Can Colonic Irrigation be Harmful?
George Christodoulou
There is a lot of conjecture both within and outside the medical profession on the leading question: is colonic irrigation harmful? Ask any doctor and you will usually receive one of two answers. One is absolutely not and the other is usually not too clear. The reason for the indecision is that most doctors find it hard to prove that colonic irrigation is harmful and many more, especially of the younger generation will wholeheartedly endorse flushing the colon to remove the impurities that the body can build up there over a period of time.
It goes without saying that any doctor who will suggest colon cleaning as a form of treatment will do so as part of a package that includes a healthier eating pattern and possibly a more active life style. Colon cleaning can be a very positive step, but if the person who undertakes a course of colonic irrigation yet continues to eat the wrong food and leave a sedentary life style then the effects of the treatment will be minimalized.
No self respecting medical practitioner will suggest to a patient that colon cleansing should be carried out on a weekly basis or even monthly. The minimum intervals between treatments should be no less than three months, and the ideal interval should be a year. Another question that a doctor may ask is which method of colonic cleaning will be used. Depending on the state of the patient’s health, the doctor will probably advise on never undertaking a colon cleansing using methods or chemicals that are too radical.
Too sum up on the question of is colon irrigation harmful, the answer should be a negative one, as long as it is carried out sensibly, preferably under supervision and at reasonable intervals. On the other hand if the patient embarks on a healthier life style, the necessity to have their colon cleaned will be considerably reduced and their health will show a marked improvement.
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