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Hypoglycemia: A Disease?


By: Phil Bate

Hypoglycemia - A Disease?

I got an email from an MD who has been recommending my Neuroliminal Training. She was concerned because two persons told her that they had experienced panic/anxiety attacks using my Neuroliminal Training SMR CD package.

My first reaction was to "blame" the Hawthorne Effect, but upon some further thought, I realized that there was another probability. Or, perhaps, there’s a coincidental combination of two "effects".

I found out years ago in my orthomolecular practice the major cause for panic/anxiety attacks (and for anger/rage in men) is the hypoglycemic "dip" in blood sugar that occurs about 3 to 5 hours after a high carb meal. Of course, this reaction is very INDIVIDUAL, and can even vary from day to day (or meal to meal) for the same person.

Years ago, while in practice, I picked some oranges out of a tree in my yard, squeezed them into a 16 ounce glass, and had that as my breakfast. 3 hours later, in my office, I suddenly had my first (and only) panic/anxiety attack. I almost passed out, and thought it might be a heart attack, but there was no chest or arm pain. My office manager was very worried. I lay down, and several minutes later it passed.

When I was able to think clearly again, I realized that it was a hypoglycemic "dip" or "episode". A few years ago, I became a Type II diabetic. (Yes, I’ve always been addicted to sugar!)

Hypoglycemia is very misunderstood, and the AMA doesn't consider it even as a "disease". You know what? They're right! It's NOT a disease, but it can cause some very severe symptoms. It’s the way we were designed that doesn’t work so well with our modern cultural diets. Let's discuss just two of the worst symptoms!

1. Panic/anxiety attacks: Since the brain uses both oxygen and glucose (blood sugar) for fuel, if it runs low on either, a major reaction is panic, particularly in women. (Some women become depressed with low blood sugar.) Again, INDIVIDUALITY is a major factor. Some people are able to avoid this point by "sensible" eating that avoids this point. Many others have better defense systems for converting other body "stuff" into glucose quickly.

This means that there aren't a large percentage of people in the world that have many anxiety/panic attacks, but for those that do, they are very frightening, and can be actually dangerous.

2. Undifferentiated anger. This occurs primarily in men. It's one of the "defenses" against that hypoglycemic "dip". The first defense is release of adrenaline. This causes the "fight or flight" response, and stored glucose is released to the blood to ready for whichever you might need to do.

The second level response is to start transforming hormones into glucose, in men, this is testosterone, and in women, estrogen. (Related to both depression and panic/anxiety).

The combination of adrenalin and testosterone MAY result in what is called "undifferentiated anger", that is, rage or anger for no good reason. Of course, since we are "rational" people, we will find an "excuse" for this rage/anger, but it is not really rational at all to an observer. (How about "spousal abuse", "road rage", "bar fights", etc - How many killings?)

A good symptom to observe to see if a man is fairly subject to this particular problem is to see if he "changes" personality when he drinks. Another in young boys are rage "fits" without a good reason.


1. Carry a ziplock bag at all times with a mix of nuts and raisins in a 5 nuts to 1 raisin. Never let more than 2.5 hours go by without taking a small handful to eat. This gives some "fast" sugar from the raisins, and slower sugar and protein from the nuts. This is the best method for all persons who know that they are prone to hypoglycemia.

2. Eat many small meals every day (including the above "snack") instead of just the "standard" 3 meals. An apple, or a banana, or other fruit, or a hardboiled egg can be a meal. In other words, keep your blood sugar as level as possible.

For an explanation of why the orange juice affected me so much, and how the sugar processing system in humans works, there’s a webpage devoted to this.

Good luck and good health.
Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist Inventor of Neuroliminal Training solving ADD/ADHD/Autism, depression, insomnia, etc http://drbate.com/Ref/hypoglycemia.htmlhttp://DrBate.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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