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The 10 Most Obscure Hair Loss Treatments Of All Times


Men have been losing their hair forever. Medieval Herbals, ancient Egyptian scrolls, Imperial Chinese medical books, and witches potions all include some treatment for hair loss. Obviously, men of all ages have been plagued by this problem!

Some of these hair loss treatments are simple and even used today, such as rubbing a red pepper potion on your scalp. They range from a simple herb seeped in warm water to elaborate poultices and potions involving animal droppings, gemstones, animal fats, and in some cases, even blood. It seems that even back then, guys hated losing their hair and would go to any lengths, including going to the local witch for some foul smelling treatment.

Here are the ten most obscure and weird hair loss treatments, from all cultures:

#1. A 12th century book of shadows (a Wicca spell and potion book) has one interesting hair loss treatment, including a poultice and a spell:

"Creates a potion which will cause rapid hair growth.

Get a candle of any type, but the color of the candle should be the color of the hair you want to grow. Light the candle and drip wax into the water while chanting:

Colored wax infest this water,
And from the flame make it grow hotter,
And from the mixture soon to be,
Grow some hair for all to see.

Then mix in the dirt while chanting

From within this dirt small seeds do be,
Way to small for thee to see,
Yet from the life force in the seeds,
Hair shall grow like nasty weeds.

Once you have a somewhat muddy and thick mixture, stop and use the cloth to strain the muddy water. It is this muddy water which contains the hair growing magic. This water can then be mixed with anything (like shampoo) and used to help hair growth.

You can also just use the mud itself as a mud poultice that will make your hair grow."

#2. A Chinese herbal handbook dating from the 8th century B.C. offers the following treatment for hair loss:

"Catch a green grass snake and place it in a silk bag. Pound the snake inside the silk bag, and then mix with FoTi (polygoni multiflori) root. Boil the mixture and place for three nights under the full moon. Smear the mixture on your scalp and do not remove for two nights and one day. Your hair will grow luxuriously long and black, and you will no longer lose your hair, nor will it ever become gray."

#3. The Plains Native Americans often created a poultice of nettles, scorpions and millipedes ground up and boiled together to prevent hair loss. Urine from a pregnant woman was applied to the scalp as well.

#4. An ancient Egyptian text includes a potion made of honey, beer, boiled wheat, and goat dung. This potion is supposed to "quicken the blood and life force." Egyptians believed that natural hair loss was a symptom of the Gods' disfavor. Since the Gods were in charge of the life force, the potion was meant to "trick" the gods with the goat dung. Since goats never lose their hair, it was thought that if goat dung was consumed or applied to the skin, the gods would believe that you are a goat, and "skip" you while surveying humankind.

#5. The oldest hair loss prescription is also Egyptian. The prescription is for a mixture of iron, red lead, onions, alabaster, and honey which was to be swallowed, after first reciting a magical invocation to the sun god.

#6. An old Viking legend includes an interesting hair loss remedy: applying goose droppings all over the scalp. This was supposed to cure baldness, even in its most advanced stages.

#7. In 420 BC, Hippocrates also attempted to cure baldness with the following very interesting mixture: a mixture of opium, horseradish, pigeon droppings, beetroot, and various spices applied to the scalp. Since Hippocrates continued to lose his hair, we can only assume that this particular obscure treatment was not very successful. He later decided that castration was the best solution, since eunuchs didn't lose their hair. Any takers for that method?

#8. A particularly strange hair loss treatment was administered by the Celtic Druids. The Druid would rub rosemary on the bald patch, and then the patient would dunk his head three times in ice water (not a pleasant experience in British winters!). Afterwards the druid would sacrifice a red squirrel, and pray that the squirrel's long tail hair would affect hair growth for the patient.

#9. Egyptians seem to have been obsessed with hair loss. Yet another hair loss treatment is found is Egyptian medical papyrus texts: fat extracted from lions, hippopotamuses, crocodiles, ibex, serpents and geese was rubbed all over the scalp, and sometimes left on the scalp for several days. In the Egyptian heat, one can only imagine the smell. And one very special treatment was reserved for kings - toes of a dog, refuse of dates, and a hoof of an ass.

#10. Last but not least, the Indians (from India!) have two particularly interesting hair loss remedies: washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram dhal, (urad dhal) and fenugreek (methi) lengthens the hair. A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram (arhar dhal) can also be applied regularly on bald patches, with beneficial results.

Now, of course you can try any of these at home (I'd be careful with the green snake, and the lion fat, really I would), but why take a risk when you can enjoy natural hair loss herbal treatments that combine ancient wisdom with modern pharmacy?

About the Author

Adam Milewski is co-founder of AMG, providing a revolutionary hair loss herbal treatment with permanent results. The cure is also known to cope effectively with female hair loss after pregnancy.

Article Source: www.iSnare.com

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