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Do You Know What To Drink To Relieve Heartburn Discomfort?

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By Kathryn Whittaker

Treating and relieving heartburn is often something that can be done with many different tools. Many like to use medications and diet changes, and these things do help. However, they don’t always completely solve the problem, and even more relief is sought. Finding the right drink to relieve heartburn is a blessing for those with chronic heartburn as well as for those who have a bout of it here and there.

It is just as important to know what not to drink as it is to know what will help. For some sufferers, this might be the hidden reason why they are having problems keeping the pain under control.

Finding the right things to drink won’t stop acid reflux, but it can help someone feel much better. It may not seem that drinks are as important as food choices, but the two are very closely related.

There are some drinks that can be very sensitive triggers for acid, and there are others that can help lessen the severity of pain and that will not promote acid production in the stomach. Pairing good drinking habits with good food choices can result in a person with GERD beginning to feel better very quickly.

Sadly, there are many common drinks that can promote acid production, and some of them are very good for the body otherwise. Most with reflux are aware that acidic fruits are a strong trigger for acid, and drinking the juices from these fruits can have the very same affect on the stomach. Orange and pineapple are two very common breakfast drinks that can cause quite a bit of pain. Tomato will do the same thing. These are all common in mixed drinks as well, so it is always a great idea to find out what is going into a drink before it is ordered. Even better, skip the alcohol all together, as it too is a problem for those with acid reflux.

Most don’t want to know it, but they have to cut back or completely get rid of the caffeine in their drinks. This is hard, because so many rely on beverages like coffee, soda, and tea to wake them up in the morning.

Someone with reflux might have a better time if they wean themselves from their caffeine habit rather than cutting it out in one day to avoid the withdrawal that so many suffer when they quit. There are decaffeinated versions of coffee, tea, and soda that can be enjoyed, though carbonation in decaf soda might bother some.

After eliminating those drinks, it might seem that there is not much left, but there is one that will help the body tremendously.

Water is great for the body, and it will help keep the acid from pooling in the stomach. The more water a person can drink the better they are going to feel as it keeps the system moving. Another beneficial drink for some is milk, but not everyone will find it agreeable. If whole milk is a problem, try low-fat. Drinking both of these are great ways to soothe the stomach and can each be a great drink to relieve heartburn.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about drink to relieve heartburn . In the newsletter you'll also find more about the different kinds of acid reflux help and what to do if you have severe heartburn.


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