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By: Ken Dunn

Cellulite is alleged to be a special type of "fat gone wrong," a combination of fat, water, and "toxic wastes" that the body has failed to eliminate. Cellulite is actually a fancy name for the collection of fat that push against the connective tissue beneath a person's skin, which causes the surface of the skin to dimple or pucker and look lumpy. Cellulite is a permanent change in the fat that's stored under your skin.

More and more people are complaining of cellulite. The term cellulite originated in France more than 150 years ago and began appearing in English language publications in the late 1960s, the earliest reference in Vogue magazine, "Like a swift migrating fish, the word cellulite has suddenly crossed the Atlantic.

Cellulite -

Profile Cellulite is a common term used to describe superficial pockets of trapped fat, which cause uneven dimpling or orange peel skin. Although cellulite becomes more noticeable with age, largely because the skin gets thinner overtime, it generally strikes individuals in their 30s. Women all over the world are bothered by their cellulite as is evidenced by the millions of dollars that are spent each year on treatments that claim to reduce cellulite.

Treatments like liposuction (surgery to remove fat) and mesotherapy (injection of drugs into cellulite) are either expensive or may produce only temporary improvement. Liposuction, which extracts fat from under the skin, is not effective for cellulite reduction. Whatever the cause of cellulite, it's important to know that there aren't any miracle products, treatments, or medicines that can make it go away.

The only known way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is to reduce overall body fat by altering diet or exercise, although it may remain visible even on very slim women. Experts agree that an exercise routine that combines aerobic exercise with strength training is the best weapon against cellulite.

Cellulite tends to be a little bit less noticeable on darker skin. Dieting has to be combined with regular exercise to be effective in controlling or reducing cellulite.


From an anatomical point of view, cellulite consists of swollen fat cells in certain problem areas. It can be a result of lack of exercise, particularly to the extent that the body cannot illiminate toxins, burn fats and stimulate cell growth when the circulation is not stimulated to it's maximum. After all cellulite is just fat right.

Dieting has to be combined with regular exercise to be effective in controlling or reducing cellulite.
And while results won’t happen overnight, a consistent program of regular exercise combined with a sensible diet can go along way toward not only improving your appearance, but your overall health as well. Maintain a balanced and varied diet, lots of antioxidants, switch dairy to soya, exercise as hard as your body will allow and keep it up, moisturise and exfoliate (your skin needs attention).
Eat a low-fat, low-sugar, high-fiber diet with emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Drink plenty of water, up to two liters a day. This will help to assist your body in getting rid of unwanted toxins and waste.


The good news is that it's not a disease or illness in the real sense of the word, but a sign that your lifestyle is unhealthy.


The only known way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is to reduce overall body fat by altering diet or exercise, although it may remain visible even on very slim women. Since it's fat, if you lose weight, then the cellulite should improve in its appearance if you're losing in that area.

Cellulite is not related to being overweight; average and underweight people can also get cellulite. Cellulite is a normal human variation that is viewed by a segment of the public (with the help of the media, some physicians, and salesmen of various sorts) as some sort of a disease. It's not proven whether any cosmetic lotion, massager or pills can reduce/increase cellulite versus ordinary fat.

Because hope springs eternal, much has been written about cellulite and it’s causes and many treatments have been promoted.

KEN DUNN - DUNWAY ENTERPRISES 15 Stromlo Place Ruse. NSW 2560 Australia E-mail: dunway@dunway.com Main Site: http://www.dunway.com International Phone/Fax: 61-246261758

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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