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DIM - The Key In Preventing Estrogen-Generated Cancer in Both Sexes


Did you know for decades the FDA has allowed estrogens in your food?

Sure estrogens may preserve our food, kill insects and make farm animals grow big and fat incredibly fast. But these benefits are for the food producer but neglect your health the consumer.

In women, this excess amount of estrogen causes anxiety, worsens premenstrual symptoms and increases risks of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and breast cancer. It's also responsible for the dramatic worsening of menopause symptoms in modern times.

For men, the excess amount of estrogen relentlessly signals their prostates to grow. It causes feminization, weakness and fatigue and worsens the loss of virility that occurs with age. It appears to be nature's plan to gradually withdraw masculine capabilities as we grow old. But now men are living longer yet losing virility younger than ever. This combination of trends is creating a whole generation of "avirile" tired old men. And some of them aren't that old. The fast pace of this trend occurring in younger and younger guys is alarming.

If I look at the list of clients I saw last week, I'll bet at least 10 had problems related to excess estrogen. For some the level was so high and the medical consequences so severe that prescription medications were necessary and those clients were referred to their primary physicians. (The pharmaceutical industry developed these medications to treat estrogen-dependent breast cancers.) But for most, I used a nutritional solution.

This nutritional solution is the same one I've been using for years, it's safe and simple.

The first step to combat your involuntary dosing with estrogens is simply to eat more "crucifers". Crucifers are a group of vegetables including broccoli, Brussels's sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage.

When you eat a vegetable like broccoli, your body breaks down the broccoli's glucobrassicin into a compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C). I3C plays an active role in flushing your body of cancer-causing chemicals. I3C is naturally broken down in your digestive tract to DIM (diindolylmethane). DIM is a key to prevent estrogen-generated cancers in men and women.

DIM clears rogue steroids into your urine. These steroids cause cancers to grow in both men and women. Breast, cervical, and prostate cancers all fit this scenario. We have known that these cancer cells grow slower in the presence of DIM for several years. Many animal and human studies have focused on breast, uterine, and cervical cancer. All have had positive results. Cancer cell growth slows down when introduced to DIM.

But the most impressive result is from a recent Journal of Biological Chemistry. University of California, Berkeley researchers discovered that when DIM was administered to prostate cancer cells, they stopped growing. And the cancer cells were reduced by 70%.

The most natural way to get DIM is through eating cruciferous vegetables. They have an abundance of I3C, vitamins, and other nutrients. Try to eat cruciferous vegetables at least daily. I find this easy to do if I plan my meals ahead of time.

You can also take DIM as a supplement. I usually start clients with a 100 mg DIM capsule. 2 capsules can provide the DIM equivalent to a pound of vegetables. DIM can be purchased at your local health food store or online.

Dr. Ron has been teaching individuals for the past fifteen years on how to allow their own bodies to repair themselves though the use of good nutrition, Rife Frequencies, EFT's Qi Gong, and the use of simple laws of attraction to have and maintain excellent health and well being. Feel free to call Dr. Ron for a consultation 619-697-6376.

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