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The Applications of Alcohol Breathalyzer

Author: Stephen Jhonson

Alcohol abuse is prevalent among people of all ages and classes at homes, schools, and workplaces. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 129 million people or more than half of Americans aged 12 years or older are current drinkers of alcohol in 2008. This grave situation stresses on the need for alcohol testing that can be done instantly and easily to check the abuse.

Alcohol breathalyzer is a popular alcohol abuse detection tool among people from different occupations. A breathalyzer detects the blood alcohol content (BAC) in the breath sample. The compact size and simple usage features of an alcohol Breathalyzer at an affordable price attracted many people at homes, schools, offices, and law enforcements to use it.

Youngsters are vulnerable to alcohol abuse and they generally try to hide drinking habits from their family members. Alcohol Breathalyzers are one of the best devices, which help to check alcohol abusers at home. These devices are compact in size, easy to carry, and less expensive.

Alcohol abuse is rapidly growing among the high school grads. According to NSDUH, the rate of current alcohol abuse was 14.6 percent in 2008 among the youths aged 12 to 17 years. Student alcohol abusers have poor academic performances and behavioral problems. To cope up with the harmful effects of alcohol abuse during childhood and adolescence, many schools are using alcohol breathalyzers usually at school functions and events.
Alcohol abuse cost millions of dollars to the American businesses annually in the form of low productivity, absenteeism, and accidents. Alcohol abusers have higher chances of injuring themselves or others at work. Many companies use alcohol breathalyzers to check the blood alcohol level in employees to ensure workplace is safe and productive.

Law enforcement:
Many people risk their lives driving under the influence of alcohol. According to NSDUH, around 12.4 percent of persons aged 12 years or older drove under the influence of alcohol at least once in the past year, 2008. Law enforcement officials use one of the latest technology alcohol breathalyzers to quickly and easily detect blood alcohol content of large number of people.

Alcohol breathalyzers are the most preferred devices to check the blood alcohol content, as they provide accurate and quick results. Unlike other methods where blood or urine samples are collected, which take a lot of time and effort, alcohol breathalyzers are more efficient providing on site results from a breath sample.

Rapiddrugdetection.com is an online store offering drug tests and drug screening products in several formats including blood, urine and oral drug test kit. Some of the popular products are marijuana drug test kit, breathalyzer, employee drug testing kits, and alcohol tester.

This article is free for republishing
Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1158755_17.html
About the Author
Occupation: Analyst
Stephen Jhonson is a free lance content writer. Has good experience in writing articles and press releases.

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Anonymous said...
October 8, 2009 at 10:01 PM  


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Barbara O’ Brien

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