Caffeine: Can It Cure Parkinson's Disease?
By: M. Kushner
Caffeine's medical use for treating Parkinson's disease is a subject of much debate. However, in my opinion, caffeine cannot help without causing harm. In my book "The Truth about Caffeine" I explain that excessive caffeine ingestion depletes the dopamine somatic cell. While you may ingest caffeine at a reasonable level, as you become more dependent on it, your demand will increase. As with any drug, the body quickly discovers how to render caffeine's effects void, demanding larger quantities to feel any further stimulation. Several risks, along with death can accompany large dosages of caffeine.
Most caffeine consumers actively seek the boost of dopamine, for their brains to be stimulated, in order to feel more motivated, intense sensations and raised mental acuity. Caffeine is one of the most sought after brain stimulates, that many people take to secrete a sudden burst of dopamine, just like other brain stimulants. Dopamine is a neuro-transmitter, the brain' chemical messenger which is responsible for energy level, vigilance, alertness, reaction time, spontaneity, etc. Yet, this neuro-transmitter is responsible for addiction to stimulates as well.
Heavy caffeine ingestion not only reduced the amount of dopamine, but also dopamine creating brain cells. You then feel weary and tried. Yet, more caffeine is consumed returning the rush of energy. This is a cycle of constant depletion of dopamine somatic cell.
Dopamine declines with age, however caffeine and other stimulants accelerate the dopamine decline and speed up the process of the brain aging. A large reduction of dopamine somatic cell is termed Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease suffers can benefit with dopamine flow stimulated by caffeine. Yet, before the disease's symptoms are noticeable, 70 to 80 percent of the dopamine somatic cell are forever lost.
Caffeine leads to the development of other health problems. While caffeine accelerate the production of stress hormones, the adrenal glands become exhausted. Right into the bloodstream goes the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol, when the adrenal gland receives the message from our pituitary gland, in our brain, that is all started from a single cup of a caffeinated drink.
We feel a surge of blood as stress hormones are send out, typically while in an extreme situation. The quick "pick-me-up" from caffeine actually comes from a stress hormone. The stress hormones are send out as part of our defence system, activated by caffeine. But, eventually, this defence mechanism weakens.
The glands get completely expended to a point where they are unable to secrete enough hormones, because caffeine continuously sends its artificial adrenalin. Seeking that familiar energy burst, caffeine addicts increase their ingestion, putting more stress on the glands that are struggling to adapt with their demands. Consequences will occur, as this cycle continues.
Gradually, adrenal depletion occurs for caffeine consumers. Excess production by the stress hormones, become toxic, later changing the blood composition, leading to destructive alterations in the endocrine, immune and nervous systems.
The logical conclusion could be any or this entire group; chronic fatigue, higher blood sugar and insulin levels, weight gain, raised blood pressure, irritation, tension, depression, sleeping problems, frequent virus outbreaks, ulcers, thinning of the skin, bone loss, thyroid problems, and other warning signs of health deterioration.
Marina Kushner is the founder of the Caffeine Awareness Alliance, a non-profit organization, which sponsors National Caffeine Awareness Month and is held annually in March across America. Ms. Kushner is an authority on caffeine and the detrimental effects it has on the body and mind. Her latest book called "The Truth About Caffeine" explores the historical and social impact of the drug throughout the ages while offering healthy alternatives to its usage.
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Read More......7:02 AM | 7 Comments
Causes and treatment of dark circles under the eyes
By: Predrag Iljic
Dark circles are not a medical concern, but they can be very annoying and embarrassing. They are the second highest dermatological problem in the world.
There are many causes for dark circles under the eyes, the most common ones are : Hereditary reasons, the more transparent your skin, an inherited trait, the darker the circles appear. It could also be because you have inherited certain facial features (e.g. If you have deep-set eyes). Allergies - Any hidden allergies release histamine which makes the blood vessels more inflamed. Nasal congestion - the veins from the eyes drain into the veins of the nose. If the nose is blocked up, the veins around the eyes become larger and darker. Medications - Any medications that you are taking that causes blood vessels to dilate, can cause circles under the eyes to darken. Because the skin under the eyes is very delicate, any increase blood flow shows through the skin. Ill health - Appearance of dark circles may indicate problems or weakness in the kidney or liver activity. Exposure to the sun - Sun exposure, which triggers the skin pigment melanin to increase, may result in a darker appearance. Iron deficiency - It is believed that lack of mineral iron can cause dark circles as well. Iron deficiency is the most common type of anemia and this condition is a sign that not enough oxygen is getting to the body tissues.
Treatment of dark circles under the eyes can be very challenging, especially for long term symptoms. It is important to identify the underlying cause instead of wasting money for expensive creams that may actually make the symptoms worse (e.g. if you are allergic to any of the substances used in those fancy creams). First line of treatment would be getting a comprehensive test for allergies (both inhalant and food tests). Improving life style may benefit your health as well – try to reduce your stress, sleep more and take the necessary vitamins and supplements. The lack of nutrients ( e.g.Vitamin C, Iron, Vitamin K, Folic Acid) in the diet, or the lack of a balance diet, can contribute to the discoloration of the area under the eyes. Vitamins C & K strengthen the capillary walls and blood vessel walls. Avoid caffeine, sugar-rich drinks and alcohol. Drink plenty of water; at least eight glasses a day. Regular exercise is always helpful, Cold water will cause blood vessels to constrict and reduce swelling.
Predrag Iljic has been suffering from different allergies for as long as he can remember, please visit Predrag's web sites for Dark circles under the eyes. If you think allergies could be contributing to any health problems that you may experience please visit another web site produced by Predrag Iljic - Advice for allergy symptoms, causes and treatment
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Read More......6:31 AM | 0 Comments
Stem Cells Seal The Deal in 2007
When you receive the Seal you will begin to understand the value of human life since you will have new Life. When you understand the value of life you will see just how precious the new stem cell discoveries are.
The year 2007 was a remarkable year for science since it was the year ordinary skin cells were "reprogrammed" into stem cells which acted just like embryonic stem cells, but without killing a living embryo.
Regardless of what happens before fertilization, it is the start of life. And when you become sealed you will discover how your life began even before fertilization and was predetermined from long ago.
But for an ordinary person fertilization is the beginning of life. So using fertilized embryos for science is really killing a very young life before it has a chance to grow into an elderly adult person.
But that is all over now. Because now ordinary cells have been turned into stem cells. A second study right on the heels of that first breakthrough successfully replaced diseased cells with healthy ones.
That was a study with mice that had sickle-cell disease injected into them. Ordinary and undiseased skin cells were taken from their tails and transformed into stem cells. They replaced the diseased cells in the body and the mice were healed of the disease.
That second breakthrough was also quite important and timely too. It showed the new technology could be used for the beneficial purposes of healing disease.
Now scientists are singing the praises of the new discoveries, and what they are saying reveals just how important they are. It is likened to alchemy, where lead was turned into gold.
Turning common substances into gold. That was something long searched for. And the discoveries are called the equivalent of the Wright brothers' airplane which was the first to fly. Another huge milestone for technology.
President Bush would not allow Federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. That was a good thing seen in hindsight in the light of these discoveries. It was one of the reasons scientists discovered reprogramming.
Cloning is a similar procedure to reprogramming cells into stem cells. But cloning is complicated and does require creation of an embryo, which makes it practically useless for healing disease in humans.
And organ transplants have saved lives, but there is always the danger that the organ will be rejected by the body. There is no such danger with stem cells--they are cells already from the same body so they will never be rejected.
Scientists have big dreams for stem cells. Now there are exceedingly abundant resources for scientists because there are as many sources of stem cells as there are people.
And scientists are excited about what they can discover about diseases with these stem cells. They can take skin cells easily from a person and grow tissue with those cells and then study them to find out about the genetic make-up of disease.
