Burn The Fat Fast By Lifting Weights
If you ask ten people their opinion of the most effective way to burn fat, you could very well receive ten different answers. If you think of all the different exercises that could possibly burn fat, you come up with: running, walking, dancing, swimming and even sex! The best routine to burn the most fat in the quickest period of time is weightlifting.
Perhaps you think of weightlifting and immediately an image of Arnold Schwarzenegger comes to mind, or some other big and bulky figure with no neck. The fact of the matter is if you are serious about burning fat, you must include wightlifting in your daily exercise routine.
If you diet without weightlifting you stand a greater chance of losing muscle. There are many reasons why you do not want to lose muscle, but one that coincides with this article is that muscle loss decreases your resting metabolic rate, subsequently your body will burn fewer calories.
You may not want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger but being a weightlifter will turn you into a fat burning machine. You don't have to look like Arnold to burn fat and feel great. Lifting weights does not mean you will look like a body builder. Trust me, there is much more going into those bodies than you will ever know, no need to worry about at this point.
How long should you lift weights? The answer is simple. All of your life. It takes 21 days to create a habit. Lift weights for three straight weeks and watch the fat begin to burn off your body like snow off a hot windshield.
You should lift wieghts for at least 45 minutes to an hour. Do not train more than two straight days. Be sure to change the amount of weight you are lifting as well as the number of repetitions. As the old adgae states, don't place your eggs in one basket. Weightlifting is not the only exercise to burn fat.
You must combine your wightlifting with proper diet, cardio and sleep. Stay away from the fat burn pills and other lotions & potions. A good diet combines with exercise and weightlifting will burn more fat than you ever imagined.
About Author
Tom Penderson
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