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Gynecomastia Plastic Surgery - Is It The Right Thing To Do?

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By:John Davenport

Gynecomastia is a cosmetic condition which afflicts a great part of the male population. In fact, experts state that anywhere between 30-40% of men suffer from Gynecomastia to a certain degree.

Gynecomastia is manifested by deposits of excess fat in the male chest area. This makes the male chest to appear fatty and bloated and often causes the nipples to look puffy and distorted. In many cases, Gynecomastia, which is commonly known as man boobs, is so pronounced that the male chest appears similar to feminine breasts. While this doesn't pose any known health risks, it ruins the self-esteem of men who have them. The reason is very simple: most women find man boobs to be far from attractive.

One of the more popular treatments to this problem is Gynecomastia plastic surgery. In this surgery, the excess fat is removed from the male chest by liposuction and the chest is surgically reshaped to appear flatter. This surgery is performed by a plastic surgeon.

If done correctly, this surgery can have excellent results. But is it advisable?

In my view, the answer is a flat NO!

Here are the main reasons :

1. This surgery is very expensive, usually 5,000$ or more.

2. This surgery has many risks, such as leaving scars on your chest, dents on your chest, discoloration and asymmetry between the two sides of the chest.

3. It involves a painful and long period of recovery.

4. There are a number of alternative treatments which cost a fraction of what this surgery does and have remarkable results.

All things considered, surgery may be the way to go, but only after you've tried the other Gynecomastia treatments available.

To read tips and ways on how to totally eliminate your man boobs click here: How To Get Rid Of Your Man Boobs Fast.

John Davenport is a fitness and diet expert. He is also an active contributer to the Man Boobs expert website: http://www.ManBoobsCenter.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

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