That is going to speed up cures that are a little slow in coming. And by growing tissue out of stem cells scientists can study the effects of drugs they are developing without needing to test on animals, avoiding another ethical problem.
But the most wonderful promise of the new technology is that no embryos need to be sacrificed to cure sick people or save lives. Scientists caution that they still need to study embryos as the "standard," but the first step has been taken.
When you are sealed you will understand how precious life is, because you will see how God has given you eternal Life. And you will also see how God chose you from before history to receive the Seal.
And now Jason invites you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian?
And "Get God's Seal of Approval and Get the Victory Over Evil"
Jason Witt
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9:10 AM | 0 Comments
The Many Benefits of Probiotics
By Tony Pang
So what are the benefits of probiotics? Probiotics are microorganisms that contain potentially therapeutic and clinically documented health benefits. These microorganisms may help to improve digestive disorder symptoms and can be found in most supermarkets in the form of foods, beverages and health supplements. Supplemental probiotic are usually chosen from bacteria that usually inhabit our gastrointestinal system. They can be consumed in three different ways. They can be added to foods, usually dairy products, with or without the opportunity for further culture growth. It can also be in the form of concentrated, dried, or packaged dietary supplement.
Probiotics greatly increase the overall nutrition and enhance cell development and growth. They go under the layer of crud in the intestinal wall, and play a big part to get rid of accumulated waste and decay.
Many important enzymes are actually produced by probiotics. This increases the vitamins and essentials nutrients including Vitamin B, Vitamin K, fatty acids, calcium, and lactose.
The bacteria from the probiotics also helps to strengthen our immune system. They have been used to get rid of allergies chronic fatigue syndrome, and also the candida.
Probiotics is able to help those in problems with constipation. It helps to normalize the bowel movements which also mean that diarrhea is also lessened.
Diarrhea may result when the normal balance of gastrointestinal bacteria is disturbed by illness or after antibiotic treatment. Probiotics may help to reduce diarrhea caused by travel or caused by antibiotics treatment. They can make diarrhea less severe as well as shorten its duration cycle.
Kidney stones may also develop if you have a large amount of oxalate in your urine. A small study showed that taking probiotic supplements that consume oxalate may reduce your chances of developing the kidney stones.
The good bacteria in the probiotics produces critical proteins that act as antigens. These antigens are used by the human immune system to battle many different types of diseases and virus.
The probiotics also attach to our intestinal walls. While attached to the intestinal walls, they produce an environment that is mildly acidic. This process slows down the growth of disease causing bacteria, therefore helping the immune system to stay healthy. The immune system can then concentrate on bacterias at other areas of the body that needs it.
Learn How To Clean Up Your Colon Naturally It is important to have a healthy colon free of toxin. Head over to How to-Natural Body Detox to start to detox your body naturally.
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9:06 AM | 0 Comments
Celiac Disease - Choosing A Gluten-free Diet
If you have recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, navigating the grocery store to find something to eat can seem like an insurmountable task. Not only are wheat, rye, barley and oats barred from your diet but, often, within several months of the diagnosis, it becomes necessary to avoid dairy products as well. Cutting out gluten and dairy simultaneously may seem overwhelming, but if everything is taken in proportion and step-by-step, the task becomes manageable.
Where should you begin?
(The advice found below is only applicable if you do not have any other health problems that need a special diet such as heart disease or diabetes. If you do, please follow closely the advice of your doctor and dietician.) Let us focus on the two problems you now must face--gluten-free and dairy-free. Our advice: Cancel out all other food restrictions. That's it. Don't worry about counting carbohydrates, grams or calories. The single most important thing is to get healthy before worrying about your weight or any other food concerns or self-imposed food restrictions.
Before you panic, let us take a look at and see how many foods out there you are allowed to eat. That's right. I am talking about all those plain foods that are naturally gluten-free--meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables including potatoes and plain rice. That's a lot of food that you CAN eat. This group can be your main course plus vegetables for most of your meals.
The next step is to find those glutens. Glutens can hide everywhere except in the foods that are naturally gluten-free. There are many foods out there that we think at first glance are gluten-free, but beware, they aren't. This is the part where many people get overwhelmed. The favorite gluten hiding places are inside phrases like "natural flavorings" and "modified food starch". Reading labels isn't enough. Each food must be verified to make sure it's gluten-free. Verifying all the foods you can eat need not be so terrifying. Join a celiac support group. There you will find people who have done most of the homework for you.
Keep a notebook or a file to list all the products that are OK and all those that have been nixed. When it comes to so many details it is best to have a written version and not rely on your memory. Once you have your lists it becomes much easier to go shopping and decide what products to buy. There are several food manufacturers who disclose any and all gluten. All you have to do is read their labels. A partial list of companies includes: Kraft, Con-Agra, Frito-Lay and McCormick.
If it's not on their label, it's not in their food. You will be pleasantly surprised at how many different types of brand-name foods are manufactured by these companies. But reading the label is not a one time thing. You must read the label each and every time you purchase a product. It is important to be aware that product formulations change without any notice. But if gluten has been added, it should have been added to the label as well.
With other manufacturers, it is not as simple but still doable. Most products have phone numbers right on the package that you can call. There are also company websites. Some manufacturers have listed their gluten-free products right on the website while others prefer that you contact them via the phone or email so that they can give you the most up-to-date information. And of course, as we mentioned above, the easiest way to verify the gluten-free status of products is to ask another celiac.
There are several on-line message boards and real-life support groups where you can take advantage of the knowledge and experience of this community and make your entrance into the gluten-free world as easy as possible
Angela Morken is an expert and sufferer of Celiac Disease. She has been living gluten free for over 20 years now. She has a highly regarded guide to living with Celiac Disease at
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9:10 AM | 0 Comments
Symptoms of An Iron Overload
When a person takes iron supplements without a prescription, they stand a chance of experiencing an iron overdose. An iron overdose is a form of poisoning to the body that occurs when a person has an excessive amount of iron in their body because of taking too much of an iron supplement. There are many symptoms that are present when a person overdoses on iron. In this article, we will review many of the common symptoms that a person may experience if they are experiencing an iron overdose.
If you feel that you or someone that you know is experiencing an overdose of iron, you should contact the National Poison Control Center for the proper instructions. You may call them by dialing the following number: 1-800-222-1222. If you feel that a trip to the emergency room is necessary or are directed to go there by the Poison Control Center, you should ensure that you take the bottle that the iron supplements came from. This will ensure that the doctor understands the exact iron supplement that you took. If you are alone and are experiencing serious symptoms, you should call 911 immediately.
If you have any of the following symptoms, you may be experiencing an iron overdose:
*If you are dehydrated and cannot seem to quench your thirst
*You start to cough or hear fluid moving around in your lungs when you breathe
*You develop a fever
*You start to feel extremely tired
*You start to experience weakness in any area of the body
*You develop a general sense of apathy
*You start to develop a headache
*Your skin starts to become pale and flushed
*You develop a cold sweat
*You start to develop a metallic taste in the mouth
*You start to vomit or cough up blood
*You experience severe diarrhea
*You start to experience nausea
*You start to experience chills
*You develop all the classic symptoms of shock
*You start having seizures and/or convulsions
*You notice that your blood pressure is dropping at a rapid rate
*Your pulse starts to feel very fast or you start to experience a very slow and weak pulse
*You experience a drop in the body?s blood sugar level
*Your lips and fingernails start to become discolored, specifically bluish in color
It is important to understand that these symptoms are among the most popular and common symptoms of an iron overdose. A person may experience other symptoms not listed here. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after ingesting iron do not wait to see if the symptoms will resolve, get to a doctor as soon as possible.
If you find that you must go to the hospital, you can expect to receive some tests. They will check the iron level by performing various types of blood tests on you. Additionally, they may issue you medicine that you cause you to vomit so that you can get the iron out of your body as soon as possible.
