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List of Natural Remedies for Gout

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by: Karen Jackson

Natural gout remedies are in high demand for gout suffers. So I have put together a brief list of some of the more popular natural remedies for gout and gout. These are a result of my own research and remedies sent to me by gout suffers.

Vegetable Juices

Raw vegetable juices can be used for gout treatment. For example, a combination of carrot juice, beet juice and cucumber juice is valuable. In addition, the juice of French beans or string beans has also shown to be effective in treating gout. You can get these products at your local grocery store.

Fruit for Treating Gout

Apples, bananas, tart cherries and lime are regarded as an excellent source for curing gout. For example the malic acid contained in apples is believed to neutralize uric acid and afford relief to gout sufferers. You should eat one apple after each meal. Fresh fruit is available from your local farm market or at the produce section of your local grocery store.

A diet of bananas only for three or four days is advised for providing some relief from gout. Eating several bananas daily during this period and nothing else.

Lime is also used as a source in treating gout. Vitamin C is known to strengthening the connective tissues of the body. The citric acid found in lime is a solvent of the uric acid. The juice of half a lime, squeezed into a glass of water, should be taken twice daily.

Tart cherries and tart cherry juice offers great protection against gout. Tart cherries help with uric acid in the blood and dissolve the painful crystals in that can form in the joints. Tart cherry juice, dried tart cherries and tart cherry capsules can help to reduce the pain related to gout. Tart cherry juice is difficult to get, but I tracked down a reliable source for you at Traverse Bay Farms http://www.traversebayfarms.com

Orange Juice and Water

For an acute attack, orange juice and water are a great way to fight acute gout fast.

Natural Food Diet

Embarking upon a well-balanced diet of natural foods, with an emphasis on fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and sprouts.

Epsom salt bath

Epsom salts foot baths are advised. Epsom salt may be added to tolerably hot water. In addition, if you suffer from gout a full Epsom salt bath should also be taken three times a week. Pick up some Epsom salt at your local pharmacist

Cold packs, exercise and fresh air

Apply cold packs to the affected joints at night. Fresh air and outdoor exercise are also essential. In addition, you should attempt to eliminate as much stress from your life as possible. You can get some cold pack at www.coldpacksforgout.com

1 ความคิดเห็น:
Tobasme said...
July 10, 2012 at 5:47 PM  

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