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Become Aware of the Side Effects of Tramadol

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Tramadol is one popular example of an atypical opioid that basically works as an analgesic or pain reliever. This drug, which is known to be a synthetic or man-made form of analgesic, is prescribed to individuals who are experiencing moderate to severe pain condition. This type of medication was spearheaded by a known German pharmaceutical institution and was primarily introduced as Tramal. After a couple of years, the original developer of the said drug cross licensed it to other companies worldwide. Tramadol then was marketed under several brand names.

Tramadol's custom marketing packages are available in oral and injectable forms. It is considered a controlled form of drug in most countries such as Australia and the United States. This type of opioid requires prescription in the said two countries.

As stated earlier, Tramadol is one of the most commonly recommended medications to treat pain. Some health experts also recommend this drug as treatment to abate symptoms of anxiety and depression. In addition, this drug is also used by animal specialists to treat chronic and post-operative pain conditions experienced by cats and dogs.

Just like other medications, Tramadol also has side effects. A person should consult his doctor when the following side effects of Tramadol occur:

* weakness * blurred vision * sleep problems * vomiting * nausea * loss of appetite * constipation * flushing * drowsiness

Those who experience the above mentioned side effects can still continue taking Tramadol, but doctor consultation is a must.

Consumers should immediately stop taking Tramadol and consult a doctor when the following side effects occur:

* weak pulse * red blistering or peeling of the skin * convulsion or seizure * shallow breathing

Moreover, immediate medical attention is a must when allergic reactions such as swelling of the throat, tongue, lips, and face as well as difficulty in breathing occur.

Important info on Tramadol

Although Tramadol is a very popular type of analgesic, there are a number of important things that consumers need to know about Tramadol before considering to take them. The following are the most important facts that consumers should know about the said drug:

* Tramadol is not advisable to individuals who are or who have been addicted to alcohol or drugs. This type of analgesic drug can slow down a person's breathing and increase drowsiness. * Individuals who are recommended to take Tramadol are strictly advised to take the said drug exactly as it was prescribed by the physician. Taking Tramadol in large doses can lead to serious and even fatal health complications. * It is not advised to suddenly stop taking Tramadol without telling the doctor about it. When a person suddenly stopped taking the said drug, withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, diarrhea, chills, and hallucinations, may possibly occur. * Tramadol is for oral use only. It is not advised to crush a Tramadol tablet. Powdered Tramadol tablet should never be diluted with liquid or inhaled. When this drug is injected or inhaled, it may result to overdose or death. * Seizures are also common among individuals who are taking Tramadol. A person is more likely to experience seizure when he has a history of alcohol / drug addiction or metabolic disorder.

About the Author

Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is a web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. Choose Variety of High Quality Medicines at {a href=" http://www.americapharmacyworld.com/ourproduct.html "}Online Medicines Enjoyed Reading this article? More here: {a href=" http://www.americapharmacyworld.com/articles.html "}Pharmacy Articles

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The Risk of a Stroke During Plastic Surgery

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An Unspoken Concern

While most plastic surgeons will outline the risks of having an elective surgical procedure performed, very few tend to speak directly to the issues regarding safety and post operative complications. Often, a surgeon will make a general statement regarding the risks of surgery, such as, "All surgery carries risks which includes, bleeding, infection, difficulty breathing, swelling, clotting, and other illnesses in a small percentage of patients," and then move directly into talking about the benefits of the procedure. Patients need to inform themselves of the actual risks associated with cosmetic surgical procedures, especially the risk of a stroke or cerebral vascular accident (CVA). As a physician, I understand that there is no value in frightening our patients without cause. Yet I still firmly believe that patients should never be too quick to decide on an elective surgical procedure without fully realizing the potential for devastating complications.

Patients and physicians alike need to recognize that most patients who are receiving some sort of cosmetic care are generally considered to be healthy individuals. Thus, neither patient nor physician is necessarily ready for the onset of a complication. This fact alone can make a complication much more serious than if the very same complication arose during a medically necessary procedure. For instance, even during a routine knee surgery, physicians do not see their patients as completely healthy, and are more guarded against the onset of blood clots or other risk factors for stroke.

