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Do you Know if Infrared Saunas are Dangerous ?

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Author: Timothy Croy

As infrared saunas gain popularity in our modern culture, many questions arise about the technology behind them. How do they work? Are they expensive? And most importantly, are infrared saunas dangerous?

This question comes up more often than not when discussing the issue of infrared sauna technology. However, one must understand how an infrared sauna works before understanding the potential dangers that it may have.

The heaters that are installed in an infrared sauna are special heaters that use a unique type of light called FIR to heat the body. FIR, or infrared light, uses the infrared part of the light spectrum. Alot of people are initially put off by the sound of infrared light heating their body. However, this spectrum of light is completely safe to the user.

There are many different types, shapes, and sizes of infrared saunas, however the concept of how the sauna heats the user is always the same: an infrared heater installed into a container large enough to fit the user or users. If one uses the sauna in the intended manner, studies have proven that there are no dangers, illness-inducing side effects, or any general unwanted results.

In fact, the infrared sauna is generally regarded as a much safer alternative to a traditional sauna. Infrared heat is a direct type of heat that warms the body, and not the air around it. This allows an infrared sauna to effectively operate at a much lower temperature than traditional saunas. Many people that are put off by the high heat of a traditional sauna will welcome this benefit.

Infrared saunas also have many health inducing benefits, such as detoxifying the skin and internal organs, beautifying the skin, and general mood uplifting. They are also used to strengthen the heart by increasing circulation and blood flow.

There are many other benefits that an infrared sauna provides to user that are beyond the scope of the article. So if you're still wondering whether Infrared Saunas are safe for you, the answer is a resounding YES.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

About the Author:

Read more about the benefits of an infrared sauna, or the advantages over a traditional sauna at: Infrared Sauna Spot.

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