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Is the Atkins diet good for Cholesterol prevention?

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by Marc Simard

Although some fatty and protein rich foods are eaten on the Atkins diet, the
diet leans to have a positive effect on cholesterol.Your cholesterol levels won’t increase; in fact, Atkins diet canlower cholesterol because it leads to better behavior in the “good”cholesterol (HDL). Many of the dietary options on an Atkins diet are by nature hi in badfat, and leads to worries about the risks of illness. Nevertheless,the Atkins diet has so far indicated to have no bad results on hi cholesterollevels. Bringing down level of cholesterol when using the Atkins diet isthought to be connected with the weight loss itself.

Many folks who have participated in the Atkins dietprogram have actually
seen a reduction in triglycerides, a rise in HDL(“good” cholesterol), and a better ratio between the HDL’s and theLDL’s . These inspiring results suggest that the folks on the Atkins diet with cholesterol problems may actually be able to maintain a proper cholesterollevels naturally without relying on medications or other types of therapy.This is encouraging for those who have lost some weight on the Atkins dietprogram. Why does the Atkins Diet Lower Cholesterol?

When you begin implementing the Atkins diet program, your bodymakes the
switch from a sugar metabolism to a fat metabolism.As long as you stick well under your permitted level of carbohydrate intake,you will find convincing effects on your cholesterol from the Atkins diet.Although some people may see an elevation in these levels at the commencementof the diet program, the body adjusts itself quickly to the new menu and inmost cases the cholesterol levels will begin to fall. This evokes that ourintake of carbohydrates plays a big role in our cholesterol levels, whichexplicates why there is a positive association between a low-carb diet likethe Atkins diet and cholesterol.


About the Author
More information about dieting and Atkins diet on http://www.dietmakemoney.com/The_Effects_of_an_Atkins_Diet_on_Hi_Cholesterol.html or more dieting tips from http://www.dietmakemoney.com

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