While the approximated one to two percent of cosmetic surgery patients who will experience a stroke seems like a very limited number of patients, the effects of these strokes can be devastating

Who is at Risk?

Few patients really consider themselves at risk for a possible stroke because they associate the condition as an event that occurs to people over the age of 55. While in some cases age does bear a factor, it is far from the determining factor of a stroke. In fact, a healthy 65-year-old woman can be less likely to have a stroke than a 35-year-old woman who is undergoing invasive cosmetic surgery. Patients should understand the causes of a stroke in a post operative environment in order to assess more realistically their level of risk. However, as a physician I can testify to the fact that sometimes there simply is no way to ascertain why a stroke occurred for one individual and not for another with the same health history, the same risk factors, and the same surgical procedure.

Most post operative strokes occur when a blood clot dislodges, which typically occurs in the lower section of the body. This blood clot then travels through the body and may lodge itself in the brain or more commonly the lungs. This action of a blood clot traveling through the body post surgically is commonly referred to as an embolism and usually arises from a larger blood clot that usually forms in the lower body known as a deep venous thrombosis or "DVT". DVT is a prime concern for surgeons, and can be considered a precursor to a stroke.

Understanding the Potential Danger

Blood clots generally become trapped in either the lung or the brain when they break free from other parts of the body. When the blood clot becomes caught in a blood vessel in the brain, it results in a CVA or stroke. When it becomes trapped in a blood vessel in the lung it is known as a pulmonary embolism or PE. Either condition is life threatening and can carry serious consequences.

While blood clots and strokes are a significant risk for all patients having any type of invasive surgery, plastic surgeons run into a unique scenario that generally makes it a little more difficult for our patients to get treatment and help in a short amount of time. Incidents of blood clots and stroke can happen anywhere between several hours post operatively up to about ten days after surgery. Thus, these incidents rarely occur within a medical environment and usually happen at home. Patients who remain in the hospital or a medical center after a medically necessary procedure are more likely to have these incidents in the hospital.

Patients, who are going to experience a cosmetic procedure, or any type of surgery for that matter, should familiarize themselves with the general symptoms of post surgical pulmonary embolism or stroke. Symptoms that include shortness of breath, chest pain, disorientation, and sometimes even a sense of altered mental status are likely either to be related to a pulmonary embolism or a stroke. Patients and physicians alike should also understand the basic risk factors for these complications and prior to a surgical procedure. While there are still studies being conducted, which will help determine a patient's risk level in the future, there are some pretty basic factors, which point to a likely candidate.

Risk Factors For Patients

Women are more likely to experience these types of complications than men, as are smokers. There are numerous medications, which place patients at a higher risk for postoperative blood clots, including but not limited to hormone replacements and birth control pills. Weight plays a significant factor as does the level of activity the patient generally participates in. Patients who generally lead a sedentary lifestyle are at a higher risk. Obese patients are at an even higher risk. Increased age and a previous history of deep venous thrombosis are more obvious risk factors. Patients who have a current diagnosis of cancer are at a particularly high risk.

Reducing the Risk Factors for Safer Surgery

Whenever a patient is booked for surgery in my practice, I always insist that they have a medical clearance by an internist to help determine their general risk level for elective surgery and the possibility of medical complications, which includes the risk of abnormal blood clotting. I also take into consideration the type of surgery that I am performing on the patient. In general, surgical procedures that have a longer operative time and involve body contouring carry a higher risk than those that are minimally invasive and are performed on the head and neck. The internist will review a list of current and recent medications, as I do myself, and will verify that the patient is physically fit to tolerate the procedure that is desired. There are still no guarantees, but knowing a patient's medical history, their obvious risk factors, and having a second pair of eyes look over the same information that I am presented with, ensures that I am taking all possible precautions.

