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How to Prevent, Test & Treat Your Possible Niacin Toxicity & Deficiency

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By: Lena Butler

Niacin is an essential component of the human body and it works by aiding in the process of energy metabolism in all living cells and most importantly works to assist in DNA repair. It even has a role in how certain hormones are produced in the adrenal glands, particularly those involved with the body’s stress response.

Niacin, which is also known as Vitamin B3, is very important to the general chemistry of the human body. So if the levels of this substance are thrown in either direction, meaning you have either too much or too little niacin in your system, the result could be devastating.

People who take niacin supplements as treatment for other conditions are particularly at risk for developing niacin toxicity. That is why they have to be especially cautious in monitoring their bodies’ signs and signals.

The same goes for people with a niacin deficiency. While rare in developed countries, it is still possible for a person to have a deficiency of this substance for one reason or another. If left untreated, niacin deficiency can lead to permanent damage of internal organs and cause memory loss, confusion and eventually mental decline or dementia. These are all very serious things, which makes it all the more important you seek treatment at the very first moment you think you may have a problem.

But how can you tell if you have a problem with your niacin levels? Symptoms only begin to present themselves when damage is being done. So what is the solution? Prevention is the key. And you can prevent your niacin levels from dropping super low or skyrocketing super high by knowing where they are at all times. You can do this by using an at home test called a wellness panel.

A wellness panel is easy to use and can detect the levels of different substances at one time. Once you get your results back from the lab you will know where your niacin levels stand. If there is any cause for concern, set up an appointment with your doctor and he or she will take it from there.

By being proactive and taking action before anything gets out of hand, you ensure your health and avoid serious complications later down the line. That is the real treatment here.

This Article is written by Lena Butler, the author of Home Testing Blog – Testing It Up, a longer version of this article is located at Testing Niacin Toxicity & Deficiency and a similar article by Lena is the Signs and Symptoms of Niacin Toxicity & Deficiency.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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