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Health Matters - Captain Mercury


In the dark reaching shadows of mercury poisoning, it can be hard to keep your chin up. While I was going through the period when my wife and I were trying to figure out what I had - after nearly a dozen Doctors had brought little to no help and in fact mostly discouragement with no diagnosis - we finally discoved a Doctor that knew what I had and precisely what to do about it.

We were thrilled with the fact that my acute condition was being brought under control and we had a long-term prognosis that was positive. Considering how incredibly sick I was, we weren't under any illusions that it would be a quick process. My thought was that it took me years to get so ill and it would take me years to get well again.

So in our enthusiasm, we shared with our close friends the diagnosis. From that point on, my buddy called me Captain Mercury.

So Captain Mercury to the rescue. If my story will help you, I am thrilled. That is a prime motivator for me. It was so tough for me to figure out what I had. In fact, I got so ill that I could no longer properly process what the cause might be. Without my wife's patient help, without the support of God, I absolutely would not have been able to last through those dark days and darker nights.

For forty days, I was not able to successfully digest so much as a cracker. That was after many days and more weeks of very poor digestive function. My physiology could have been viewed as a really bad train wreck. I was kept alive by Recharge and fresh veggie juices. Recharge is a sort off 'healthy' alternative to sports' drinks. One of the reasons for drinking this type of drink was to replace the electrolytes I was losing via my dysfunctional intestinal tract.

What did I have? Chronic Mercury Poisoning of the Gut. From most Doctors' perspectives, I had an outrageous case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Because of the effects of the severe IBS attacks, I required 4 to 6 liters of IV (intravenous) fluid probably a dozen times. A couple times, they were administered in foreign countries that might not be known for the standard of care we enjoy in America.

I was dealt a daily dose of dasterdly discouragement. But it didn't keep me down. Whereas in 2005 I didn't know if I was going to live or die from one day to another, now I just keep Oregano Tea and Charcoal in my bag and life is much more normal. Whereas a digestive setback would cost me weeks to get back on track, now it takes only days. I still have a couple years to go at my current rate of treatment, but things are looking very bright now. I can do things today that I couldn't dream of doing a couple years ago. The only thing I could dream of doing back then involved basic survival and staying positive.

To conclude, given what I have gone through and that I successfully played ding dong ditch on death's door, I believe you can make it through whatever you may be facing. You need to set out to find the cause of your problem. You may need a champion to fight for you. You certainly need loved ones praying for you. God can help you. I am firmly convinced of this great truth.

Copyright 2007 Thomas Mayhew

Thomas Mayhew is President of Crimson Books. Since going through a death-defying health experience (in 2005), he has taken a keen interest in sharing his health knowledge with others. You can subscribe to his blog at Health Matters Blog.

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