I also use something known as pneumatic compression boots for every patient undergoing any surgical procedure and I urge other physicians to do so as well. These boots are able to keep the muscles of the lower extremities moving in a fashion similar to walking, which can help prevent blood clots. I insist that my patients carry on an active lifestyle, to help prevent DVT formation and to directly assist with both preoperative and postoperative care. Proper positioning in the operating room allows for additional prevention of blood clot formation as well.

Physicians and patients need to understand that the potential for serious complications related to cosmetic surgery can be devastating. Knowledge is power and education can help reduce the number of blood clots and such rare but devastating complications as strokes that occur after surgery. With current research and education practices, we should be able to reduce the number of post operative strokes and blood clots over the coming years.

About the Author

Dr.Robert Silich is a New York board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice. Robert Silich MD is Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Cornell University Medical College and specializes in all areas of aesthetic surgery with particular emphasis on facial rejuvenation and minimally invas

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Diagnostic in children - better diagnostic to!


John King was notified by the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners that it has recommended that his license be revoked. the Jewish Holocaust, "ethnic cleansing" in former Yugoslavia). According to Kabbalah, one principal flaw stands behind all of this human egoism. (TASE:BRIN) has reported positive results in the final testing stage of testing of its non-invasive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment for depression.

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Health-and-Fitness Article Source: http://www.eArticlesOnline.com

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How Many Different Types Of Headaches Can One Experience?


Several people have been known to experience different types of headaches at different times in there life so it is important to get the correct diagnosis by keeping a journal of the event and time that the headaches took place. Tension headache are widely believed to come from to much anxiety and stress in your life so make sure and put in your journal any related stress or anxiety attacks and try and minimize your stress levels. Sometimes headaches are separated into vascular, muscle contraction (tension), traction, and inflammatory types of headaches.

Check out the list below of the most common types of headaches:

Headaches: The problem today is headaches have become so common to many that they are just a part of everyday life. Headaches occur very regularly, usually at the same time each day, and they often keep a person up during the night. They can sometimes affect young children and even babies, causing them to become cranky and fussy. Various headaches can be caused by having high blood pressure, which causes pressure on the blood vessels and circulatory system throughout the body.

Tension headaches: Many refer to these as the chronic daily headaches and are the most common type of headaches among adults and adolescents. These muscle contraction headaches cause mild pain and come and go over a prolonged period of time.

Migraines: Doctors are still unsure of the causes of migraines, although they are related to blood vessel contractions and other changes in the brain as well as inherited abnormalities in certain areas of the brain. Migraine pain is moderate to severe and can last from 4 hours to 3 days and usually occur 1 to 4 times per month. Migraines are associated with symptoms such as light sensitivity, noise, nausea or vomiting and upset stomach or abdominal pain. They are vascular in origin, and may be preceded by visual disturbances, loss of peripheral vision, and fatigue plus they can be provoked by changes in your environment, such as menstruation, emotional stress, significant weather changes, lack of sleep, or even the opposite-too much rest (vacation migraine).

Cluster headaches: These are the least common, although the most painful type of headache. The pain of a cluster headache is intense and may be described as having a burning or piercing quality that is throbbing and constant. Many people say the pain is so severe that they cannot sit still and will often pace during an attack. Many times the pain is located behind one eye or in the eye region, without changing sides. Cluster headaches occur one to three times per day during a cluster period, which may last 2 weeks to 3 months and have been found to be more frequent in smokers than non-smokers.

Sinus headaches: Many sinus headaches are brought on by allergies, hay fever, cold, dry weather and anything that adversely affects the sinus cavity. Taking sinus headache medicine is the best solution since it has an ingredient to help drain the sinuses and relieve the pressure that causes the pain. Sinus headaches are associated with a deep and constant pain in the cheekbones, forehead or bridge of the nose. The pain usually intensifies with sudden head movement or straining and usually occurs with other sinus symptoms, such as nasal discharge, feeling of fullness in the ears, fever, and facial swelling.