Warren suffers from genetic hemochromatosis. He put this site together to help save lives. Everything related to hemochromatosis. Articles and books. An absolute authority on this killer disease. Many doctors have no idea.
Learn more about Hemochromatosis
Read More......8:51 AM | 0 Comments
Neurotransmitter Tests: Diagnosing the Problem to Suggest a Solution
Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers of the nervous system, essential for relaying signals within the brain and communicating with all organ systems of the body.
A neurotransmitter imbalance is an underlying cause for the improper functioning of the communication system of the body. Recent medical surveys report that eight out of ten people are found to suffer from neurotransmitter imbalances that ultimately result in general disorders like obesity, migraine headaches, depression, ADHD, and anxiety. Thus, it is of great importance to undergo the right kind of neurotransmitter testing, to diagnose the problem and get treated for it.
The Nature of Neurotransmitter Testing
Neurotransmitter tests are available to determine the levels of major neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and GABA.
There are a number of facts related to neurotransmitter tests that are discussed as below:
Studies have demonstrated direct neurotransmitter transport out of the CNS, into the periphery, via blood-brain barrier transporters.
It is a more efficient way to establish the response an individual is having towards medicines and supplements taken for conditions like depression and anxiety.
Urinary neurotransmitter testing may identify the underlying neurochemical imbalances that affect mental disorders.
Researchers have repeatedly demonstrated that urinary neurotransmitter measurements correlate with neurological conditions
The Method Employed For Neurotransmitter Tests
Neurotransmitters circulating in the blood are filtered by the kidneys and subsequently excreted in the urine. The existence of intact neurotransmitters in urine is not disputed, as evidenced by studies demonstrating renal transporters capable of filtering neurotransmitters from the blood to the urine. A simple non invasive urine collection can be employed to obtain the levels of the main neurotransmitters that regulate mood and behavior.
Neurotransmitters currently available for testing:
1. Epinephrine
2. Norepinephrine
3. Dopamine
4. Serotonin
6. PEA
7. Glutamate
8. Histamine
How Do I Get Tested?
Neurotransmitter test kits can be sent anywhere in the world. This testing utilizes a simple urine specimen you collect in the privacy of your home and send back via postal service to the lab.
Once you have been provided with the test results you can then follow up with neurotransmitter supplements that rebalance your chemistry to provide a more natural cure for depression, anxiety, and many other mental health disorders.
Don't trust your brain chemistry to just anyone! Find a mental health practitioner that :
Is experience in neurochemistry and neurotransmitter dysfunction
Provides customized treatment protocols based on symptoms and lab results
Provides consultations and follow up testing
Has training and experience with psychotropic medications
Integrative Psychiatry is an outpatient psychiatric organization that offers neurotransmitter tests, hormone test, adrenal stress tests, plus many others to determine the cause of your depression, ADHD, anxiety, and mood swings. Moreover, it provides a unique system of telephone consultations with mental health experts in the field to get information about the tests and also to discuss test results and make recommendations.
About the author:
Valerie Balandra is a board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner and holistic health practitioner. Her integrative psychiatry practice focuses on identifying the cause of the chemical imbalance and provides natural treatments for depression and anxiety.
8:34 AM | 2 Comments
Melasma Diagnosis and Treatment
Melasma, also known as cholasma. Melasma is particularly common in women, especially pregnant women. Women are affected in 90% of cases. It is commonly affecting the apples of the cheeks, the mid forehead, jawline and areas around the mouth. The cause of melasma is genetics, hormonal changes play important roles. Sun exposure is also a strong risk factor for melasma. It is particularly common in tropical climates. Women with a light brown skin type who are living in regions with intense sun exposure are particularly susceptible to developing this condition The incidence of melasma also increases in patients with thyroid disease. It is thought that the overproduction of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) brought on by stress can cause outbreaks of this condition.
Other rare causes of melasma include allergic reaction to medications and cosmetics. There are a number of treatments available for melasma. Creams containing tretinoin, kojic acid, and azelaic acid have been shown to improve the appearance of melasma. Tretinoin, an acid that increases skin cell (keratinocyte) turnover. This treatment cannot be used during pregnancy. Azelaic acid (20%), thought to decrease the activity of melanocytes. Facial peel with alpha hydroxyacids or chemical peels with glycolic acid. Topical depigmenting agents, such as hydroquinone (HQ) either in over-the-counter (2%) or prescription (4%) strength Avoiding the sun and using sunscreen are key to preventing melasma. Cosmetic cover-ups can also be used to reduce the appearance of melasma.
Home Remedies of Melasma Tips
1. Cosmetics are way to hide the brown areas.
2. Before and after showering apply coconut or neem oil on your body.
3. The use of body lotions have helped to fade these areas as well in some women.
4. Add 20 drops lavender and chamomile essential oil for a cool and soothing bath.
5. Rubing lemon on your face before taking a shower and leaving it on 15 minutes before washing it off.
6. Add the lemon to cucumber juice and apply this mask just before bedtime and remove in the morning.
7. Add 20 drops of urtica urens tincture in four ounces of water and bathe the bruised area.
8. Apply cold aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, or plantain to help heal sunburn.
About the Author:
Juliet Cohen writes health articles for diseases blog and disorders cure
. She also writes articles for health treatment tips
8:24 AM | 0 Comments
Erectile Dysfunction Herbal Remedy- Early Impotence Treatment the Most Critical
And for the most part, I agree that how you see yourself and how you think others see you is extremely important. But unfortunately, millions of men suffer from an erectile dysfunction problem and also a lose of pride problem each night.
No matter how many times she says, "It's alright, don't worry about it." You know that it is not alright. And I can confidently tell you that an erectile dysfunction herbal remedy could be best news you have heard this year. Because research has proven that the first treatment is the most critical step in treating this male issue.
The First Treatment
A study involving 630 suffers showed that one-third of men did not return to visit a doctor if their first prescribed E.D. treatment did not work. The study also showed that the early impotence treatments which ended to no avail also impacted the men's overall confidence, relationships and self-esteem. It was stated that three-fourths of men worried that their erectile dysfunction was permanent because their first medicated treatment failed. And of these men, almost one-third of the men reported feeling depressed.
If you didn't understand any of the above, you should know that many men do NOT find success to their problem on their first attempt and give up. But I do want to tell you, that most of my customers were on their second to third treatment attempt when they finally found a successful treatment... an erectile dysfunction herbal remedy.
Erectile Dysfunction Herbal Remedy Tips
Most of our thousands of customers fall into two groups.
1. Men who are recently struggling with an erectile dysfunction. These men are typically nervous about seeing a doctor because of embarrassment. However, the earlier you treat your impotence, the better chance you have to successfully cure the problem.
2. Men who are sick of paying for medication with side-effects such as hearing loss, vision loss, diarrhea, headaches, and fever. These men have chosen to treat the cause of E.D. and not hide the cause in a natural way.
If this describes you, here are 5 tips to begin your natural health treatment.
1. Circulation! Your E.D. problem is most likely the cause of lack of circulation. And the erectile dysfunction herbal remedy revolves around pumping more circulation throughout your body. We recommend a treatment from the following angles: food; hydration; breathing; physical health; vitamins; supplements; and herbs.
2. Ginkgo! "Supplements of the herb ginkgo, found in most health food stores, can improve blood flow to the arteries and veins, which may help reverse impotence," says herbalist James Green, Director of California School of Herbal Studies. We recommend visiting your local health store today.
3. Vitamin A! "Vitamin A deficiency has been the cause of impotence in some men," says Elson Haas, M.D., Director of the Preventive Medical Center. Out of every vitamin you can choose from, we recommend Vitamin A for this problem.
