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Applied Kinesiology

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by Jerry Ryan, Ph.D.

Applied Kinesiology is a system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing with other standard methods of diagnosis. Dr. George Goodheart, D. C. discovered the importance of weak muscles and their clinical implications in 1964. He has researched, lectured and written about Applied Kinesiology since then.

Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation, various myofascial therapies, meridian/acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, evaluating environmental irritants, counselling, and various reflex procedures. Applied Kinesiology skills are developed and approved by the International College of Applied Kinesiology Board of Standards. These skills are refined from many disciplines including Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Dentistry, Acupuncture, Biochemistry, Psychology, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy. These health care professionals share knowledge through the publications and conferences of the International College of Applied Kinesiology. Applied Kinesiology can be divided into two distinct parts. The first part is to assist in diagnosis. Muscle testing is used to help diagnose what is functioning abnormally. This can be a problem with the nervous system, the vascular supply to a muscle or organ, a nutritional excess or deficiency, an imbalance in the acupuncture meridian system or a variety of other problems. Testing individual muscles and determining what affects the relative strength of the muscle is combined with the basic mechanics and physiological functioning of the body to more accurately diagnose what is going wrong.

The second part of Applied Kinesiology involves the treatment phase. Doctors adapt different treatment methods to the problems that have been diagnosed. From nutrition management to methods of controlling the vascular and nervous system, a wide range of therapies may be used to balance the patient's malfunction.

An examination using Applied Kinesiology begins with a detailed questioning of the patient to uncover clues as to what may be going on. Generally, problems can be related to chemical imbalances, structural imbalances, mental stress, or any combination of the above. After this general examination, procedures are used to assess the health of the patient. For example, changes in blood pressure from lying to sitting to standing can indicate imbalances in the body. This is followed with specific examination procedures used by the practitioner. After these tests are performed, an evaluation of the strength of the muscles is performed. There are many causes of muscular weakness and different procedures may be used to uncover the cause. At the end of all of these different but important parts, the information is correlated to establish a treatment program.

Applied Kinesiology is performed by health care professionals. First, they have their basic education is whatever medical field they practice. For example, they might be a medical doctor, osteopath, chiropractor or a dentist. Then they study Applied Kinesiology in a post-graduate setting. The muscle testing procedures are used to further investigate a patient's problem and depend upon a basic understanding of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pathology. Muscle testing used alone without a proper education in the health sciences is no better than a psychic reading. The basic course takes over 100 hours of classroom study and many more hours of study at home. Continuing classes are taken to reach the next step where a complete understanding is shown by a written and oral test. To achieve this level, over 300 hours of classroom study are required along with the writing of at least two research papers.

Applied Kinesiology does not replace standard examinations. It is used as a further tool to help define what is going wrong or what imbalances are present. For example, in some conditions like hypoglycemia there will be specific muscle weakness patterns found. On the other hand, these same weaknesses could be there because of a nerve problem. Only an adequate history of the person, coupled with standard examination procedures allow a proper treatment of the person. The use of Applied Kinesiology procedures speeds the examination process and helps to rule out other possible causes of the person's health problems.

I hope that you found this information useful. If you have any questions about anything in this article, please feel free to contact me at my website - www.JerryRyanPhD.com.

About the Author

Jerry Ryan, Ph.D. is a Natural Health Coach who teaches individuals and group classes on the scientifically documented benefits of natural health techniques. He is also an internationally published author and has been a guest speaker at such places as NIKE World Headquarters. For more information, his website is http://www.JerryRyanPhD.com

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