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Why Hip Pain May Be a Back Problem

ป้ายกำกับ: ,

by Daniel Wade

In a lot of cases, hip pain may be rooted in a back problem. That is certainly the case if the pain is felt in the hip and lower back together. Back pain will often begin to extend towards the hip, and eventually the leg, if left untreated or improperly treated.

Sciatica, which is more of a set of symptoms than a definable condition, often times is felt by pain beginning in the hip and going down the leg. Sciatica cannot be treated using the same methods as common back pain in most cases.

For instance, mild inversion works great for common back pain. The kind that burns of inflammation felt over a fairly large area. For sciatica symptoms it doesn't seem to do as well.

While most hip pain is in fact associated with a back condition, some is not. If your pain is constant and not felt moving towards the lower back or down the leg, you have a hip issue. You should get an x-ray and take a good look at it.

The amount of pain you are in will probably determine the next step in dealing with a true hip problem. It can get so bad as to need a hip replacement surgery if left unchecked. Don't put it off if your pain is getting worse.

If your hip pain is really a back problem, you would be well advised to treat it yourself. You can do a lot of good with extension exercise, providing that it is done correctly. And just as importantly, the right frequency for the condition of your back.

Most importantly, you must be treating the right problem. You cannot effectively treat a bone spur or arthritis in your hip with even the best back pain treatment. But properly treating a back problem can make your hip stop hurting. That's why hip pain may be a back problem.

About the Author

Let Daniel show you how easy back related hip pain can be relieved.


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