4. Breathing! Most of our customers enjoy this treatment the best because they can do it right at work. Did you know that almost 90% of people are walking around oxygen deficient? Learn a few simple breathing exercises that could increase circulation levels by 15% and do them while you are working. Visit our website today.
5. High fiber! Did you know that high levels of fiber and water are natural flushes for the body? Begin to drink 10 tall glasses of water and start eating 5-7 servings of fruit or vegetables a day. Start small and gradually increase as your body becomes adjusted to this healthy habit.
Start Your Treatment at Home
What vitamins are a must? What vitamins are not worth your money? What foods should you be eating? What drink could be causing your E.D. problem? What other herbs are essential to the cure? Learn over 30 more tips which are guaranteed to cure. Please take a moment and visit our safe and secured Erectile Dysfunction Remedy website and learn to live again!
Erectile Dysfunction Herbal Remedy
Joe Barton would love to help you naturally cure your erectile dysfunction in weeks. His guaranteed, researched and doctor-approved Erectile Dysfunction Herbal Remedy Report is only available here.
Joe Barton is the founder of Barton Publishing Inc., a leading natural health company specializing in publishing cutting edge reports that show people how to cure and treat themselves using safe, natural, and proven remedies. Joe has helped thousands of men enjoy healthier lives through curing impotence and much more. For more natural health tips please check out our blog.
Read More......6:35 AM | 0 Comments
Prevent Osteoporosis From Ruining Your Life
Reasons Why Women Are More Prone To Osteoporosis
Although men can also have bone-density woes, women are more at risk at developing this debilitating condition. One major reason why women are more susceptible to osteoporosis is due to hormonal imbalance. When a woman reaches menopause, the level of estrogen produced by the body start to dwindle. Experts believe that during menopause, women could lose their bone mineral density for a period of five to eight years. As a result, women's bones become weak and easy to break after the menopausal stage.
Another reason why women are more susceptible to osteoporosis is that their bone structure is smaller or narrower than men. You do not need to be a genius to figure that the smaller your bones are, the more you are affected even by just a slight decline in your BMD level. Here are the steps you need to take in order to prevent osteoporosis:
Start Early
Prevention is always better than cure. In the case of osteoporosis, the earlier you start strengthening your bones, the higher your chances of not developing the disease even after menopause. You see, when you reach puberty, your bone mass would have developed by around 25%. By the age of 18, your bone mass development is already about 90%. The bone mass development peaks between the age of 25 and 30. After the age of 30, you may not be able to add substantial amount to your bone mass. All you can do at this time is to ensure that you maintain your bone density levels.
Aim To Reach Your Daily Calcium Requirement
Calcium is a crucial component of a healthy bone. If you want your bones to be strong, you need to make sure that you reach the daily requirement of calcium everyday. One of the best sources of calcium is milk and other dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese and eggnog. Other good sources of calcium include brocolli, spinach, rhubarb, salmon, tofu, okra, sesame seeds, bok choy, sardines and almonds.
Let The Sun Shine On You
In order for calcium to be absorbed efficiently, you need Vitamin D. You can get a good dose of this essential vitamin for free just by letting the sun shine on you. The best hours to bask in the sun, even for just 10 minutes, is early in the morning. However, it is important to note that too much sun exposure, particularly from 10 am to 4 pm, can cause skin cancer.
Exercise Your Way To Stronger Bones
If you want to prevent fractures, you also need to strengthen the muscles surrounding your bones and joints. As we all know, our muscles support our bones. Even if you have strong bones, but your muscles are weak, you still are at risk of hurting yourself, especially when you are performing strenuous activities and other sports. Thirty minutes of exercise, particularly weight training, three times a week is ideal.
Since not all the needed nutrients for a healthy bone mass can be obtained from the food that you eat everyday, it is best to take supplements. Just make sure that your supplement has high calcium and vitamin D content. One product that can provide you with your daily calcium and vitamin D needs is Osteozyne. Visit to know more about this product.
Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine
Read More......5:17 AM | 0 Comments
Boils Diagnosis and Treatment
Boil, also referred to as a skin abscess and furuncles, is a localized infection deep in the skin. Boils usually start as red, tender lumps. The lumps quickly fill with pus, growing larger and more painful until they rupture and drain. Most people with boils are otherwise healthy and have good personal hygiene. Although some boils disappear a few days after they occur, most take about two weeks to heal. In severe cases, boils may develop to form abscesses. These germs already exist on the skin and in the nose of some people without causing any problems. The symptoms of boils are red, pus -filled lumps that are tender, warm, and/or painful. A yellow or white point at the center of the lump can be seen when the boil is ready to drain or discharge pus.
Sometimes boils occur in clusters called carbuncles. Boils are most often develop on the back, underarms, shoulders, face, lip, eyes, nose, thighs and buttocks, but may be found elsewhere. Boils and carbuncles often resemble the inflamed, painful lumps caused by cystic acne. There are many causes of boils. Some boils can be caused by an ingrown hair. In a severe infection, multiple boils may develop and the patient may experience fever and swollen lymph nodes. Some people have multiple or recurrent boils. These boils are usually staph infections (furuncles or carbuncles). Boils can also be caused by not washing an area of the body, particularly the face. Exposure to harsh chemicals that irritate the skin. Chronic poor health makes it harder for your immune system to fight infections.
Many medications can suppress the normal immune system and increase the risk of developing boils. Most simple boils can be treated at home. Applying a warm compress or soaking the boil in warm water can help alleviate the pain. Antibiotics are often used to relieve the accompanying bacterial infection. Apply a warm washcloth or compress to the affected area. Avoid leisure activities which cause sweating and friction from clothing, such as squash and jogging. Don't share your flannel or towel with other family members. Apply a topical antiseptic such as povidone iodine or chlorhexidine cream to the boils and cover with a square of gauze. Gentle heat, provided by a moist, warm washcloth held over the area for 20 minutes three times a day, speeds up the healing process.
Boils Treatment and Prevntion Tips
1. Apply a warm washcloth or compress to the affected area.
2. Don't share your flannel or towel with other family members.
3. Follow a balanced healthy diet with meat, plenty of fruit and vegetables.
4. Don't share your flannel or towel with other family members
5. Wash your whole body daily with soap and water. Wash your hands several times.
6. Bactrim or other sulfa drugs must be prescribed relatively soon after such a boil has started to form.
7. Soak a clean cloth in warm salty water and press it against boil, gently squeezing at the same time.
8. Magnesium sulfate paste applied to the affected area can prevent the growth of bacteria and reduce boils.
Juliet Cohen writes health articles for diseases blog and disorders cure. She also writes articles for health treatment tips.
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8:07 AM | 0 Comments
A Vaccine Can Possibly Train You on How to Stop Smoking
Let's face it...there is no easy way to stop smoking. But in today's society, with all the research being conducted, there is finally hope for those battling with nicotine addiction. Researchers all over the world have been doing clinical trials for work on new vaccine that would help people to stop smoking. If all goes well, these new procedures would prevent the nicotine from ever traveling all the way to the brain's receptors, which produce an instant and false calming effect for the body. A smoking vaccine would prevent any type of crossing of the blood-brain barrier so that the smoker would never be able to be fully satisfied by the chemicals in the cigarettes. If the mind is not comforted by the nicotine, there would be no reason to smoke from a chemical standpoint. It would just be a matter of putting something to your lips. Most 'stop smoking aids' simply provide a temporary solution to a long-standing problem. They usually focus on the oral fixation aspect, providing something to be chewed or puffed, rather than something that will help to adjust the body's chemistry overall.
Additionally, when trying to stop smoking, many people end up relapsing, because, even after not smoking for years, there is something that can trigger the desire to light up again. It all begins and ends with the brain, and so a good deal of training is involved in order for those signals to stop. It needs some type of training to turn off the need to want to be stimulated. If a person chooses to stop smoking immediately, they often will find comfort in other methods, with the results being as mundane as bouts of excessive eating, to quite severe with stronger substance addictions like cocaine.
