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Is there any way to stop hair loss?

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By: Georgi Ivanikovin

A lot of things can cause excessive hair loss. For e.g. stress, illness, surgery, hormonal imbalance, hair or scalp infection, some medicines (like anticoagulants used for gout, chemotherapy, cancer), excess vitamins, birth control pills, antidepressants etc.Also, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in permanents may cause inflammation of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss. Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.

Nowadays, there are only 3 possible solutions to stop hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth.

1.Hair transplant

2. Prescription drugs

3. Natural and safe treatment

Hair transplant

A very expensive surgical operation, indicated to treat complete or partial baldness. It is very important consult to a doctor and pass different examinations to find out the possible risks and side effects. The successful result can't be guaranteed.

Prescription drugs

The most effective prescription drug used for treatment of hair loss in men is chemical finasteride. It can be taken only by men and never by women, especially pregnant! The known side effects include: impotence, decreased sex drive, premature ejaculation and decreasing the volume of semen. Nevertheless, this treatment can be really effective, but it has a very serious disadvantage. Propecia is effective only for as long as it is taken; the hair gained or maintained is lost within 6-12 months of ceasing therapy! Propecia is effective only for as long as it is taken; the hair gained or maintained is lost within 6-12 months of ceasing therapy!

Natural Treatment

Natural treatments is the best way to stop hair lost and promote faster hair re-grown. Natiral treatments haven`t side effects. PROFINAST , natural finasteride, is the newest solution to stop hair loss in men. A proper combination of herbs, micro-elements and vitamins makes it absolutely safe for both men and women. It acts by blocking formation of DHT which causes hair shrinkage and, in the long run, leads to a permanent hair loss. Our herbal pills stop heavy hair loss in just 7 days and in just 90 days one can get his lost hair back again. However, to maintain the complete reversal of hair loss and the normal hair cycle it takes less than a year. Unlike Propecia, it is absolutely safe and reliable for both men and women. The hair maintained won't be lost after ceasing the therapy.

Article Source: http://www.uberarticles.com/articles

1 ความคิดเห็น:
Anonymous said...
July 20, 2007 at 9:49 PM  

I think hair transplant is a very effective method. Here are some interesting facts. Dr. Okuda, a Japanese dermatologist has first described the punch technique of hair transplantation in 1939. This was first applied on scalp of severe burned patients and it was noticed that there was considerable growth. Five years later, Dr. Tamura tried a micro grafting technique to restore female pubic hair, which was in demand from the Japanese society during that time. It was Dr. Orentreich from New York, who first performed hair transplantation in the western world in 1952. His findings were published in 1959 and it was since then that transplanted hair was more commonly used to cover naturally balding areas.

For 30 years the techniques have not shown any considerable improvement and it is only in 1990 that an innovative technique that gave natural results was firstly applied.

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