How Potable Music player can pose risk to your health
By isaac okoye
How Potable Music player can pose risk to your health
Music and other loud noises earring loss by damaging the ear cells in the cochlea, which is a part of your inner ear that helps, transmit sound information to your brain. Theses hair cells can often recover from temporary damage. If you have ever been to a rock concert and your hearing sounded muffled for the next day or two, you have experienced temporary damage to those hair cells. But, extremely loud noise, such as a gunshot, or moderately loud noise that continues for long periods of time, can permanently damage these hair cells. Once these hairs are destroyed, they don't come back and, at least, partial hearing loss occurs. Any sound above 90 decibels (db) may cause some hearing loss if the exposure is prolonged. But, must portable music players can produce sounds up to 120 db. That's louder than a lawn mower or a chain saw and equivalent to an ambulance siren. The problem is that you don't feel hearing loss occurring. You won't know until years later that some of your hearing has been permanently destroyed.
Here are some Warning Signs
1. A blocked feeling in the ears.
2. Having to ask people to repeat what they said to you.
3. You also have to turn up the volume on the TV set when those around you can hear the sound emitted from the TV set speakers.
4. You can't hear conversations happening around you.
5. Hearing ringing in your ears.
How to Know your music ear peace is loud
1. While you can't measure the decibel level of your music, there are some simple ways to know if the volume of your potable music player is high. Your music is high.
2. You find your self shouting instead if talking when you respond to people near you ( friend or family members)
3. The volume is set higher than 70% -80% of the volume and you can't hear conversations going on around you.
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Isaac okoye
About the Author
I am an internet enterenue who deals in buy selling and rendering services who beliefs that information rules the world and loves sharing Information and researching and searching it with people.
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