A smoking vaccine would not be a cure-all for those addicted to nicotine, but it is certainly a healthy place to start. Counseling and other stop smoking aids might be combined with such a thing to ensure that those mental cravings never return. "Vaccines" aren't your only option. Learn how to kick the smoking habit once and for all - TODAY. And STOP paying for courses and guides. Find over 100 free tips that will help you break free of your nicotine addiction at Why are you still struggling to quit?"
About the Author
Dedicated to helping smokers overcome their habit."
Read More......8:00 AM | 0 Comments
Clinical Presentation, Demographic and Pathological Pattern of Primary Thyroid Carcinoma Discussion
By:Ibrahim Machiwala Dr. D.S. Merchant is a Gold Medalist in (Anatomy & Histology), Nephrology Fellow in AKUH, Pakistan. He has written many articles on Thyroid, Hyponatremia, Tuberculosis and Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, for more articles by Dr. D.S. Merchant visit
The demographic characteristics of our patients are comparable to western literature, however clinical presentation is somewhat different and more aggressive. Thyroid Carcinoma is prevalent in females with the male to female ratio of 1:2.2 which is comparable to the study conducted by L.M Zuberi and et al with male to female ratio of 1:2.5 reported from USA20 and the study conducted by Sajid H. Shah and et al18 which is in contrast with the study by Ahmed et al which revealed relatively low male to female ratio of 1.01:1.08108 the highest female to male ratio of 9:1 to 13:1 has been reported in the series published from Japan109,110. Age of the patients with thyroid carcinoma ranged from 15-75 years with the mean age of 42 years which is in comparison with study conducted by S Akhtar and et al30 and Tariq Sarfraz and his colleagues from Army Medical College, Rawalpindi in which average age of presentation was 42.2 years with the overall range of age was 16 years to 70 years111
In this study the highest prevalence of thyroid carcinoma was obseved in 2nd, 3rd and 4th decade which is comparable to the study conducted by Ahmed et al and Sajid and his colleagues at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi18 which showed highest prevalence in 3rd, 4th and 5th decade of life112
In this study most of the patients with thyroid carcinoma belonged to urdu speaking 34.5% followed by sindhi (18.2%) and punjabi (16.4%) speaking patients while pathan (3.6%) and balochi (5.5%) have lowest number of thyroid carcinoma patients while the rest (21%) of the thyroid carcinoma patients belonged to other class including Northern areas and Afghanistan.
In the present study papillary thyroid carcinoma was the most frequent histological type of thyroid tumor in both males and females and it comprises 80% of all thyroid malignant tumors which is comparable to USA where 90% of all thyroid carcinomas are papillary thyroid carcinoma112,113,114. Ahmed et al from Saudi Arabia also reported 80% of papillary thyroid carcinoma in their series112 while in another local series by Khan et al from Rawalpindi reported 60% of papillary thyroid carcinoma115. In the present study, follicular thyroid carcinoma constitute 10.9% which can be compared with the study done by Sajid H et al Karachi in which follicular carcinoma is second most common type of thyroid carcinoma contituting 11.6%18 this was also shown by the study done in Rawalpindi by Tariq Sarfraz and his colleagues but the percentage was higher 23.8% for follicular thyroid carcinoma29. Medullary thyroid carcinoma constitute 3.6% compared to the study conducted by Sajid H et al Karachi18. The medullary thyroid carcinoma comprised about 1.8% in this study in contrast to the study conducted by Tariq Sarfraz and his colleagues at Rawalpindi which showed 4.8% of medullary thyroid carcinoma29 and the study conducted by Sajid and his colleagues at Karachi which showed 9.7% of thyroid medullary carcinoma18.
The most common presentation of our patients was neck swelling/mass which was present in 54 (98.2%) of patients which was also true for the study conducted by Zuberi and her colleagues at AKUH Karachi3. A series from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia reports similar findings of mass/goitre as the most frequent presentation in patients with thyroid cancer. It was present in three-quarters of their patients116. Goitre is common, occurring in 3.2-6.5% of western population26,117,118
Histological Type Shah’s Study% Our Study %
Papillary Carcinoma 69 80
Follicular Carcinoma 11.6 10.9
Medullary Carcinoma 9.7 3.6
Anaplastic Carcinoma 5.9 1.8
Presentation Zuberi’s Study % Our Study %
Mass in Neck 31 98.2
Weight Loss - 61.8
dysphagia <5>
Hoarseness/ Recent Change of voice <5>
Cervical Lymphadenopathy 33.3 50.9
Shortness of Breath <5>
Presentation Sarfraz’s Study % Our Study %
Mass in Neck(Solitary Nodule/ Multinodular mass 90.4 98.2
Cervical Lymphadenopathy 14.2 50.9
Breathing difficulty 4.7 21.8
Thyroid carcinoma was more common in females. Papillary carcinoma was the most common histological type of thyroid carcinoma in females as well as in males. Thyroid carcinoma was more prevalent in third and fourth decades of life and it is more common in urdu speaking followed by sindhi, Punjabi and balochi and pushto speaking (Pathan) population. The most common presentation was the mass in anterior neck and weight loss and cervical lymphadenopathy, dyspnea and dysphagia
3:37 AM | 0 Comments
Considerations for Psychoactive Medications
A lot of older people in America who live alone usually take medications to deal with loneliness. People who are overworked or overstressed, and people who have gone through depression also use these medications which supposedly eliminate the suffering caused by psychological conditions. These medications are called psychoactive medications.
Medications that effect mood or behavior are known as "psychoactive." This includes those medications that are given for non-behavioral reasons. For instance, some of the medications used for high blood pressure, and some medications sold over-the-counter for colds and flu, can be psychoactive for a few of us. Psychoactive medications are drugs that, when prescribed and used prudently, can reduce or eliminate the suffering caused by psychological conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, depression, psychosis, and bipolar affective disorder.
Many people use psychoactive medications, with or without prescriptions, to cope with the problems of their daily lives. However, psychoactive medications should generally prescribed by physicians. One of the most common conditions for which psychoactive medications are prescribed are sleep disorders.
When a person has trouble sleeping, he or she may be experiencing insomnia. Both anxiety and depression can cause insomnia, among many others. When this specific cause is known and treated, the person's sleep patterns generally return to normal. When insomnia gets persistent, sleeping pills may be appropriate. Although a person can sleep while under these medications, the sleep induced by the drug will not be the same as that of natural sleep since the drug suppresses brain activity.
Prescribing psychoactive medications for children and adolescents requires the judgment of a physician, such as a child and adolescent psychiatrist, with training and qualifications in the use of these medications in this age group. Certainly, any consideration of such medication in a child or infant below the age of five should be very carefully evaluated by a clinician with special training and experience with this very young age group. Any child or adolescent for whom medication is a consideration requires an evaluation of the psychiatric disorder, including the symptoms, and any other medical conditions, family and psychosocial assessment and school records.
Moreover, rest homes have become a major component of the health care system for frail elderly persons and psychiatric patients. Although psychoactive medications are frequently used in rest homes, there is little detailed information about the extent of such use, its supervision, or its effects. In a survey of a random sample of 55 rest homes in Massachusetts, it was found that 55 percent of the residents were taking at least one psychoactive medication. Antipsychotic medications were being administered to 39 percent; of these, 18 percent were receiving two or more such drugs.
The effects of psychoactive medications vary with their chemical composition, the doses in which they are taken, and the sensitivity of the person taking them. Taking other psychoactive substances in combination with psychoactive medications can be dangerous, especially because some of the interactions among these substances are not well understood.
It is best to remember that psychoactive medications should not be taken from old prescriptions without seeing the doctor first. These drugs should not be given to anyone else as prescription is individualized and personal.
