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The Candelis RIS PACS is a breakthrough for small medical facilities operating on low budgets

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by Wayne Hemrick

A RIS PACS - integrated Radiology Information and Picture Archive and Communications System - is perhaps the most vital piece of equipment a health care facility can have, particularly when it comes to employing a mammography workstation. Until now, there have been two barriers to small private practices and underfunded public health facilities when it came to access to an up-to-date, yet affordable PACS. One of course is cost - RIS PACS such as are used at top university medical centers and private commercial hospitals run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars

The other problem has had more to do with the technology itself. Not only has the technology of standard PACS workstations been very complex, it has had its limitations as well. Even the most novice PC user will tell you that image files of any kind are either large and unwieldy, or of extremely poor quality. This is especially true of medical imagery, which is must not only be very clear detailed, but is also produced by means of several different and incompatible modalities that include MRI, computed tomography and electroencephalogram. Such image files are huge, and have not always been viewable on a PC monitor without the use of special software.

You may also have noticed dramatic drops in the price of computer technology in recent years. This drop has also affected the technology behind RIS PACS. Today, Candelis Imagegrid, a manufacturer of high tech mammography viewers and other medical imaging equipment, is able to offer the Candelis PACS - a full-featured, user friendly RIS PACS affordably priced for small private medical practices and public health facilities serving inner cities and rural communities.

The Candelis RIS PACS is an integrated mammography workstation and fully functional database and archival storage system. If you are familiar with the use of a Windows-based PC, you will find the Candelis PACS extremely user-friendly. This affordable pacs not only allows radiologists and other health care professionals to readily download, view and archive a wide range of medical images (including EEGs, MRIs and CTs), it readily interfaces with a medical office's existing network as well as the World Wide Web. This means that patient records (which the front office can organize and store using the ris pacs) are close as a keystroke and can be archived with their associated image files. Internet capability means that doctors can easily collaborate and consult with colleagues anywhere in the world in real time.

The Candelis RIS PACS is a breakthrough for small medical facilities operating on low budgets. Check out Candelis Imagegrid today and find out how the RIS PACS have improve the quality of your patients' care at a cost lower than you thought.

About the Author
Wayne Hemrick writes about the advent of future technology. PACS and the DICOM standard, patient information can be shared electronically and near-instantaneously by digital imaging users using a host of modality, computer hardware and imaging software vendors.

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