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Indigestion Remedy

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by Grath

Rubbing your abdomen after meals is one of the simplest, most effective natural remedies for digestive system problems. It enhances digestion and absorption of nutrients and is a useful indigestion remedy when you eat too much or too quickly. Rub your hands together to warm them up, then place one on top of the other on the right side of your abdomen next to your belly button. Rub in circles around your belly button and entire abdominal area for 2-3 minutes.

The cardinal remedy for dyspepsia is light food; it would be matter if the patient takes to fasting for 24 hours and then takes to easily digestible, natural food. Fats and condiments must be avoided. Bland food, mostly vegetables cooked in water, juicy fruits and buttermilk (churned curd with water added) should be taken. Condiments and seasonings make food more palatable and there is the ever-present risk of over eating, which has, in the first instance, given birth to dyspepsia.

If you are looking for an acid reflux herb, there are many. Chamomile, meadowsweet, fennel and ginger root are commonly recommended. When focusing on an herbal cure and acid reflux relief, herbalists look at what is known of traditional medicine and traditional medicinal plants. An acid reflux herb may be a common food herb, which poses no danger for long-term use, but their effectiveness has not been proven. As with an acid reflux homeopathic remedy, what works for one person may not work for another.

Aron Wallad created better health in his life using natural herbs... He has dramatically decreased his blood sugar level by more than 35% using a 47 year old remedy that consists of over 250 natural herbs. His skin has improved using the same alternative natural product. He also stopped smoking cigarettes using some Chinese herbs 12 years ago.

Belleric myrobalan is the extremely potent component of Triphala choorna, which is known as bahera. This is a wonderful carminative. It solves problems of diarrhea and indigestion. It can also be taken in case of intestinal worms, which could be a reason for indigestion.

Ginger ale has been long used as a home remedy for heartburn. Warm ginger ale works best, but even cold ginger ale can help ease your symptoms. You can eat black licorice or take DGL tablets as well. If you decide to go with the tablets, take two at least 20 minutes before you eat a meal that you know will cause significant heartburn symptoms.

Indigestion might be caused by a disease in the digestive tract such as ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but for many people, it results from eating too much, eating too rapidly, eating high-fat foods, or eating during stressful conditions. Indigestion accompanied by smallness of breath, sweating, or pain radiating to the jaw, neck, or arm.

Bloating is the feeling of having a full stomach. If you feel that your stomach is near to the point of bursting, then it could be due to indigestion. Nausea. After a meal, there may be times when you feel nauseated as if you want to vomit. This nauseous feeling may also be accompanied with dizziness as well. If you vomit blood, then indigestion is not the cause and you need to be seen by a physician.

Read about improve digestion . Also read about skin care supplement and digestive supplements

About the Author

Read about World no1 site AyurvedicCure.com also refers exercises, massage, aroma therapies as one of the home remedies.

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