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Read More......3:20 AM | 0 Comments
The Perils of Surgical Mishaps
When taking the number of surgeries that occur on a yearly basis, the statistics show that a doctor is more likely to leave a small item in the body after surgery than operate on the wrong side or part of the body. The percentages are rather small when one first looks at them, making it seem like a minor occurrence that isn't really a viable risk. However, once someone considers just how many that those percentages actually represent, one comes to realize that that small number could mean hundreds or thousands of people every year are experiencing problems of that sort. The worst part is that there is a distinct possibility that the number is inaccurate because most of the cases of this sort of thing happening during surgery are not even reported by the patients or doctors.
A number of these incidents are of the hit-or-miss variety, where the doctor realizes that they're not going after the target area before any real damage has been done. In most cases, this would not count as medical malpractice since the surgery was halted and directed to the appropriate area of the body before any real harm was caused. However, when one considers how sensitive the brain and other areas of the body might be and the possibility of the doctor not realizing his mistake in time, the sense of risk becomes even greater than normal. This has been of particular concern with procedures that involve laser surgery equipment. The nature of the machinery involved can potentially do more damage within a short amount of time than less precise surgical tools within that same time frame.
There have been procedures and steps suggested to minimize the chances of these things happening, such as openly marking the areas where the surgery is to take place. Other steps being considered include making sure all records are accurate and updated, as well as taking time prior to making the procedure to make sure all of the information can be corroborated with the patient's medical history and the pertinent data about the procedure itself. These are just some of the steps that medical boards and hospitals are starting to implement to prevent this problem, but they can only help in prevention cannot fully eliminate the problem. This is because situations of this sort are caused by that which is the bane of engineers and investigators alike: human error.
Harvey Ong is a seasoned writer that specializes in public health issues and organizational development.He is also a consultant on workplace productivity and human behavioral analysis.Choose Variety of High Quality Medicines at Online Medicines Enjoyed Reading this article? More here: Pharmacy Articles
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6:09 AM | 0 Comments
Procreate No More: The Irreversible Effect of Sterilization
by: Yap Abbey
A lot of people play around a number of different bith control methods before finally settling to a particular method. Some settle for temporary birth control measures like oral contraceptive pills, hormonal patches, intra-uterine devices, condoms, etc. However some people may be extreme enough to permanently want to stop their ability to bear child or produce offspring. For these extreme people, may their reasons be just of personal preference, or due to underlying medical conditions, sterilization may be the only solution.
Sterilization is the surgical procedure done to render a man or woman unable to procreate. This is considered a permanent contraception method. Here are a list of sterilization methods being practiced:
For males:
l Vasectomy. In this procedure, the vas deferens, the tubes which connect the testicles to the prostate, are cut and closed. This prevents sperm produced in the testicles to enter the ejaculated semen (which is mostly produced in the seminal vesicles and prostate). Although the term vasectomy is established in the general community, the correct medical terminology is deferentectomy, since the structure known as the vas deferens has been renamed the ductus deferens.
For females:
l Tubal ligation. This procedure is also known popularly as "having one's tubes tied". The Fallopian tubes, which allow the sperm to fertilize the ovum and carry the fertilized ovum to the uterus, are closed. This procedure generally involves a general anaesthetic and a laparotomy or laparoscopic approach to cut, clip or cauterize the fallopian tubes. A less commonly used approach is the Essure office procedure of inducing scarring and occlusion of the tubes by the effects of micro-inserts placed by a catheter passed through the cervix and uterus.
l Hysterectomy. In this procedure, the uterus is surgically removed, permanently preventing pregnancy and some diseases, such as uterine cancer.
As sterilization is a permanent method of contraception, reversing its effects is impossible. However, there have been rare cases where the effects have been reversed, and the ability to bear child or to procreate is restored.
Pros and cons
The good thing about sterilization is that you are no longer required to take do anything before, during, or after sexual intercourse. The effects of this method is immediate. Vasectomy does not affect a man's ability to gain an erection. Nor does tubal ligation affect a woman's hormone production.
This procedure is not suggested to people who are young and may have plans of having a child in the future as there is no guaranteed success in reversing the effects of this birth control method.
On the down side, this contraceptive method will not protect you from any sexually transmitted disease. And because the procedures will require surgery, it may take a few days of recuperation before one can engage in sexual activities again. Also, because this method requires surgery, one is succeptible to surgery related risks like infections. Because this procedure is non-reversible, people who change their minds after having the operation done will have to live with the regret of not being to create life ever.
Permanently stopping one's ability to create a life is a heavy decision to make. It should never be done on impulse or just because you're being pressured to do so. It is best to think it over well before making a choice.
5:47 AM | 0 Comments
GERD and Chest Pain Is A Serious Condition
For the most part, GERD isn't something that is life threatening or that you need to worry about. However, there are some situations in which you should seek more medical help. One of these is if you are experiencing GERD and chest pain. However, you have to be a little bit careful.
Careful Symptom Diagnosis
Remember that often when a person has GERD, they are going to feel as if they have GERD and chest pain. This is because the areas that are damaged by the GERD and that are responding to either the food or the physical movements are located near to the chest. This means that a lot of people who have GERD have what feels like GERD and chest pain. Therefore, if you have GERD, you have to pay careful attention to what your chest is doing and whether or not you have simple pain associated with the GERD, or if it is something more serious.
There are several ways to know if your GERD and chest pain is something more than simple chest pain. If you have GERD, you should pay careful attention to these details, so that you can help your doctor know exactly what is wrong with you. Basic GERD will cause some pain in the chest region, but this should be normal pain and should not be very strong. It should be something that you get used to, and because of this, your GERD medication will help with it.
However, when you are experiencing GERD and chest pain that is something to worry about, there will be other symptoms. These will include a shortness of breath or pain along the arms or legs. Other important GERD and chest pain symptoms to look for would include a change in the overall chest pain. When you suffer from GERD and have chest pain, you can expect dull chest pain that lasts for along time. However, if your GERD and chest pain includes sharp or shooting pains instead of a dull ache, you are dealing with something that is much more severe and you should seek medical attention.
Pj Germain is a published author and certified webmaster currently research Acid Reflux and Gerd.
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5:27 AM | 0 Comments
The Truth Of Acupuncture
ฺBy:Dave Text
In the United States, obesity is rapidly growing as a major disease. It is beyond surprise that more than half of the population in the country is overweight and the rate is still increasing. Obesity or overweight has many reasons to grow but on the other hand there are only a few methods to bring the weight under control. Moreover, the success of such methods differs from person to person and most of the time comes under the scanner.
This means, successful long term weight loss is incredibly difficult for most people to achieve. And along with the weight loss methods and treatments, most of us have tried diets that may trigger some weight loss but at the end tend to gain back the weight they lost plus some additional pounds. This seems as an unending story for some, but those who have tried acupuncture as a method to control weight have something different to say.
Acupuncture, is one of the ancient healing techniques still in use. And those who have tried weight loss with the aid of this age old method can definitely vouch for its success. With the success stories of many, more and more people are turning to acupuncture weight loss treatments.
Acupuncture, as a healing technique, is a practice that is more than 5,000 years old, and is appreciably older than Western medicinal therapies and practices.
Most of us are aware of the techniques involved in this technique and while considering weight loss with this method, it involves inserting hair-thin needles into particular spots on the skin that are believed to help the body function properly. In general, the method of Acupuncture helps to stimulate the body and to discharge endorphins, which are nothing but body's own pain-relieving chemicals which makes us feel good.
This can be considered one of the ways in which Acupuncture helps us in weight loss releasing endorphins and in turn control appetite. The weight loss treatment begins with the proper history of the patient which the acupuncture specialist will note down by asking a variety of questions. Most of the times the specialist also performs an examination of the patient.
