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Shapely & Healthy: Things you want to know about Colon Cleansing

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by dyana

Shapely & Healthy: Things you want to know about Colon Cleansing "Shapely" as in sexy? Most of you would surely like to know if colon cleansing or detoxification aids in weight loss and promises you the whistle-bait figure you missed, or wanting to acquire all these years. In a way, yes it can.

However, colon-cleansing is not your overnight weight-loss sensation; in fact it is not about it at all. There have been no therapeutic claims made about weight-loss as a guaranteed result of cleansing your colon. What detoxification through colon cleansing aims to achieve is overall good health by elimination of toxic wastes piled up inside the body. As stored body wastes get eliminated, your body can get back in shape - both in its literal and figurative sense.

When do you know it's time to detoxify? Your body has a tell-all mechanism built by nature, which gives off signals when it is failing off the mark of good health. When most of the following symptoms start to show, it is time to consider seriously, colon-cleansing: Common symptoms:  Fatigue for no apparent reason;  Bloating;  Constipation;  Gas;  Flatulence;  Digestive and Abdominal Discomfort.

Why colon cleansing? The colon is the central repository of waste in the human body. When the large intestines do not function properly, waste is not eliminated from the body as nature intends it to, and waste by-products, such as toxins and harmful bacteria, get recycled in the body causing damages on the major body organs. Blood bathes the organs from the colon. When the colon stores waste it could not eliminate, imagine what blood carries back into the blood channels, leading to all internal organs where it flows. For greater impact on health, colon-cleansing should be given a closer look.

The internet offers a long list of colon-cleansing programs: natural herbal remedy for colon cleansing is fast becoming the trend due to favorable feedbacks from those who tried it. Be wary about programs of longer duration as studies showed, they are more likely not completed. Choose shorter programs instead, which you can complete and your bite-sized goals realized before moving on to the next. You may also resort to the more convenient herbal home remedy. This is the secret of success in weight-loss or in any health programs: better build on success, little by little. When you acquire success in little attempts, your confidence will soar. You will be inspired to carry on and never give up. When you do it the other way, you'd end up frustrated and easily discouraged to finish the program because your feeling of inadequacy gets in the way.

How would I know if my colon cleansing program is working? First, how does it work? The main purpose of colon cleansing is to promote peristalsis on the large intestines, which moves the waste down to the rectum for excretion. This is helpful most especially when the large intestines have slowed down and elimination of waste is not done regularly. Ideally, excretion of waste should be done at least 2-3 times a day; elimination of waste regularly will boost energy and get rid of a sluggish feeling.

To aid your colon-cleansing or detoxification program, you should increase your fiber intake, maintain a low fat diet, have lavish servings of fruits and vegetables, help yourself with protein servings of chicken, fish or their alternates and more importantly, drink 8 glasses or more of water. Natural fruit juices can be taken in lieu of water. As you complete your program, you would notice transformation on your skin, as well as in your moods. You will feel great. It makes sense to conclude that when you start eliminating the excess baggage, you'd become lighter and feel healthier.

Getting shapely can now come easy. http://www.getmedicine.com/

About the Author

The main purpose of colon cleansing is to promote peristalsis on the large intestines, which moves the waste down to the rectum for excretion.


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