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Exercise Bikes - Good Option for Workout

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By Sharon Mirin

Although we pride over the fact that human is the most developed of all species, we have to admit that we are also very lazy. Most of the time we blame our working environment for making our lifestyle so hectic, but in reality most of us are just too lazy to walk that extra mile or exercise. We have bad food habits, relying mostly on junk food. It is true that the job situation demands such a lifestyle, but can’t we be more responsible towards our own health?

People often find it impossible to jog or run outside in the parks. Maybe the lack of empty spaces and time constraints are the reasons for this. Therefore, the next option is to perform the same exercises in the closed doors. Bicycles are known not only as a means to travel but also for its good effect on health.

This feature, that bicycles are good for health is used in exercise bikes. Exercise bikes are used for workout of the whole body. They resemble an ordinary bicycle and perform the same function, only difference being that they are stationary. Even normal bicycles can be used as a stationary machine if they are placed on rollers or trainers.

How it works?

An exercise bike is provided with a seat where you can sit jus as in a normal bicycle. There are two pedals provided with a chain. You have to keep your feet on the pedals and start the circular motion. You can increase or decrease the resistance of the pedals at your will. The resistance is the key to developing muscle strength in the hips, calf and legs. Magnets, as well as friction are used to increase the resistance. Different people are advised to use different levels of resistance based on the training they need.


In most multi-gyms, exercise bikes are must. They are very good for body “warm-up” or toning the body before one starts hardcore fitness training.

Exercise bikes help to tone up the muscles in the hips and in the calf region of the legs. Changing resistance levels help to build a better impact on the muscles. People who are suffering from obesity are generally advised to use exercise bikes. It helps to increase body metabolism and thus excess calories and fats are used up.

Exercise bikes also give a very good cardiovascular workout. In medical clinics and rehabilitation centers, patients are advised to workout on these bikes.

These are also low-impact machines. Low impact means that using these machines will not affect the bones of the body. Unlike in a treadmill where you have to run, jog or brisk walk, here you do not have to exert that much pressure on your feet. As a result, there is little possibility of your bones being jarred and in turn sustain damage.

Balancing is also easier in exercise bikes. It is very unlikely that a person on an exercise bike will lose balance. Even if he does, he will not be injured, unlike in a treadmill The new generation bikes provide recumbent seats. Prolong use in normal seats can damage the bones in the spinal chord. Besides, it can cause neck pain. Recumbent seats are thus more comfortable to be used.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop complaining about busy work schedule, stop cribbing over lack of parks, hit an exercise bike now and get a completely toned up body.

Exercise Bikes are great for abdominal workout, learn how you can start getting Great Abs and a flat muscular stomach at http://abdominalexercisezone.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_Mirin

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