, she was no expert, what gave her the right to claim such unaccepted testimonies? But her claim is not alone—many parents also claim that MMR vaccines have indeed caused the autism of their children.

In any case, is there a basis to this claim? How did these vaccines cause autism? And if this is true, is there a cure for autism?

To be sure, it is not the vaccine itself that is the culprit. Rather, it is the substances in the vaccines that supposed cause this brain development disorder. Thiomersal, an organomercury compound, is said to be responsible for autism. This substance is used as a preservative in vaccines since vaccines were started being used in the 1930s. The fact that autism did not exist before people had to receive thiomersal into their bodies can already be seen as a proof that vaccines can indeed cause autism.

But how does thiomersal cause autism?

Thiomersal, or mercury, is a heavy metal substance that the body cannot easy expel using normal, natural means (for instance, those who experienced heavy metal poisoning receive a treatment called chelation in order to remove the chemicals from the body). Needless to say, when these harmful chemicals remain in the body, they can cause harm. After all, these chemicals are proven to be harmful. Now, it has been said in reports and various researches that the effect of thiomersal poisoning directly affects the brain. It hinders the brain’s development. In short, thiomersal poisoning damages one’s brain in a way that it fails to develop normally. Or, in other words, autism.

Although most vaccines do have thiomersal, MMR vaccines are often seen as the culprit here because they are the vaccines usually administered to infants.

There have been numerous researches, papers, and other medical surveys that try to prove and disprove the effect of mercury in the body. However, one of the more important proof for the likes of Jenny McCarthy is the case of Hannah Poling. Just like McCarthy’s son, Poling was growing up normally and were not exhibiting any autism symptoms until she received numerous vaccines (MMR vaccines, among them). When the case went public, the court sided with the Polings. This is, of course, a victory for those who have been trying to prove vaccines cause autism.

Of course, many sectors are trying to prove that autism is caused by other factors just as well. But the link between autism and vaccines can be seen as a small step towards fully understanding the disorder.

Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory http://www.isnare.com
* About Janice Duryea

For more information on Autism Vitamins, and Autism and Fish Oil, please take a look at our Supplement Guide for Autism.

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