The most common types of headaches usually are not serious but may occur again and again over a long period of time. There are several different contributing factors that lead to the development of tension headache, migraines, cluster headaches and sinus headaches and most likely you fall somewhere in between these types of headaches. For more information please visit www.yourheadacheremedy.com.

Alyssa Nair has written articles on natural headache remedies and how to stop them before they start. Read the helpful tips and advice about stress, anxiety, depression and headaches plus check out the free online chat room.

Health-and-Fitness Article Source: http://www.eArticlesOnline.com

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Can An Apple Hold the Secret to Luxurious Hair?

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By: Andrew Stratton

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"………. But did you know that apple can help in hair growth too? Research proves that apple consumption appears to promote hair growth.

According to Japanese researchers, apple polyphenols or procyanidin B-2; a substance found in apples is highly effective in hair regrowth. Tests conducted on humans especially on male baldness have given positive results proving that procyanidin B-2 is the key to a head full of hair. procyanidin B-2 is available in capsule and liquid form.

procyanidin B-2 capsules may not be easily available in India but it surely is present in the apple. So start having an apple a day and keep the baldness away. Remember that apple skin, especially baby green apples skin; is a good source of procyanidin and a natural way of getting procyanidin into your system to promote hair growth.

If eating is not so appealing or apples are not available, then apple cider vinegar too can be used to promote luxurious hair. The Lack of potassium results into hair losses. Apple cider vinegar is loaded with potassium.

It has been proved that Apple Cider Vinegar when taken internally can be the best beauty aid you ever need. Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural remedy that helps maintain your scalp and skin Ph balance. It stimulates hair follicles to encourage the growth of healthier hair. Make sure you incorporate apple cider vinegar into your body-care regimen and you’ll soon see the benefits.

Some of the ways apple cider vinegar can be taken are:

Start each day by drinking a glass of water with 4 teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar and honey. One can also take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with or in between meals. If this taste is not palatable, then one can use apple juice. Mixing it with grape juice will make it taste like wine. One can also add some lime- juice to ACV and water. Apart from aiding in hair growth, this would also aid in weight loss.

Use a cup in your bath as the final hair rinse. This results in much shinier hair and don’t worry about the smell, it fades off in sometime. Use approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup apple cider vinegar diluted with about 1/2 cup water. Shampoo and rinse first and then pour on the vinegar. Let it sit about a minute and then rinse out the vinegar and then rinse very well. When used once a week, it results in thick, healthy, shiny hair.

Apart from aiding in hair care, drinking ACV would also aid in weight loss. Now that’s like killing two birds with one stone!!!!

No wonder many call apple cider vinegar as the "Wonder Drug".

An apple a day keeps the doctor away but did you know that it aids in hair growth too? Research has shown there are various ways of using apple or its forms to maintain a healthy crop of hair. Apple cider vinegar, made from apples, is an amazing hair tonic. Visit: http://www.naturalhairgrowth.net. Please add your inputs on Natural Hair Growth Blog.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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DIM - The Key In Preventing Estrogen-Generated Cancer in Both Sexes


Did you know for decades the FDA has allowed estrogens in your food?

Sure estrogens may preserve our food, kill insects and make farm animals grow big and fat incredibly fast. But these benefits are for the food producer but neglect your health the consumer.

In women, this excess amount of estrogen causes anxiety, worsens premenstrual symptoms and increases risks of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and breast cancer. It's also responsible for the dramatic worsening of menopause symptoms in modern times.

For men, the excess amount of estrogen relentlessly signals their prostates to grow. It causes feminization, weakness and fatigue and worsens the loss of virility that occurs with age. It appears to be nature's plan to gradually withdraw masculine capabilities as we grow old. But now men are living longer yet losing virility younger than ever. This combination of trends is creating a whole generation of "avirile" tired old men. And some of them aren't that old. The fast pace of this trend occurring in younger and younger guys is alarming.

If I look at the list of clients I saw last week, I'll bet at least 10 had problems related to excess estrogen. For some the level was so high and the medical consequences so severe that prescription medications were necessary and those clients were referred to their primary physicians. (The pharmaceutical industry developed these medications to treat estrogen-dependent breast cancers.) But for most, I used a nutritional solution.

