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What Are Functional Ovarian Cysts and Should I Worry About Them?

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by Susan Anderson

Most women are more than familiar with the term "ovarian cyst", even though they may never may have had a full understanding of what these things actually are. Usually when any type of cysts are discussed, the thoughts of large cancerous tumors immediately fill the minds of those who have never experienced them. Fortunately, that is not the case in the majority of cysts.

There are ovarian cysts which develop on the ovary during the ovulation cycle which are basically a sac around a maturing egg. Once the egg gets released, the sac should simply disappear causing no problems. There are instances however when the sac will hold the egg and prevent it from being released. When this happens, the cyst will fill with fluid to varying degrees. This type of cyst is known as a follicular cyst.

It is also possible for the sac which enclosed the maturing egg to release its contents, then close back up on its own and again fill with fluid. The result is an ovarian cyst which is referred to as luteal cyst, which can be vary widely in size.

The good news is that these cysts usually cause no symptoms and simply go away on their own. They can cause problems if they become too large, as they are then susceptible to induce problems by twisting or rupturing. Either of these two circumstances can lead to the cyst bleeding and causing quite a bit of pain.

Some of the symptoms of a problem ovarian cyst are a delayed menstrual cycle, unexplained pain during intercourse, bleeding when not on your period and pelvic pain during your period. The pain of ruptured cysts can be significant, so if you have these symptoms, please consult your physician to get a pelvic exam and possible ultrasound performed to verify the presence of ovarian cysts.

About the Author

Are you worried about the possibility of surgery for your ovarian cysts? You may want to consider treatments available which have not only eased the pain, but have also eliminated the problem entirely for others with no surgery required. Before you decide your course of action, check out EasyHealthAnswers.com

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