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Lichen Nitidus Treatment - Information on Lichen Nitidus

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Lichen nitidus is a rare benign chronic papular lesion of unknown etiology. It was originally regarded as a variant of lichen planus but it is now considered a distinct entity.

Lichen nitidus is a relatively rare, chronic skin eruption. Lichen nitidus may affect anyone, but typically develops in children and young adults. Lichen nitidus is a benign disease with no associated mortality or complications. The cause of lichen nitidus is unknown. It consists of tiny, skin-colored bumps (papules) that often appear in clusters on the surface of your skin, especially on the arms and legs. Even without treatment, lichen nitidus usually disappears over time. The length of time needed for remission is variable and will depend on the patient and the amount of skin surface involved. If treatment is desired some of the therapies include topical and/or systemic corticosteroids, ultraviolet light therapy, topical or oral retinoids and others but again generally no treatment is needed.


The histology of lichen nitidus is significant for a "...localized granulomatous lymphohistiocytic infiltrate in an expanded dermal papilla with thinning of overlying epidermis and downward extension of the rete ridges at the lateral margin of the infiltrate, producing a typical 'claw clutching a ball' picture

Symptoms of Lichen nitidus

Some sign and symptoms related to Lichen nitidus are as follows:

Fingernails or toenails.
Palms of your hands and soles of your feet.
Ridges in the nails ( nail abnormalities ).

Dry mouth

Other sites where lichen nitidus occurs less frequently include:

* Palms of your hands and soles of your feet
* Fingernails or toenails
* Mucous membranes (mouth, nose, vagina and anus)

Other than its appearance on your skin, lichen nitidus usually doesn't cause any symptoms. Occasionally, the papules may itch.

Treatment of Lichen nitidus

Here is list of the methods for treating Lichen Nitidus:

#Steroids: Corticosteroids applied on your skin (topical) may reduce inflammation.
#Topical corticosteroids (such as triamcinolone acetonide cream) or oral corticosteroids (such as prednisone) may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and suppress immune responses.
#Antihistamines, sedatives, or tranquilizers may be needed to reduce itching and to reduce stress.


You can't prevent lichen nitidus.

About the Author:

Read out for Doctor. Check out high blood pressure and stress

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