This nutritional solution is the same one I've been using for years, it's safe and simple.

The first step to combat your involuntary dosing with estrogens is simply to eat more "crucifers". Crucifers are a group of vegetables including broccoli, Brussels's sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage.

When you eat a vegetable like broccoli, your body breaks down the broccoli's glucobrassicin into a compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C). I3C plays an active role in flushing your body of cancer-causing chemicals. I3C is naturally broken down in your digestive tract to DIM (diindolylmethane). DIM is a key to prevent estrogen-generated cancers in men and women.

DIM clears rogue steroids into your urine. These steroids cause cancers to grow in both men and women. Breast, cervical, and prostate cancers all fit this scenario. We have known that these cancer cells grow slower in the presence of DIM for several years. Many animal and human studies have focused on breast, uterine, and cervical cancer. All have had positive results. Cancer cell growth slows down when introduced to DIM.

But the most impressive result is from a recent Journal of Biological Chemistry. University of California, Berkeley researchers discovered that when DIM was administered to prostate cancer cells, they stopped growing. And the cancer cells were reduced by 70%.

The most natural way to get DIM is through eating cruciferous vegetables. They have an abundance of I3C, vitamins, and other nutrients. Try to eat cruciferous vegetables at least daily. I find this easy to do if I plan my meals ahead of time.

You can also take DIM as a supplement. I usually start clients with a 100 mg DIM capsule. 2 capsules can provide the DIM equivalent to a pound of vegetables. DIM can be purchased at your local health food store or online.

Dr. Ron has been teaching individuals for the past fifteen years on how to allow their own bodies to repair themselves though the use of good nutrition, Rife Frequencies, EFT's Qi Gong, and the use of simple laws of attraction to have and maintain excellent health and well being. Feel free to call Dr. Ron for a consultation 619-697-6376.

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Quick Overview on Birth Control Methods


It is quite common today for sexually active men and women to use birth control methods or contraceptives for protection and pregnancy prevention purposes. Even young girls and teens are also using contraceptions, that is, of course, with consent from their parents and doctors. Indeed, contraceptions really paved the way to a more responsible and convenient way of family and pregnancy planning.

Some of the known birth control options are applicable to both men and women. Majority of these contraceptions are reversible, while others are permanent. Contraceptions also have different variations and are classified into different categories. Categories of birth control are hormonal, barrier, natural, withdrawal, and sterilization.

Determining which one works best for you

It is very important for you to become aware of the different categories and methods of birth control in order to determine which one works best for you. Take note that majority of the birth control methods, particularly the prescription ones are very efficient means of preventing pregnancy, but these do not really protect you from acquiring sexually transmitted diseases. Hence, if you are thinking of using any form of contraception, consider not only the failure rate of the varied options available, but also their capacity to protect you from serious transmitted illnesses.

The following are the different categories and descriptions of birth control methods:

1. Hormonal methods

Hormonal methods are administered in either of the following forms: implant, ring, or patch. These forms of birth control methods contain progesterone or estrogen hormone, thus, preventing conception.

a. Pills

These are taken daily, depending on the prescription and recommendation of the gynecologist.

b. Lunelle and Depo-Provera

Depo-Provera is an injection performed by medical specialists, which prevents pregnancy for only a couple of months. Lunelle, on the other hand, is also an injection treatment that prevents conception for only a month.

c. Birth control patch

This is placed directly on a woman's skin. The patch is placed on the buttocks, upper arm, and hip of a person to release the hormones that are sticked on the patch's edges. About four weeks of using the product, menstruation resumes.

2. Barrier

a. male condom

The male condom, which is regarded as the most typical type of barrier contraception method, is basically made from latex rubber material that is inserted into an erect penis before the intercourse.

b. Female condom

A condom for woman is a six to seven-inch long polyurethane pouch that has two flexible rings. It covers the vaginal canal and the cervix. The condom is inserted in the vagina before the intercourse.

c. Cervical cap

A cervical cap is like a small cup that is made from plastic or latex rubber. This is filled with a spermicidal jelly or cream that is then inserted and placed over the vagina's cervix.

