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Neck Arthritis

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by: Roger Thompson

Neck arthritis, which is otherwise called cervical spondylosis, is a type of arthritis which is caused by degenerative changes in the bones and the intervertebral disks of the neck. It is primarily due to aging, as although there are other contributing factors as well, the condition usually presents itself after the age of 40 and then continues to process on from there.

With neck arthritis, the bones in the neck, as with the rest of the body, progressively degenerate as your body ages, and over time, arthritis of the neck may result from bony spurs and problems with ligaments and disks. As well, the spinal cord may end up narrowing and compressing the spinal cord and nerves, and injuries from neck arthritis can in fact cause full spinal cord compression.

There are a number of signs and symptoms that you are likely to notice from the onset of neck arthritis, and this includes: neck pain and stiffness that is usually worse with upright activity, you may have numbness and weakness in the arms, legs, hands and fingers and have trouble walking due to all over weakness, you may feel or hear grinding noises or popping in the neck when you move. you may experience muscle spasms or headaches which will typically originate in the neck area.

When it comes to the treatment of neck arthritis, most of the time, if your symptoms are mild, your doctor will most likely recommend a variety of non-surgical treatments such as rest and medication. However if your arthritis is very advanced or incredibly painful, they may opt to go for more serious forms of treatments.

Remember that different forms of treatment work differently from one person to the next, and so what works great for one person may not have any affect at all on you. This is why you may have to try out a few different options before you can settle on one specific one.

The most important thing is that you keep on top of your health and that you make sure to watch out for any signs or symptoms of arthritis, not only in your neck but over your entire body. Arthritis is, after all, one of the most common diseases worldwide, and although it can be treated, the pain and discomfort that is caused by it is incredibly severe.

Make sure that you get in for regular checkups with your doctor, so that together you can make sure that you are always top notch when it comes to your health.

For more information check http://www.arthritisreliefhelp.info


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