The intention is to recognize the main grounds of the person's excess weight as the weight gain is sometimes simply behavioral, or sometimes there is a physiological reason as well.
After the questioning and examinations, the root causes of the problem are identified, and the acupuncture specialist can continue with proper treatment of the same. To start with the specialist can insert needles into different areas of the body in order to help improve the body's functioning in a way that will promote weight loss.
In most of the weight loss cases, the acupuncture specialist uses a multi-targeted approach. One of this is the method to attempt to lower the body's weight by increasing the output of the pituitary gland. Another method is to decrease the carving for foods. Or the specialist can also attempt to encourage a decrease in natural appetite. In this way, some needle placements are even considered to lower insulin levels or lipid levels in the blood.
About the Author:
Learn how the ancient Chinese secret of acupuncture weightloss can benefit you at
6:44 AM | 0 Comments
Heart Attacks Associated with Periodontal Gum Disease
Recent studies have proven that there is an increase in a risk for heart disease in those patients who have periodontal gum disease. The most common strain of bacteria found in dental plaque may cause blood clots. Once these clots escape into the bloodstream, there's an increased risk for a heart attack.
If you notice a bleeding gum that is often red and irritated, or if you've noticed that your breath is bad, you may have a gum infection.
According to the American Academy of Periodontology, there are several theories that explain the link between periodontal and heart disease. One theory is that oral bacteria can affect the heart when they enter the blood stream, attaching to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries (heart blood vessels) and contributing to clot formation. Coronary artery disease is characterized by a thickening of the walls of the coronary arteries. Blood clots can obstruct normal blood flow, restricting the amount of nutrients and oxygen required for the heart to function properly. This may lead to heart attacks.
In fact, periodontal disease may increase your risk for other health concerns including a weakened immune system, diabetes, stroke, lung and respiratory disease, preterm, osteoporosis and even low birth babies. Some of these are threatening to life.
How do people know if they have periodontal gum disease? When you brush your teeth, your gums bleed. And are red, tender and swollen. Other signs are when permanent teeth become loose or separate. And if you have persistent bad breath. People with periodontal disease have an infection that causes chronic inflammation of the gums. This is a path for these bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
Many other diseases have early warning signs, but gum disease often progresses without pain and silently. More than half of all people over 18 have at least the early stages of periodontal disease, and the numbers increase to three out of four people who are over 35. The worse part is that it not only destroys the gum surrounding your teeth, but the supporting bone that holds your teeth in place. If there are pockets or spaces between your gums and teeth, your dentist may suggest a course of treatment that will help stop further damage to your gums and bones.
One Beverly Hills dentist recommends periodontal disease treatment that includes regular appointments with your dental team to make sure there's no plaque build-up. You should also attack plaque on a daily basis by using a one-step powered tooth brush.
The Swedish Dental Journal says that it helps remove plaque bacteria twice as fast as a regular tooth brush.
Kristin Gabriel is a Los Angeles-based writer and PR professional. One of her clients, Dr. Bijan Afar, an oral surgeon, is also based in Los Angeles, and owns five dental clinics, including the Wilshire Dental Clinic. For more information, visit
Read More......9:50 PM | 0 Comments
Learn All About Treating Hernia
ebet sanders
Once an abdominal hernia occurs, it tends to increase in size. Some patients with abdominal hernias wait and watch for some time before choosing surgery. In such cases, they should avoid vigorous physical activity, such as heavy lifting or straining with constipation. They can also wear a truss, which is an worn as a belt to keep a small herniation of the projection. People can tell if their hernia worse if they develop severe constant pain, nausea and vomiting, or if the bulb does not return to normal when lying down or when they try to push it gently into place. In such cases, they should consult their doctor immediately. But, ultimately, surgery is the treatment in almost all cases.
There are risks not to surgically repair a hernia. It is not treated, a hernia can be incarcerated, which means it can no longer be reduced or pushed into place. With an incarcerated hernia intestines become trapped outside the abdomen. This could lead to a blockage in the intestine. If it becomes severe enough, it can cut the blood supply to the intestine and part of the intestine can actually die.
When the blood supply is cut off, the hernia is called \ "strangled. \ "Because of the risk of tissue death (necrosis) and gangrene, and because the hernia can block food to move through the intestine, a strangulated hernia is a medical emergency requiring D'surgery immediately. Repairing hernias before it becomes incarcerated or strangled is much safer than waiting to develop complications.
surgical repair of a hernia is called a herniorrhaphy. The surgeon will push the bulging part of the intestine and sew up muscles over the whole. When the muscle is not strong enough, the surgeon can strengthen it with a synthetic mesh.
surgery can be done on an outpatient basis. It usually takes 30 minutes for children and 60 minutes for adults. This can either be done under general or local anesthesia and is frequently done with a laparoscope. In this type of surgery, a tube which allows visualization of the abdominal cavity is inserted through a small puncture wound.
Several small holes are made to allow surgical instruments to be inserted. This type of intervention can avoid a larger incision.
hiatus hernia is treated differently. Medical treatment is preferred. Treatments include:
Avoid lying after meals
Avoid spicy foods, acidic foods, alcohol and tobacco
Eat small, frequent meals fade
The adoption of a diet high-fiber.
There are also several types of medicines that help manage symptoms of a hiatus hernia. Antacids are used to neutralize stomach acid and reduce burns. The drugs that reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach (H2 blockers) are also used. This class of drugs includes famotidine (sold under the name Pepcid), cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac). Omeprazole (Prilosec) is not an H2 blocker, but it's another drug that suppresses gastric acid secretion and is used for a hiatus hernia. Another option could be metoclopramide (Reglan), a drug that enhances muscle tone around the esophagus and causes an empty stomach as soon as possible.
If you are looking for great hernia information you can visit hernia for you.
10:36 AM | 0 Comments
What do I need to understand about Amaryl?
by Bessie Johns diabetesreview1/KNHMCan Amaryl medication make diabetes tolerable?
Although it is not as rigid as the insulin-dependent case, diabetes type 2 is a extremely uncomfortable health condition that ought not be left untreated. If left alone, the condition may readily worsen and the pancreas may quit producing insulin for good and can make you dependent on insulin shots for life.
Amaryl medication is not a diabetes cure, it is a only aid that stimulates the pancreatic function for the production of insulin; furthermore, it also makes the body work better on this amount of secretion, reducing the risks of different health problems.
You have to take this drug with a full glass of water, one time a day, at breakfast or during the first food of the day. However, stick to the physician's recommendations at all times. It is suggested to take it with nourishment in order to keep from having a sudden hypoglycemia attack that can be triggered by Amaryl medication administration.
Moreover, the Amaryl medication ought be included in a another extensive treatment program together with weight loss exercises, dietary plans and healthy eating habits. Without the individuals effort to change an improper life style, the likelihood to see improvement after Amaryl administration are clearly reduced.
There are some health conditions that demand individual care by the administration of Amaryl medication. For example you may require a quantity correction, specialized tests and close monitoring if you are under-nourished or you've got various liver or pituitary gland deficiencies. The physician may also completely prohibit Amaryl medication to you if that is the circumstance.
Are there any harmful reactions to anticipate?
Like all drugs, Amaryl medication can subject you to various discomforts, especially at the start of the treatment. Therefore, it is extremely important to pay close regard to your total health condition so that you may observe any changes that can appear.
Most side effects are by and large moderate and short-lived; they include dizziness and headaches, digestive problems such as nausea and vomiting, or uncommon body weakness. You might also observe a variation in urine color as it usually gets darker. There can as well be an increased sensitivity to sunshine.
Even so, there may be additional grave side effects connected with Amaryl medication administration which demand instant medical assistance. If you were to experience chest pain, quick weight gain, swelling, shortness of breath or loss of appetite. There may also be skin rashes and itching, easy bruising and bleeding. Should any of these strike you, don't delay to contact the physician right away.
