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The Top Seven Reasons People Don’t Buy Nutritional Supplements… and Why They Should!

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By: Mitamins Team

People have plenty of reasons for not buying nutritional supplements… but none of them outweigh the true benefits of boosting your overall health with vitamins and minerals!
It’s a fact: People generally don’t like change. In fact, they are so hesitant to make any adjustments to their daily routines that they will sabotage their good health by not even considering nutritional supplements.

Here, we’ll look at the top seven reasons that individuals don’t purchase nutritional supplements, followed by some reasons that they should.

1. I tried nutritional supplements before and they didn’t work for me.
First of all, when did this person try nutritional supplements and from whom did he or she purchase them? Also, how long did he or she take the vitamins and minerals…was it just for a few days (not long enough for them to work)? A few weeks? Were they taken on a regular basis? The answers to these questions could immediately negate this reason for not taking nutritional supplements!

2. My friend told me nutritional supplements were dangerous.
It’s true that some herbs and nutritional supplements have been deemed unsafe; however, if you purchase nutritional supplements from a reputable supplier, you’re typically guaranteed a quality product or your money back (in most cases.) Remember that legitimate nutritional supplement distributors want to keep the customer satisfied, not sell them toxic merchandise.

3. I can’t afford nutritional supplements.
Ah, the old “I can’t afford that…” reasoning. While it’s true that nutritional supplements aren’t cheap, it’s important to ask whether you would WANT them to be? An inexpensive health product like ninety-nine cent vitamins isn’t likely to be all that potent (if at all.) Besides, most individuals waste tons of money on cigarettes, alcohol, sugar-laden lattes, and other habits and treats. Chances are that you could afford a dollar or two a day to put towards nutritional supplements to improve your health.

4. I don’t need nutritional supplements.
Unless you have an impeccable diet and exercise program, vitamins and minerals could be amazingly beneficial to you. In fact, even athletes with low body fat and incredible stamina take nutritional supplements to become even stronger, faster, and healthier! Therefore, it’s unlikely that this reason could be true, as almost everyone could benefit from taking nutritional supplements.

5. I wouldn’t know which nutritional supplements to buy.
It can absolutely be overwhelming to decide where to start when considering nutritional supplements. However, most reputable suppliers will be able to assist you in making choices. For instance, many online distributors provide information about vitamins, minerals, and herbs so you can make an informed decision.

6. I don’t believe in all that natural health mumbo-jumbo.
Skepticism is a healthy and (often) admirable trait, but don’t let it get in the way of understanding just how advantageous it can be to ingest nutritional supplements regularly. After all, millions of people are enjoying a better quality of life thanks to their openness toward vitamins and minerals; therefore, its illogical to assume they are all kidding themselves.

7. My doctor doesn’t want me to take nutritional supplements.
This is an interesting protest that is occasionally spoken. If your physician truly has told you outright that you should not take vitamins and minerals, it might be wise to get a second opinion. Many old school doctors are hesitant to prescribe alternative or complementary remedies to their patients; on the other hand, newer medical school graduates are typically open to considering nutritional supplements as a route to good health.

So… what’s keeping you from enjoying the benefits of vitamins and minerals?

Article Source: http://myarticlezine.com

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