3. Withdrawal

In withdrawal method, the man is expected to remove his erect penis from the vagina before he ejaculates. The withdrawal method is probably the least efficient type of birth control method.

4. Sterilization

In female sterilization, it involves the surgical closing of the fallopian tubes. Meanwhile, the sterilization procedure for the male is called vasectomy, wherein it involves the surgical closing of tubes carrying the sperm.

About the Author

Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. Choose Variety of High Quality Medicines at {a href=" http://www.americapharmacyworld.com/ourproduct.html "}Online Medicines Enjoyed Reading this article? More here: http://www.americapharmacyworld.com/articles.html Pharmacy Articles

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The Dyslexia Types - Naming the Heads of the Many-headed Beast!


By Jorge Chavez

The term 'dyslexia', from 'dys', meaning wrong or problematic and 'lexia' pertaining to words and letters, literally refers to any type of problem in reading. But in medical definitions and common usage the term dyslexia is used to refer to any of several different classes of problems in processing images and sounds.

For clarity of diagnosis and reference these classes of problems are sorted and grouped into various "dyslexia types".

Specifically, dyslexia refers to systematic neurological difficulties in processing images and sounds into useful understood data. The eyes may see fine, but the brain cannot easily decipher the signals it receives from the eyes regarding written words and translate that into the corresponding sounds of spoken words.

There are several different dyslexia types, different classifications of the nature of these translation and interpretation problems.

The most prominent and best known dyslexia types are:

Surface dyslexia. The symptoms of this form manifest themselves as systematic mistakes in going from the written word to the pronounced word. This is particularly apparent in various area where the English language has rules of pronunciation that are inconsistent.

For example, "jowl" might be read as though it rhymed with "bowl", "furlough" might be read as though it rhymed with "tough" or "petty" could be read as though it rhymed with "pretty".

Phonological dyslexia. Symptoms are an inability and failure to grasp and master the phonic nature of the English language. Individuals with this form have severe problems reading new or nonsensical words. This is because they cannot grasp the linkage between the individual sounds or phonemes of the spoken word and the individual or grouped letters on the printed page.

Double-Deficit Dyslexia is the name given to the condition of those individuals who have both Surface Dyslexia and Phonological Dyslexia.

Auditory Dyslexia and Visual Dyslexia both originate from the magnocellular theory of dyslexia. This theory is based on the belief that dyslexics have neurological weaknesses in the magnocellular cells of the area of the brain known as the thalamus. This specific area is where rapid processing of visual and auditory information takes place.

Studies have shown that dyslexics apparently do have weaknesses in their visual and auditory processing. But while these weaknesses may stem from the same area of the brain, they are not uniform or balanced; they are not present to the same degree.

As a result, these two dyslexia types are closely related. For example, a child with poor hearing skills but with average visual skills may be diagnosed as having Auditory Dyslexia, whereas one with poor visual skills but average hearing may be diagnosed as having Visual Dyslexia.

Then finally, there is Orthographic Dyslexia. Orthography is term applied to the set of symbols or letters that make up a language. In English and other European Languages this is the 26-30 or so letters of the alphabets of the specific languages. In Japanese, Chinese or other oriental languages it covers thousands of different characters and symbols.

And so Orthographic Dyslexia relates to problems in identifying and manipulating letters and/or symbols in reading, writing and spelling.

For additional information about dyslexia types, causes, and testing procedures, follow the links below...

For more detailed information about the dyslexia types and the symptoms of dyslexia and how to test for it, visit: Dyslexia Types
For information about adult dyslexia testing (that you can do from anywhere), visit: Adult Dyslexia Test|Home Dyslexia Test
Jorge Chavez is a researcher, analyst and writer at http://overcoming-dyslexia.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jorge_Chavez

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