About the Author
Bessie Johns is an avid researcher for diabetes treatments and medications like Amaryl and for more information to help manage this disease check out this website at
Read More......10:27 AM | 0 Comments
How To Deal With Bronchitis Symptoms
by Jack Fisher
Thousands of people develop the symptoms of the debilitating ailment bronchitis each year. Bronchitis can deprive you of the energy you need to go about your daily business, and can also lead to serious damage to your respiratory system. Do not take bronchitis lightly, and examine your symptoms to determine if you are in fact suffering from the beginning of bronchitis. These tips will help you sort out the symptoms that occur during the onest of bronchitis.
If you've had a cold or the flu which have weakened your body's immune system, bronchitis will often follow. A heavy, deep, and persistent cough may well be a symptom of bronchitis and not just a residual of the cold. The cough may be dry, or it may produce thick, green mucus. You'll often find a bronchial cough such as this will continue to bother you for weeks or even months. In addition, hard coughing causes abdominal strain and chest pains. Coughing will interrupt your sleep just when you need to sleep in order to recuperate. Breathing difficulties may also appear causing wheezing and shortness of breath.
If these bronchitis symptoms persist for two weeks or longer or if your fever persists for several days you should see a doctor. He or she will check for signs of pneumonia. You should immediately see a doctor if at any time you cough up blood or see any signs of blood in your phlegm such as a rusty color. If your doctor diagnoses a virus there is little you can do because antibiotics do not fight viruses. In fact, misuse of antibiotics contributes to the development of drug resistant bacteria. You simply need to rest and wait for your body's own defenses to defeat the infection naturally. However you can take medications to relieve the symptoms of bronchitis such as cough and fever.
Advil, Tylenol, and aspirin are three of the most often used medications to treat bronchitis symptoms. However, aspirin is not advised for anyone eighteen years old or younger. A complication known as Reye's Syndrome can occur which could be fatal. Drinking a lot of liquids can help to avoid the dehydration normally associated with fever. It can also relieve an irritated throat from constant coughing. Another treatment for the cough is over the counter cough suppressants.
About the Author
Want more helpful information on Bronchitis Symptoms and how to get rid of them? You'll find all the free information you need to get over your bronchitis=>
Read More......10:08 AM | 0 Comments
Testing Filipino Psychic Surgeons
A Psychic Surgeon enters a person's body using his / her bare hands and manually removes diseased tissues, tumours, calcium deposits, pus etc... Painlessly from a patient's body, coming out without leaving any visible marks or scars.
But how can you be sure that a Psychic Surgeon is genuine?
Biased TV reports continuously portray these Psychic Surgeons as cheats. Magicians are hired to (badly) attempt to mimic what genuine Psychic Surgeons do. This is a pitiful imitation of these amazing healers by ignorant people who have never witnessed a genuine Psychic Surgeon at work and have never bothered to research the truth for themselves. These magicians could easily be caught cheating if you used the following testing method on them.
I have worked with over 40 different Psychic Surgeons since 1997 and I have only retained 4. These 4 I believe to be genuine. The others I let go as they were either cheating, not powerful enough or unethical. Be very careful if you go to Philippines on your own. Most people who have tried this came back very disappointed.
How I test the Psychic Surgeons I work with
1- I must be allowed to walk around the couch when he/she is working
2- I must be allowed to check under and around the couch for hidden props
2- He must show me his empty hands before he touches his client and without touching anything, he must start his treatment
3- If a group is present with me, we must all be allowed to film the surgery from front, back, above and sides
If a surgeon can pass these tests, this is a good start but there is more...
It may be possible to feel a tumour in a person's body with your hand before surgery is performed. If after the surgery you can only feel a hole where the tumour was, then it is certain that the tumour has been removed.
One of the surgeons I take groups to proceeds to energise our hands and then moves the tip of our index finger over our body. Blood appears under our own finger as it is moved. Not when the surgeon's finger moves, but when our own finger moves. How can this be faked?
Some of the tumours removed by the most gifted surgeon are the size of a fist. How could this be hidden from us as the surgeon has not touched anything but his patient's body since showing us his hands?
How do Filipino fake Psychic Surgeons work?
First, they will not allow you to check them the way I described above.
They will usually keep you at a safe distance and you may not be allowed to film.
They often have a sheet hanging over the sides of the couch and you will not be allowed to check what is under it.
The great shame about all this cheating by fake surgeons or by the wrong portraying by ignorant magicians is that desperate people in search of life saving healing get coned or mislaid.
It is sad that often people go to Philippines when they are desperate because modern medicine has not helped them. It would be much easier for a genuine Psychic Surgeon to help them at the beginning of their illness as opposed to try to help them at the end of it when their body may be saturated with tumours.
I am often asked by potential visitors to the Philippines if a Psychic Surgeon can heal such or such disease or health condition.
My answer always is that there is no implicit or explicit guarantee that a surgeon can heal any specific condition. But I have seen people coming back from the Philippines cured from all types of disease. But once again, I must reiterate that nobody can guarantee healing by a Psychic Surgeon. If they do, stay away from them.
Patrick Hamouy has since 1997 taken groups of people to the Philippines to visit Psychic Surgeons. He has worked with over 40 surgeons. His experience in organising trips to the Philippines is wide. He has a list of reliable contacts for hotels, transports, dentist etc.. He knows the pitfall to avoid in this lovely country.His web site is
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6:30 PM | 0 Comments
The Genetic Imprint and the Imprint of the Seal
When you receive the Seal, you are "imprinted" by God. Scientists have recently found that certain genes inherited from parents are silenced by what is called "imprinting" of the genes.
Genetic mapping is revealing how some genes are switched off instead of on in the child. It happens with all creatures that reproduce by live birth--some genes are turned off in the young.
Normally the young will inherit one of each gene from each parent. Both of these genes are fully functional. So if something happens and one of the two genes gets altered, then the one from the other parent can fill in for the lost one.
But in genetic imprinting, only one of the genes from one of the parents remains active. So if something happens to the sole gene inherited from only one parent, there is no gene from the other parent to act in its place.
In these genes, molecules silence the imprinted gene by "imprinting" it so that it is no longer functioning. And when the gene no longer functions it can not do what it was meant to do, which is sometimes preventing disease.
Some genes cause a susceptibility to disease and some genes work to prevent disease. So if a gene which normally prevents obesity or cancer is imprinted, it will no longer be a weapon in the fight against obesity or cancer in that person.
Without a genetic resistance to disease, environmental factors play a much bigger role. If the person eats too much food they could easily become obese. If the person does not get proper nutrition it could lead to cancer.
And yet environment plays an even more important role in imprinting. Environment can affect how certain genes operate, speeding up or slowing down their function. If environment speeds up genes which protect your health, you will stay healthy.
But if environment slows down those genes or speeds up genes which can cause disease, then you are more likely to get that disease. So environment determines how healthy you remain along with genetic composition.
The sequence of your genes is important in determining how healthy you will be or remain. But environment is important too because it turns that gene sequence on and off.
Along with behavior is a factor in preserving your health. When you change your behavior you change your environment. And some changes in environment could alter your genetic make-up so you completely avoid disease.
These findings are the results of a recent Duke University study. In the study 196 human imprinted genes were mapped. They were published online Friday November 30 2007 in the journal Genome Research.
Genetics are what you receive from your parents. But you are not stuck with what you have. Scientists are working on ways of altering the genetics so disease can be avoided, and one way is by changing environmental factors.
God is also concerned with your environment, and more specifically with your behavior. When you receive the Seal you receive an imprint from God that shuts off certain behaviors so they do not happen.
And God will turn on other behaviors for you, so you have joy doing them and want to do more of them. God is concerned about your health because He enjoys giving Life, not taking it away. And He will give Life to those who receive the Seal.
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