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Detoxify and Throw the Bottle Away


By Lac Tran

Alcohol withdrawal: accompanying symptoms
Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal
(http://concernrelated.mitamins.com/General-Health/symptoms-of-alcohol-withdrawal.html) include mild to severe hangover that lasts several days, stomach upset; headache, shakes or jitters; feelings of generalized anxiety or panic attacks; and insomnia that may be accompanied by bad dreams. There may be also be increases in heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. In a small proportion of alcoholics, withdrawal may result in severe symptoms, such as hallucinations or generalized seizures.

Improve your diet for successful alcohol withdrawal

Some of the nutritional deficiencies associated with alcoholism can be caused by a poor diet - a factor that needs correction on an individual basis. Improving the overall diet should be done in conjunction with a doctor. Sometimes liver or pancreatic disease associated with alcoholism also contributes to nutritional deficiencies. These problems require medical assessment and intervention. A special alcohol withdrawal diet including fruit and wheat germ and excluding caffeinated coffee, junk food, dairy products, and peanut butter will build your post-alcoholic strength. Most experts agree that alcoholics must have a diet abandoning the drinking of alcohol completely in order to overcome addiction. Moreover, before nutritional supplements(http://www.mitamins.com/) can take effect, a complete avoidance of alcohol is important.

Medicating your alcohol withdrawal
Medication while withdrawing from alcohol is one thing, but detoxification has even greater effects. Eating only fruit for a while, or drinking only juices will offload a lot of toxins from hard to reach places in your system. While you must balance your deep cleanse with periods of rebuilding and strengthening using techniques such as a healthy diet(http://www.mitamins.com/), supplements, yoga, and a strong support network. When you perform a cleanse, please try to keep the body warm, comfortable, and feeling as nurtured as much as possible. The more difficult cleanses such as those from alcohol dependence, are therefore easier to perform in warmer weather. When the body is being medicated away from alcohol dependence through cleansing, whether through a cleanse technique or simply a positive change in lifestyle, you may experience what is called a healing crises, which might include a fever, headache, skin eruptions and emotional irritability.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

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