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One Of A Hundred People Who Get West Nile Virus Get Very Very Sick

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One out of a hundred or more specifically one out of a hundred and ten people who get West Nile Virus Disease from mosquitoes get very very sick with neurological brain damage.

West Nile Virus is a virus that infects human beings, birds, horses and mosquitoes. West Nile Virus has been found in 47 states in the United States. Prevention is always the best method of attack.

The best way to avoid infection with West Nile Virus is to reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home and neighborhood. First get rid of standing water in ponds, birdbaths, pails, wading pools and old tires where mosquitoes can and do breed prolifically. Local hardware stores carry products to keep those deadly mosquitoes from breeding in small ponds. Next make sure that you repair any tears in windows and porch as well as patio screens. It is best to stay indoors during dawn, dusk and the early evening hours when mosquito populations abound. If you do go outdoors doing these high risk mosquito time period it is best to wear socks and shoes, long pants – not shorts no matter what heat and a long sleeved – not short sleeved shirts. Loose fitting, rather than tight fitting clothing, and light rather than dark colored clothing is always best.

If you do have to go outdoors then use an insect repellant that contains DEEY. Apply the DEET mosquito repellent liberally according to directions on the label of the mosquito repellant product. If you have to apply mosquito repellant to children best to contact your doctor or medical professional.

West Nile Virus is most often spread by mosquitoes; Mosquitoes become infected by biting birds that carry the West Nile Virus. People can get the West Nile Virus when an infected mosquito bites them. All it takes is a bit from one solitary mosquito. This bite of misfortune most often happens in the warm weather months of spring, summer and fall. Luckily you cannot get West Nile Virus transferred from your pet dog or cat or another person.

If a 140 people are infected by West Nile Virus 110 people may have the disease and yet be ok and have no effects. Thirty people will get mildly sick. One person with serious Western Nile Disease will get very very sick with meningitis or encephalitis- very serious brain swelling disorders.

About 20 percent of people develop a mild infection called West Nile fever. Common signs and symptoms of West Nile fever include:

• Skin rash
• Headache
• Fever
• Diarrhea
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Backache
• Muscle aches
• Lack of appetite
• Swollen lymph glands
West Nile Fever usually lasts only three to six days.

However some people continue on after their West Nile Fever with very serious encephalitis or menaginitis. The symptoms they will encounter can include:

• High fever
• Severe headache
• Stiff neck
• Disorientation or confusion
• Stupor or coma
• Tremors or muscle jerking
• Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease
• Lack of coordination
• Convulsions
• Pain
• Partial paralysis or sudden weakness

The brain encephalitis and meningitis can go on for weeks and weeks. Paralysis can be permanent.

West Nile Virus has been found in fully 47 states of the United States. The worst area for West Nile Virus incidence is California followed by Arizona, Colorado and Texas. West Nile Virus is not a joke. Be alert for scores of dead birds in your area. One bite from a West Nile Fever infected mosquito can change your life for the worst. Protect yourself.

One out of a hundred or more specifically one out of a hundred and ten people who get West Nile Virus Disease from mosquitoes get very very sick with neurological brain damage. West Nile Virus is a virus that infects human beings, birds, horses and mosquitoes. West Nile Virus has been found in 47 states in the United States. Prevention is always the best method of attack. The best way to avoid infection with West Nile Virus is to reduce the n...

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Article Source: http://www.eArticlesOnline.com

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