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Sitting On The Job A Sure Way To Get Hemorrhoids


Sitting may be a relaxing way to do one's job. But too much time on the chair may also encourage the growth of hemorrhoids which are not only annoying but painful as well. Those who suffer from this occupational disease include bus drivers, judges and writers.

Sedentary occupations, however, are not entirely to be blamed for the disease. Constipation, straining and being overweight are other factors that contribute to the condition. Doctors say a third of adults have or have had hemorrhoids. Other high risk groups are pregnant women and those who have just given birth.

"A sometimes embarrassing topic of discussion, hemorrhoids are common. By age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the itching, bleeding and pain that often signal the presence of hemorrhoids," according to the Mayo Clinic.

It all starts when there is too much pressure in the veins in the rectum or anus. When these veins are strained and interfere with the normal circulation of blood, they become swollen, causing blood clots to form in the surrounding area. These swollen or varicose veins can be found either inside or outside the muscular ring or sphincter that closes the anus.

Eventually internal hemorrhoids will find themselves pushed outside the ring of the anus through the action of the bowels. These protruding hemorrhoids may later break and bleed as a result of scratching or strain. But don't be alarmed since bleeding actually helps treat hemorrhoids. The anal sphincters partially strangle them to prevent their return.

If bleeding is internal, you should consult your doctor to be sure the condition is not caused by other serious ailments.

The itching sensation that accompanies hemorrhoids is caused by fungal infections. Violent scratching and over treatment with commercial oint¬ments won't help and may help spread the infection. Hemorrhoids can be cured by identifying and eliminating the factors responsible for the disease.

A simple remedy is to place a soft cushion on a hard chair. If you are overweight, get some exercise to keep in shape and improve circulation. There is much to gain by drink¬ing plenty of water and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables to correct constipation. Itching can be relieved by rectal suppositories and mild skin anesthetic ointments.

"If your hemorrhoids are producing only mild discomfort, your doctor may suggest over-the-counter creams, ointments or pads containing witch hazel or a topical anti-inflammatory agent containing hydrocortisone. This local treatment, in combination with daily warm baths, may relieve your symptoms," said the Mayo Clinic.

Those bothered by painful hemorrhoids may turn to surgery or other procedures. The swollen veins are either tied with rubber bands or exposed to infrared light to cut off circulation until the hemorrhoids fall off or they are injected with a chemical solution that shrinks them.

"If other procedures haven't been successful or if you have large hemorrhoids, your doctor can remove tissue in a procedure called hemorrhoidectomy. The surgery is done with either a local anesthetic combined with sedation, a spinal anesthetic, or a general anesthetic. Surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis or you may require an overnight hospital stay. While you may experience discomfort after the procedure, medications can be used to relieve your pain. Soaking in a warm bath also can ease your discomfort," concluded the Mayo Clinic.

To avoid hemorrhoids, keep your weight down with the help of Zyroxin, a safe and natural supplement that will maximize your weight loss through its unique fat-burning ingredients. For details, visit http://www.zyroxin.com/.

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine http://www.HealthLinesNews.com

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