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Learn All About Treating Hernia


ebet sanders

Once an abdominal hernia occurs, it tends to increase in size. Some patients with abdominal hernias wait and watch for some time before choosing surgery. In such cases, they should avoid vigorous physical activity, such as heavy lifting or straining with constipation. They can also wear a truss, which is an worn as a belt to keep a small herniation of the projection. People can tell if their hernia worse if they develop severe constant pain, nausea and vomiting, or if the bulb does not return to normal when lying down or when they try to push it gently into place. In such cases, they should consult their doctor immediately. But, ultimately, surgery is the treatment in almost all cases.

There are risks not to surgically repair a hernia. It is not treated, a hernia can be incarcerated, which means it can no longer be reduced or pushed into place. With an incarcerated hernia intestines become trapped outside the abdomen. This could lead to a blockage in the intestine. If it becomes severe enough, it can cut the blood supply to the intestine and part of the intestine can actually die.

When the blood supply is cut off, the hernia is called \ "strangled. \ "Because of the risk of tissue death (necrosis) and gangrene, and because the hernia can block food to move through the intestine, a strangulated hernia is a medical emergency requiring D'surgery immediately. Repairing hernias before it becomes incarcerated or strangled is much safer than waiting to develop complications.

surgical repair of a hernia is called a herniorrhaphy. The surgeon will push the bulging part of the intestine and sew up muscles over the whole. When the muscle is not strong enough, the surgeon can strengthen it with a synthetic mesh.

surgery can be done on an outpatient basis. It usually takes 30 minutes for children and 60 minutes for adults. This can either be done under general or local anesthesia and is frequently done with a laparoscope. In this type of surgery, a tube which allows visualization of the abdominal cavity is inserted through a small puncture wound.

Several small holes are made to allow surgical instruments to be inserted. This type of intervention can avoid a larger incision.

hiatus hernia is treated differently. Medical treatment is preferred. Treatments include:

Avoid lying after meals
Avoid spicy foods, acidic foods, alcohol and tobacco
Eat small, frequent meals fade
The adoption of a diet high-fiber.

There are also several types of medicines that help manage symptoms of a hiatus hernia. Antacids are used to neutralize stomach acid and reduce burns. The drugs that reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach (H2 blockers) are also used. This class of drugs includes famotidine (sold under the name Pepcid), cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac). Omeprazole (Prilosec) is not an H2 blocker, but it's another drug that suppresses gastric acid secretion and is used for a hiatus hernia. Another option could be metoclopramide (Reglan), a drug that enhances muscle tone around the esophagus and causes an empty stomach as soon as possible.

If you are looking for great hernia information you can visit hernia for you.

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