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Sjorgen Syndrome: Why Am I so Thirsty?

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By Chrissy & Company

With one out of every31 Americans suffering from some form of an autoimmune disease, many adults and children are struggling through life coping with symptoms which often lead to inhibited performance of daily living activities. One such autoimmune disease, Sjorgen Syndrome, can be difficult to diagnose and, often, sufferers are misdiagnosed. Understanding the origin, symptoms and treatment of the Sjorgen Syndrome will provide sufferers with a basic understanding of the condition which has significant life changing implications.

Sjorgen Syndrome is autoimmune disease in which the white blood cells attack the glands and tissues involved in thebody's natural ability to retain moisture. While the exact origin is not known, it is believed Sjorgen Syndrome is an inherited condition with the majority of Sjorgen Syndrome sufferers found to be womenand, inapproximately 50 percentof thecases, suffer from a comorbid condition of autoimmune origin.

Symptoms of Sjorgen Syndrome often present as excessively dry mouth and eyes with most sufferersunaware of the extent of thediagnosis leading to a daily frustrationin coping with a feeling of excessive dehydration. In addition to the overwhelming feeling of dehydration, Sjorgen Syndrome can affect major bodily functions leaving the sufferer tocommonly experience severefatigue and lethargy. For individuals suffering from Sjorgen Syndrome, remaining in this dehydrated state can lead to severe health complications including dental decay, gum disease and even eye disorders with loss of tear production and the inability to use corrective lenses.

While Sjorgen Syndrome affects many individuals without any comorbid factors, Sjorgen Sydrome isequally common among individuals who are comorbid for other autoimmune or connective tissue disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Organs affected, even without comorbid conditions, in the Sjorgen Syndrome sufferer includedisorders of thepancreas, kidneys,gastrointestinaltract and the central nervous system.

For individuals caring for someone with Sjorgen Syndrome, the key factor is empathy to the overwhelming sensation of being totally and completely dehydrated with no relief available. When treating a patient wtih Sjorgen Syndrome, the healthcare professional must first determine which organs and tissues are affected by the disorder. Once this factor is known, the areas, organs and bodily functionsaffected are then treated directly.For example, with Sjorgen Syndrome induced eye disorders, the sufferer may be required to used eye drops on a regular basis and be required to maintain low humidity in the home to preventeye deterioration. For those with oral tissue implications, the excessive intake of fluids is important to promote dental health and prevent oral decay.

As with any irregular health pattern, individuals suffering from severe dehydration should consult a healthcare professional when the dehydration leads to other symptoms and does not improve with the intake of fluids. When diagnosed with Sjorgen Syndrome, obtaining early intervention and following treatment recommendations will ensure a better quality of life with this autoimmune disease.


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