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What You Should Know About Your Blood pH

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by: Ann777

Blood pH balance is recognized as one of the most important biochemical balances in human chemistry.

The oxygen-carrying capacity of the hemoglobin decreases as the blood becomes more acidic, which slows down normal functions and the oxidative process.

The healing process of any chronic illness is only possible when the blood is restored to normal, slightly alkaline pH. As the pH of the blood goes more acid, fatty acids which are normally electro-magnetically charged on the negative side switch to positive and automatically are attracted to and begin to stick to the walls of arteries which are electro-magnetically charged on the negative side and opposites will attract.

Your brain needs glucose to think and depends on it from the blood that is affected by pH, which controls the efficiency of insulin and allows sugar to enter into cells, which in turn controls blood sugar levels. The complex biochemical processes taking place constantly is an attempt to keep blood pH as near perfect as possible. First the body has to be able to absorb the nutrients in the smaller intestine and colon into the blood stream.

Oxygenation of the blood will restore pH so the body's electrolytes can function properly. In fact, the body will go to almost any length necessary to maintain your blood pH at 7.
Although only a blood test can reveal the blood pH, it is possible to monitor the pH of the body with a simple home test kit of litmus or nitrozine paper.

Supplements can combat arthritis and heart disease, cleanse the kidneys, intestines, and liver, protect your body from free radical cell damage, increase muscle and joint mobility, increase your oxygen levels, control digestive problems, regulate blood sugar, manage blood pressure, neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness. In short, they will revitalize you.

Each time you drink acidic soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks your body uses its own buffers (from bone and dna) to raise the body's alkalinity to maintain your healthy blood pH level of 7. The most critical fluid in your body, your blood, is made up mostly of water.

Diseases that may be triggered by when your pH balance is off kilter for prolonged periods of time include cardiovascular and heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, kidney stones, urinary incontinence, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, systemic weight gain and obesity.

Many medical as well as alternative health professionals believe that most diseases can be linked to blood and intestinal acidity. When blood loses its alkalinity, your health is compromised. Physical and mental stress both are major causes of high blood acidity.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fats may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Lecithin is a crucial element in boosting and/or maintaining your pH balance. Lecithin, working together with Vitamin B12, is important for the production of red blood cells. Its alkaline nature gently transforms the blood and tissues from an acid to an alkaline base.
It is produced daily by the liver, if the diet is adequate.

Lecithin role is to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, as well as to dissolve and eliminate dead cells and waste from the blood. Also, it helps nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream and distributed to the organs in need of repair and growth.

Every cell in the body is dependent on lecithin. Without it your cell membranes would harden. Lecithin protects cells from oxidation and largely comprises the protective sheaths surrounding the brain. Fortunately, soy lecithin is a wonderful readily available supplement.

Plain old water plays a huge role in the process of keeping a pH balance because the body consists of 70% water and blood 90%. Blood transports nourishment to every living cell and is the key to all bodily functions. Human blood must maintain a pH of 7.

Article Source: http://myarticlezine.com

Ann Stewart, author, inspirational writer and wellness coach, shares tips on how to fight off disease and feel your best in her weekly newsletter, Youth Makeover: youthmakeover.com

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